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And suddenly there's a radiant sunset xD Seems like the cleaning took more time than expected! I'll post a poll later, gotta invent some nice options for the next illustration C:

UPD: Fixed colours so it's not a sudden sunset anymore and fits the previous scene xD 




To be honest I don't get these risque but not explicit Vera pictures. They are not wholsome enough to enjoy wholesomly or show to friends but they are not explicit enough to get sexual enjoyment friend. I don't wanna be rude and obviously you can do what you want with your characters but I just find this approach lacking if I'm honest.


It's very cute for sure. Personally, I love the quirky situations and over the top reactions characters have in fan service situations, and I'm certainly curious how she (and those around her) would react to such a minor but cutesy unintended flash.


The sun is setting and the moon has come out! Very cute xD

Pandorasbox92 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-29 23:27:03 Very cute indeed. Ive always enjoyed her pure and innocent not overly sexualized type of characater. This is a great art piece, amazing lighting. Her obliviousness of exposing her panties makes it even better.
2023-03-29 13:45:01 Very cute indeed. Ive always enjoyed her pure and innocent type of character. This is a great art piece, amazing lighting.

Very cute indeed. Ive always enjoyed her pure and innocent type of character. This is a great art piece, amazing lighting.


The titles of the books are always so fun!



The Phantom of the Foxera

Im just imagining whoever is looking at her right now must be saying "nice"