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One good thing about finally figuring out the free vs. paid posts on Patreon, is that I can put up stuff like the sketch here, without busting my kind patron's budgets. This one's from a current project, "Gran'pa Jack", issue #9. Check out www.jpfo.org for previous issues.



Paul Lenoue

So knowing how to kill with automatic weapons will save you from a nazi police state? How about voting _against_ people who are trying to turn this country into a police state, even if they're the ones who are trying to push guns on everyone? While you're painting mental bullseyes on imaginary jack-booted thugs, _real_ bad guys are winning _real_ elections by fanning the flames of paranoia and fear. And comics like this help them... a lot. Any chance you could go back to silly fun instead of misguided fear mongering?


Well, I CAN do both. The above is work for a client, and I try to provide what the client wants. One wants to illustrate the reasons why Jews (& everyone, really) should learn how to shoot. Another wants Tina in a really tight uniform. I will admit I enjoy illustrating the latter a lot more....

Paul Lenoue

But the jews in germany _did_ know how to shoot guns, and knowing how to shoot doesn't prevent evil people from taking over. Knowing how to vote, on the other hand, _DOES_ prevent things like this from happening. I know making references to nazis means you've lost the argument, but consider this: they rose to power through the same fear tactics this comic promotes.