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And virtually no-one in the path of the cloud even knows what radiation is.




You need to correct the text: a megaton is one million tons of TNT, not one thousand tons (that would be a kiloton). If they got a multi-megaton blast, they skipped over simple single-stage implosion devices like Fat Man and went to full two-stage devices, and probably made the same mistake as Castle Bravo (not realizing 7Li will take part in the reaction better than 6Li). Also, you may want to scale down the size from hundreds of megatons to tens of megatons - Castle Bravo was 15MT when it was expected to be 6MT. Tsar Bombe was 50MT, and at 100MT, the explosion will punch out of the atmosphere and most of the force will go out into space.

Sashi Williams

*Sighs softly* so much for that really interesting story line ( to me anyway) of how Herman the rat was doing great things heading toward a somewhat better government.. and more so, gonna miss Max Solomon.. LOVED him with the Mink Story line.. loved him a LOT! ( sorry sweet sir, but this turn seems, again "to me" to be a massive downer on that furry uinverse)


I believe it was already established that this was a different ram and not Max Solomon.