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This is my new art idea - making funny short 3-page comics of a simplified style instead of one of the monthly pinups! I will be trying it for the next 2-3 months and see if it’s a good idea! 2 more pages of the “Bra” short comic are planned for April! ^^

Some girls don’t like bras! And Katrina is among them. She’s hot enough not to wear any clothes at home! But her roommates don’t think so…

There are also a couple of funny sketches:

1 - This is me planning to participate a real life role playing game! I’m a Maid to the Duchess! However, I’m 30 cm taller than her xD

2 - And this is me and my beloved kitties :) 🐈 🐈‍⬛ 🐈




As a Veteran "Military Grade" or "Military Materials" just means made by the cheapest manufacturer XD .still funny none the less.

The Phantom of the Foxera

Oh my god that is too funny xD, cant believe they wont just let her have them hang free yaknow? She must have hell of a back workout for their size lmao