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Just a quick little update on my most recent map, this is a region map for a patron and I’ve drawn all of this digitally with a tablet instead of hand drawing it!

Doing maps purely with a tablet instead of a pen does have some advantages, especially for battlemaps and it also works well here. The recent switch was not really planned but has allowed me to speed things up a bit so I’ve embraced it head on for the time being :)  

However despite the ability to copy and paste some elements, the overall time on this map is still around 20-25 hours.

Annnd I’ve still not done any “detail” work on things like little rocks, grass, settlements and overall smoothing things out.. or the colour!




Looking very nice, I like how you draw the dunes!


This looks really nice. Can I ask what program you are using? I've just started drawing on a tablet and I'm trying to figure out what to invest in.