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Today, I’m putting up the last map I made for the blood grotto and releasing it for free, aongside a snow version and black & white version! I also I spent quite a lot of time on this one for a few reasons. 

Firstly, I always thought my village/town/city maps were good.. but lacked detail and I saw a few people on twitch using them not only as setting maps but also as battlemaps. Which is fine if you don't mind very small tokens and of course it gives you a huge amount of space. This is especially useful for higher level encounters.

Secondly, I needed to come up with something I was comfortable drawing for Project Deios and if you enjoy this map and think its really nice then good news! This is the base and level of detail that will be used! 

If you have joined my patreon recently and have not checked out the Blood Grotto setting that this from then you can now find it on DrivethruRPG. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/296801/Blood-Grotto 

It's about the same price as on my website (in fact it's a little cheaper) and buying it on there is super helpful because its more visible especially if you leave a comment/review

In other news I’ve been a bit sick recently which is why there have been no streams or videos but it's given me a chance to chill out and relax over the christmas period and recharge ready for next year :) 



Marcus Burggraf

Is there any chance the additional material as hinted at in the Blood Grotto could be made available digitally somehow?

Marcus Burggraf

Page 25 : "Wormford is the unfortunate result of hard deadlines! It was going to have more content in the setting but in order to get the PDF sent off to print, things had to be cut! However the map still made it in, alongside a short description so anyone using the setting to run a game can use Wormford if they need a small little hamlet to explore." I was wondering if that would ever appear in alternate form. No worries if not, love the map and PDF as it is, just curious as the setting has me wanting more.