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It's Vera and Edgar's turn to clean the class! Edgar is late put he's eager to help Vera (or at least look at her working!) Also, both characters are 18, they're not schoolchildren :p Poll comes soon~

Some art thoughts: while drawing this pinup I discovered Twitter images showing how good at art generation the AI is and how quickly it's improving. This made me feel amazed yet devastated - instead of usual happiness of drawing I felt "AI would do my work better, AI would do it way quicker and for free... Is it the end?" Of course I won't ever drop drawing the way I love it but seems like I already need to start learning something else :) And it feels weird: like many artists (despite the fact I'm not as good yet), I devoted myself to drawing - it's what what really interested me since childhood, it's what saved me during bad times and helped to express feelings; I spent years learning and practicing, every day I wake up and browse other's artworks to get inspiration, then I spend many hours putting love into each stroke of my pictures and when going to bed, I plan what I will create tomorrow! And now robots are doing a thing that was considered to be the most human thing: art creation. I know it must be great for most people but I needed to describe the feelings of an artist ^^ And what do you feel and think regarding the AI-generated pictures?




Amazing as always. And with that AI generated pictures. I personally think that these pictures will always lack something. And something very important. SOUL. It's pretty neat what it can do how fast it is. But people who know at least something about art won't see it the same. There will be only a result of a few minutes. But knowing that artist spend hours to make their art perfect is irreplaceable. They will see the path to the final result. Plus artists can share little bit of how they make their art or some are making streams where you can see it all. Sometimes it's smooth and easy process sometimes there's something that's hard to manage (like angle, proportion, etc). It also reflects time when you making it. Some art is really personal like after break up or wishes for birthday or Christmas. And THAT'S a soul. And even if the AI will get to wide market of artistry there will be people who will support their favorite artist. And at the end, like every other commodity handmade things are always more expensive and with art also more valuable. I wish you luck and a lot of nice art like this Iskra

Rick S.

There will be a time (and relatively soon i.m.o.), when not a single job is "safe" from being overtaken by AI. At first this might sound scary, and if we can't do it the right way it just might be, but if we're doing it right it might prove to be amazing: Just imagine not having to toil away your days at jobs you don't particularly like but instead have the freedom to do what you really like to do. For example: I do blacksmithing as a hobby (making knives and other stuff from junkyard-steel). Sure - the knives you can buy in a supermarket for cheap might be way higher quality and look way nicer, and yet I'm havin fun making "bad" knives and there are quite a few people who prefer those "bad" knives over the cheap machine-made ones (some even pay good money for the "worse" ones). So I see that as an absolute win. The most difficult part in that transformation might be the way wealth ist generated and distributed, as jobs like we know them might soon be obsolete. And there seem to be quite a few people around the globe who have serious issiues with any oher way to define the worth of an individual other than their workforce. (Which kinda makes me sad, but that's the way it is...) The transformation will be rough and there most certainly will be a fair share of personal drama involved, but we as a species quite likely will gain a lot by that.


Thank you very much for this opinion! After thinking about it for a few days I also felt like paying a real artist for their work feels way more special and brings way more happiness to me even if the picture I get isn’t perfect (I commission my fav artists sometimes, too). But I wondered if people who aren’t involved in art world that much feel the same


I’m not smart enough to give a thoughtful answer about the future of AI but I wish the most that it somehow helped people with dangerous or exhausting professions :)