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I've been asked by a lot (no so many actually haha) people about my Brushes that use to draw and paint, and i think it would be cool to post which brushes i use the most! Maybe later i'll show which brushes i use situationally too.

I consider the Oil paint flat brush i use for sketches and for the finished lineart on every work of mine, even the full render ones. The second brush, the Oil paint wet brush is like the brother of the previous one, but it's more solid and perfect to make objects.

For paintings with gradient colors, i use Flat oil this brush. It's texture is more "soft", but it can be PRETTY ANNOYING some times.

And the last one, but not less important, i use the danse watercolor brush to make flat colors, like fur and hair. It is great, even though it's a soft brush too

LINK : https://www.dropbox.com/s/xei98w0kjk7z5hx/Brushes%20Marlon.cores.rar?dl=0




I don't know if it's only me, but... It says the archive is broken so I cannot open it.😐😐


I will try to upload again and also leave a link to download in the dropbox