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Todays sneak peek is a first look at a new battlemap I'm calling the Raptor Ravine, its somewhat based on the jungles of Chult which will make Tomb of Annihilation players very happy! For a few months now I've been trying to create great looking jungle/rainforest maps. I don't think I’ve found anything else that really nails the look and feel, with undergrowth, strange plants, vines and colours. I tried sketching things over and over again until I came to the conclusion that in order for a jungle to look different from a temperate forest it needs to have three rules. 

The first is dense foliage with angular plants and ferns and twisting shapes

The second is jungles vines across the floor

The third is NO grass whatsoever. 

This was a particular difficult map to draw with tons of detail but I’m really excited to colour it and make it really exciting and inspiring for people to run an encounter! Oh and it's called the Raptor Ravine because of the dinosaur bones scattered about and the Velociraptor/Deinonychus token :D 



Chris Skuller

Ooh! That half of a Valve logo is going to inspire terror in my PCs! :-D I can't wait until they come across that! ;-)