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Hello all!

This is the Master Post that contains the link to a google drive repository for my modern tokens going forwards! This is just for supporters on Patreon at the Artisan tier and above.

You can find the new google drive repository for the tokens right here:

Caeora's Tokens 

This link will change every now and then. (see the notes) This post is visable on my Front Page of Patreon and Main Master Post if you need to find it again.

A few things to note:

1. I’ve started this up mainly for people who come in asking for a direct download of everything I have to offer. I’ve resisted this for a long time as I felt there would be people signing up to the Patreon, clicking a few buttons and then cancelling their support. However, I’ve come to realise that not providing this kind of complete repository to people that genuinely do want to stick around is not a great option and you might be genuinely frustrated with the lack of options, like search or a gallery of sorts on Patreon. So, knowing where you can go to get the things you need for games is just a big plus for continued support.

2. This repository is only going to contain my modern content going forwards as it's much nicer for someone new to actually join up and use everything. Some of my older content is really, really bad and not up to my modern standards of creation using a 200px 5ft grid at 300ppi. Additionally, all my modern tokens have circle portraits, shadow and non-shadow versions and are made at heroic scale so you can make them smaller for more accurate games if you wish but if not they are super visible on a grid for gameplay. To put all that in perspective here is a comparison between a Lemure I made 3 years ago and one I made recently.

3. I will be changing the link to the google drive repository randomly, every month or so, (more or less, who knows!) as that way it won't get shared around as much. Even so, please don't share the link as this repository will contain the full list of my modern tokens going forwards even content locked behind tiers on Patreon.

4. The repository contains a few surprises that some of you might not have seen before, including tokens that I’ve made randomly and havnt had time to include in a pack release yet. Plus ALL the token cards ive made are included! Over time as I update my older content and make new content this will become fully fleshed out but until then if you would like to grab my older content check out the Main Master Post on Patreon that has links to each post.

5. Finally, this repository is going to be available for Foundry as a module very soon, hopefully by the end of the month and will be constantly updated. I’ll be splitting up my new content into a Foundry module of tokens and a module of assets. That way I’m not clogging up people's data usage for anyone using the Forge or another hosting provider and it should be easier to keep things organized!  

Thanks for reading all the notes, sorry about the wall of text!

Remember if you want to chat about any aspect of this post, get in touch via message, email or come and chat with me on my Discord I’m always around and happy to chat!

Thanky you so much for your support and enjoy the tokens! <3




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