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Well, I've finished all the necessary basic references for this project. Some things have been corrected, some things have been added, for now, it's all good. I guess the next step will be working on the relationship chart and of course, the outfits... But that's for later! The other characters (for example, Selena) will now belong to a different SFW project, which I still need to work on and work on... Sadly, it's not possible to mix my SFW and NSFW projects/characters anymore because of publishing difficulties (NSFW is difficult to deal with)

I'm glad I finally made these references all at once because when I postpone it for later, the style changes, and there's no time or no inspiration. Besides, my characters can differ from drawing to drawing because I tend to forget what and how I planned initially xD 

In the next post, I will make a height chart and some more concepts



Chris T

I still love Mai, she's my favorite ❤️😍


Wow there was like one picture of Mai being the waitress (if I remember right) and now it's part of her backstory. I love SO MUCH artists who are connecting the dots and thus making character to their creation. For me that is sign of top tier artist. Well done


Love Kaylinas' design


God edgar is cute. We can't get a pinup of him fantazising about Vera and masturbaiting some day? :3, or honestly anyone. He's just so cute and I wanna see him pleassure himself.


characters who evolve and change in details is normal, we always want to make them more beautiful and pretty. the biographies concern your characters and the projects that you wanted to create (relationship and outfit table) give more credibility and make your universe more solid and deep, it is a magnificent work, great art. I'm happy to see Mai again and the magnificent Kaylina, damn her shapes... x3 I had thought that Kaylina had something more traditional or more down to earth when I saw her with her long braids, and I wasn't very far away I think from her biography :) It's great to read their biographies and their character traits which are linked with the different pin-ups you have drawn, as well as their lives behind the scene. your girls are all beautifully created and of different proportions, sizes and not simple copy paste. grandma if I have to admit that I have my favorites :D bravo for this superb work Iskra ;)


Your wording about Selena belonging to a different SFW project made me wonder, are all the characters in the current height chart now in the same sfw/nsfw universe together?


I just realised. Doesn't this mean Vera is a Size Queen? XD