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Well this is a terrifying update to my little asset library :)

The basics for this pack were worked out a few months ago when I was working on the Grimbrand manor but now I've had the chance to sit down and work on these and include more detail... I'm so happy with how they turned out! 

There are a ton of great assets here including dead bodies, slime pool,statues from some of the player players in the Lovecraft Mythos and some very creepy additions to scatter around a battlemap!

Oh! And these in a seamless texture that fits this pack in the downloads as well!



David Ross

Soooo awesome! And perfect timing for my currently running mythos campaign! Great work!

James P

These are so awesome, love all of them. Any chance or a clockwork themed set? All your work is so detailed and amazing.

Kyle Maxwell

Your timing is impeccable for, ah, REASONS. >:)


These are perfect! For, um, REASONS as well. Actually, my players have been dealing with a Lovecraftian apocalyptic death cult for the past ten levels, and just killed off the cult's leader. But now, of course, the real challenge begins!

Gerard SERRE

Bravo très Cthulhu, continuez .


maybe tag this with Cthulhu, somehow? It doesn't come up under that search term. Looks sweet!