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Another page... It's been half a year and I haven't completed even 10 pictures :l I guess that it's pointless to work on this project.




It's up to you to give it some kind of point or meaning! If it helps at all, it's been a hell of a long time since I saw what you put out of Sleepy Lake and I clearly remember what happened throughout it (and my memory tends to be bad, so even I'm surprised, lol). I'm always happy to see a new piece about it and its characters. I'll stick around your patreon even if you lose your passion for this project, but I wanted to give you my appreciation for it, as it's pretty much what brought me to you and your art. Best of luck and take care n.n


I like your project though. I'm happy you are able to pursue your ideas and dreams in art!


At least you are trying. The reason a lot of people never do their stuff is because they ..just dn't work on it. Hey.. how ablut this.. for the next several terms.. just work on pumping out these scenes.


One of my favorite things about your work is the consistency with all the characters. Its fun that theres a whole world that they all live in. It's not about the speed at which you make the comic pages. Please don't stop, take as long as it needs to finish this story but please don't quit! Its fun seeing these stories and getting fun little tidbits into the lore of the world you've made.