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If anyone follows me on Twitter, then you might be aware that I'm developing some repetitive pain in my wrist. There's a chance it's carpal tunnel and it can get pretty bad on certain days. I'm looking into remedying it the best I can and the biggest thing I need to consider is spending less time using a mouse and computer. I'll still try getting some art in, resting my arm most of the day and then drawing what I can before it gets bad. I've ordered some splints for sleeping and I plan to do grip exercises down the line but if things don't improve, I might need surgery. Hopefully I can get this month's reward out in time.


Robert Smith

Focus on yourself- better the reward is late and you are healthy, than you hurt yourself- you are the priority :)

Kalos Kiryu

We’ll keep supporting you even through times you may not be able to do art <3


Have you thought about moving from the computer and to an iPad? Clip Studio Paint is on there and may help with your wrist mouse issues.


Your health is more important, dont stress over us we'll be fine without something being done on time.

Matty Burr

Take at least the next month off, if not longer. Your health and well-being is most important.


I feel a bit silly for announcing this right before looking deeper into some other possibilities. I'm still not ruling out the wrist problems as they were the first symptoms but today I've mostly been having pain in my neck and arm. This could mean I just have a pinched nerve, which from what I've read is pretty normal to experience. Joints will ache, parts of my body feel numb and sometimes sting which are indicators of this. It 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 heal in a few days or a couple weeks which is more reassuring than life-long wrist pains. To accommodate this, I've raised my monitors up to eye level so I'm not bending my head down to look at the screens. I'll still try using splints and stress ball exercises just in case my wrists DO have problems.


Do this as a challenge... Try doing some test art on the opposite hand, see what comes out. Why not?


We're behind you on whatever you wish to do! Your health is more important


I didn't mean that last post to trivialize you. I do hope you have a full recovery and you should take as much time as you need to do so. Full recovery = full function.


I know you have what it takes to beat this! You've got our support!


Dont overexert, health is top most important, chill for awhile.


Now, this comes from self experience, if your pain starts at the base of your neck, on the same side as your suffering hand and sometimes feel it just as a dull pain and others as a sharp pain going all the way down to your fingers, that might be cervical pain, the posture of the neck is important, its also called "the cellphone syndrome", you know the postures those thing makes us do. Also take notice of every little thing that strain your neck, even the pillow too fluffy can cause that pain, and i'll tell you my pain lasted a whole year until i changed my oversized pillow for an ergonomic one and in almost 2 days the pain disappeared. Imagine that, a whole year with a sharp pain from dawn to dusk, spent hundreds on physiotherapy that only mitigated the pain and all that needed a fix was a damn pillow 😂😂😂😑😑😑😑😑😑 worst year of my life so far


I do sleep with two pillows, mainly because they're so damn flat. I don't use both to support my neck though. I sleep on my side with one arm on top of one with the other pillow on top of that. I usually feel the best in the mornings. The pain starts to really become a problem when I've been sitting up straight all day.