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Hello everyone!

Today i'd like to take some time to keep everyone updated on current events that have an impact on my Patreon. First up, thankfully while there are a few negative things for the most part things will keep ticking along and while the next month might be a tad slow on releases things should go back to normal in November.


Nothing serious on this front thankfully, I've simply had two infections in my mouth over the last few months and the solution will be to have both of my lower wisdom teeth taken out on the 14th of October. This of course means no work for a week or two afterwards (depending how I feel) and this of course affects the Patreon in a negative way with less working being done. However..

Full Colour World/Region Assets

As you might have seen in the title image Ive been working extremely hard over the last few months on finishing up my commitments to the Kickstarter, Project Deios. Which means a whole crap ton of assets for mapmaking!

In total, and roughly Ive designed/drawn around 2500-3000 assets from mountains, trees and cliffs to sci-fi domes, underdark cultures and creepy evil lairs.

These are not just coloured versions of my sketch assets (though I did use some of those as a base) These are twice the size and fully coloured mapmaking assets!

To bring anyone that doesnt know up to speed, Project Deios is the mapmaking software being made by Dungeonfog and its shaping up very nicely with a massive update coming out at the end of October. Now the super nice things about this, if you have no idea what I'm talking about, is that this affects patrons in a rather awesome way as will be releasing assets on either on my site or here on Patreon (I have to figure out how thats going to work) whenever Dungeonfog releases one of my packs on their end.

So when the big update comes out at the end of October (date to be finalised) I'll drop the following FIVE packs of mapmaking assets all at once!

Base Mountains

Base Cliffs

Base Compasses

Base Trees

Base Settlements

This will be a big drop for the end of a month that might seem pretty sparse but thats not all! Over the next few months Ill be releasing a mapmaking pack at the end of the month with a routine schedule. All of the settings for the Kickstarter will follow and to give you a rough idea on what those look like the following are just four of the packs Ive been finishing up!


Age of Sail

High Fantasy

Space Travel

There are a total of 11 settings packs that will come out all throughout the next year and a further 7 unique packs that are all designed, line work complete and fully coloured! (You might be wondering why I'm not -or why Dungeonfog is not releasing all these finished assets at once, and it's mainly because despite being finished by me they still need work like being split into PNG’s and file formats for Deios, which is a ton of work)

Slow Going

Completing this many assets over the course of 3 months (I started work on the Deios/Full colour map assets back in June) Has been a lot of work, and I mean a lot which has limited my work on Patreon stuff quite abit.

It's simply one of those things that I wanted to tick off my work list and while it's been very draining on me personally and I’ve relied on a bit of a backlog I had built up, it also meant that KTech has been working hard to keep things going. The token cards and other things she has been doing have all been amazing recently so I just wanted to make sure I said thank her publicly!

And also to reassure people despite having a slow few months and I'm taking some time off, KTech is still hard at work :)

Thank you all for sticking around and supporting my work, I think the content, with our tokens, assets, textures and other things just keep getting better and better and its all thanks to the people that support us here on Patreon! If you have any questions on any of the things I talked about today (or anything in general really) hop onto the discord and give me a msg! Have a great day wherever you are and a wonderful autumn season!




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