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Oh boy this is a big one :D

I started this on stream with the grand idea to do a spooky abandoned manor for Halloween with custom line art rather than using the building material assets I created recently.. Well that has made a good looking map but it's taken me far longer to finish.

And this map is not done yet either, I need to fill it up with furniture before I colour it :D

I'm interested to know to what level of abandonment would suit this manor, I was thinking crumbling and only recently abandoned as this will allow me to put a large selection of furniture and detail in the rooms :)




Will it be available in layers? A Map layer and then a Furniture layer?

Gaëtan Perrault

I think the ideal would be "partially damaged". Like take out two big wall sections. Then put the furniture as a separate layer. That way DMs can have options representing the experience they want.


Darn the timing! My party in my biggest campaign just got through the creepy abandoned manor they'd finally reached


Looking nice, I hope we get a blank floor plan (without any furniture) as one of the alternates? (Since it would make for a very nice non haunted manor for fantasy games as well.

Marianne Rogers

How about that weird middle ground where it's not clear if it's been abandoned or not? There's nothing structurally wrong, there's nothing as bad as missing walls or doors fallen off their hinges. Just little disheveled parts that would not be tolerated at a well-kept manor house but you might see if the owner was frail and stopped bothering to keep up appearances. Floors are visibly grubby in frequently-traveled areas. Books are stacked around a favorite chair rather than put away neatly. The ballroom is completely unused and caked in a layer of dust. Dishes are dirty but it's just a few of them, nothing alarming. It's not "you need an intervention" mess, but "this is what happens when the servants all quit" levels of mess. I think I'm want my players to have to keep guessing if it's abandoned or not, wrestling with their own assumptions of what a clean orderly house looks like. My party's Ranger would insist that a teensy bit of mildew on the walls isn't a problem as long as it's green mold and not black, while my party's rogue would be constantly pointing out evidence that no one who actually owns such a grand house would allow it to be in disarray so it's clearly abandoned or they need to be wary of squatters. That's an idea for an alternate map: Squatter camp in the biggest room.