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Seems like August is Katrina's month xD

This is my new comic for my golden+ patrons. New format: vertical, many panel-ed, and doesn't have sex scenes this time, but a lot of nice views. This comic will have just 6 pages, it's a short break before my new big erotic project! :)

Golden and VIP patrons will also receive: hi-res versions + pages 2 and 3 + WIPs of them + .psd project files of the comic pages! Archives will be sent out on 3rd of September. And yes you can see how Dash Ravo's sketch looks like before I ink it ^^ Something changes haha

OOF! This month was really busy, I hope you'll enjoy the archives C: I'll post the polls tomorrow! Now time to rest a bit...




Katrina being a manufacturing engineer wouldn't exactly work as the third page shows that she's a design engineer. That means that she designs and drafts the parts. I found the way you presented her at work, a little grumpy but not all that combative, interesting.


I'm curious to see if you ever draw her with a car. I am significantly shorter than Katrina, about 193 cm, and buying cars has always been a matter of seeing which cars I can fit into and then seeing which ones I like.