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Same applies for our world, although I dunno if our little cadre of oligarchs are "evil", so much as greedy, short-sighted and/or heedless. As ever, it's the results that count.



Garry Stahl

I'm chaining you the the drawing table, I WANT MORE!

Paul Lenoue

Hmmmm... between Mink's "healing" magic and Max's smarts, they could probably create a few strains of lab meat that would be easier to grow, taste and have the mouth feel of the real thing. That would resolves a _lot_ of social issues and make them so rich they could buy out the cabal.

Perfesser Bear

That's an interesting direction, but think of this: what <i>else</i> might come out of that lab? More enslaved clones, and the Mink is right back where she started, with a bunch of abused adult children.

Perfesser Bear

And now the principals have devined the bones of the Cabal's intents. Evil? <i>Mmmaybe.</i> Self-serving? For certain.


Well lets see, it's unlikely she could trick them like she was able to with Max the first time around. Sure if she could actually get to them she could alter their memories but that's also relatively unlikely without Max helping her potentially more than he would be willing to. Lets just assume none of them could even learn her abilities, it being an either you have it or you don't scenario. Trouble is I currently can't think of anything she could do that could satisfy them in the long or short term aside from just outright joining their order, if they would even allow that. Quite a puzzle.