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Hello everyone and happy spooky month!

Before I get into anything else, thank you so much for the wonderful birthdays messages from the last post! I’m also so happy everyone loved the tokens!

KTech is on Break Soon

As many of you know, my partner KTech works behind the scenes, sketching creatures and doing a bunch of token work and generally being awesome. She helps make content releases faster as well as getting that content out to everyone on social media. Unfortunately she is going to have one of her wisdom teeth taken out on the 13th of October and therefore will be taking the following two weeks off to relax and recover.

This means content might be a bit slower in the coming month or two but hopefully you wont see too much of a difference thanks to some collborations coming up and new projects being released as well!

With that in mind for a little while now we have both been working very hard to make a backlog of content for me to finish off and put out on my own. Most of which I’m showing off today in the post below!

One of the next big battlemap assets pack is going to be based on the Feywild! Full of big leaves, glowing orbs and plants with tons of different colours! The line art for this pack is done and ready for me to get started on the colours for and personally I think this one is going to be stunning!

Oh and Ktech is as I write this drawing some fae creatures for another pack to go along with adventures into the fae realm! :D

In the complete opposite direction we also have some lovecraftian creatures coming out, the line for these is also done and ready for me to colour. Most of these are just the easiest kinds of horrors to draw because honestly the monsters designs for lovecraftian creatures is pretty crazy but this should be an amazing pack as well!

After that, in time for halloween Im going to combine the old halloween pack and the riverwwod plants to make a fall/autumn pack for anyone running spooky fall themed maps this month! This might end up being the next pack that come out on the patreon simply because I know people would love all the time I can give them in order to use these in games that might be coming up at the end of the month!

This pack is not quite done yet however and there is still some space for extra assets, if you can think of anything to fill in some of these gaps let me know!

I’ve also got the basics down for the next sketch assets pack, though this is very early on in the process, I want to add tons more wall lengths and castle designs to this pack and of course lots of ruined walls bits and castles would be awesome additions as well.

This pack is also no where near done so if you have any ideas let me know in the comments or on discord!

Phew getting there…

Ive also been able to line art and get the baser colour done for two of the ship maps I posted in a sneak peek at the start of last month. These are ready to colour as well and even though you cant see in these displays, both ships also have a hold below the main deck. In fact each of these maps is multi layered and of course the cannons will be purely optional!

And thats about all im going to show for now, even though I have a few other things in the works in early stages right now!

Have a wonderful October everyone and see you in the next post!




Heiner de Wendt

Can't wait for these... currently have a group in the Feywild, and Eldritch Horrors always work 😁😁


For the Hallows Harvest Pack: - magic campfire, blue and green fire with sparks of magic, or a face in the fire - ancient /woodland altar, something that seems more natural but is used as an altar (more wiccan than sacrificial, though you could do a sacrificial one as well)


Wonderful suggestions, Thank you! I will adding these to the pack XD


Hallows Harvest Pack suggestion: - Fresh corpses (cut/bruised pale skin) - Rotten corpses - Withered corpses - Corpses - Bodies - Dead stuff - Animals too (dead)! 😇

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-11 16:05:21 Hallows Harvest Pack suggestions: -Sunflowers I love the piles of leaves on the ground as well. I assume you already plan on doing this, but getting the contrast of the oranges, reds, yellows, & greens in the trees and leaves. Im so excited for the upcoming packs!
2021-10-02 03:41:21 Hallows Harvest Pack suggestions: -Sunflowers I love the piles of leaves on the ground as well. I assume you already plan on doing this, but getting the contrast of the oranges, reds, yellows, & greens in the trees and leaves. Im so excited for the upcoming packs!

Hallows Harvest Pack suggestions: -Sunflowers I love the piles of leaves on the ground as well. I assume you already plan on doing this, but getting the contrast of the oranges, reds, yellows, & greens in the trees and leaves. Im so excited for the upcoming packs!