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Next year should be the last for the Beast animation project to conclude, but in order to meet that demand, I'll be aiming to do at least more than one scene per month as 12 scenes might not be sufficient (or just delay things for too long). I'll no longer be taking a week off every initial month and instead striving to make sure I reach the work quota before having any time off. I want this project done by 2024 so that we can move on to other works.

With that being said, people are insistent about having audio in the end product and I'm still a bit shaky on my capacity to add that to the final piece. Right now, my end goal is to at least have the entire animation uploaded in a video format in full 1920 x 1080 resolution without any audio included. That's not to say it's never happening and that it can come after everything has been finalized on the animation side of things but doing audio editing just means extending this project further and fatigue is setting in pretty hard right now.

What comes after the animation is still on the table. Patreon does help motivate me to get big projects like this worked on but I also worry the same effect will happen where I get very sick of doing the work over a long period of time. I hope everyone can understand that my goals for this site are motivated by baseline support rather than an end product every month. Yes, the Beast gifs are the main rewards but having the funding also lets me draw on my own time without any obligations, which I'll always post for free on social media.

We'll see where things go. I do still want to try working on stuff like mods, the dating sim or 3D stuff but I think projects like that work best when I don't have a ball-and-chain contract to get them done through Patreon alone. I also still want to animate, just NOT making an entire movie out of them. A storyboard and one more animated scene will be out for December before we really kick things into gear.



Personally, I prefer it without sound. Sound design is sort of an art form in itself, and I think not every animation needs it

Courteney Lamoreaux

In all honesty? I would say don't worry about adding audio. I know I was one of the people asking about it, but I was asking out of curiosity. I don't expect it, and I'm not going to "insist" on it either. If you include audio, you'll have to try and replicate Beast's voice (even if it is mostly just grunts, moans, and a few words here and there), finding adequate sound effects, and syncing the audio to the video, etc. I'm sure the MAJORITY of us will be more than ecstatic to see this project in a finished state; rather than having to subsist on being teased with the GIFs. Besides, anyone with even a halfway decent imagination that is familiar with the movie should be able to imagine the audio for themselves! I know I can. And on a related note: NO ONE gets to "insist" on you doing anything! This is YOUR work! YOUR project! If you want to take our input into consideration and decide to include something we suggest, okay. If not? That's okay too. If you *ask* for ideas/recommendations/suggestions, that's different. But don't let anyone pressure you into doing something out of a misguided sense of indebtedness. Just because we pay to see your work does NOT mean we get any say in the final result. Especially since you only charge a minuscule $4 for full access! Your work is good! No, it's better than good!! It's ***AMAZING*** !!! Anyone who would insist on anything most likely (although, I could be wrong in some cases) has no concept of exactly how much time and effort goes into something like this! Plus, the end product could be diminished if the audio ended up being of lesser quality. _______________________________________________________ Sorry for the length of this comment. I just wanted to make sure you're not getting overly concerned about what some of your Patrons think. I appreciate your desire to please, but in the end, you have the final say. Just do what you feel is best. It will be spectacular! That much is already plainly obvious!


new follower here! jumped on when i saw some loose gifs around the web. spectacular work so far!!! ive never seen muscle growth animation done as smoothly as youve got it. your other pieces are spectacular as well. that said, the animation alone is more than enough. dont stress yourself on audio dude, its loads(haha) hot on its own <3 keep up the good work!