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All of the village buildings I set out to do are now inked and ready for colour! This is going to be a really useful series for a bunch of people, and I can see myself printing these out and using them myself for encounters and settlements. In the picture below you can see the mill, library, top floor of the inn, mine and a tiny outhouse. I added the outhouse because let's be honest most village buildings and even towns won't have a working sewage system with indoor plumbing :)

In addition to the already quite well rounded list of buildings I was thinking about adding one final piece. I have a bunch of ideas about what it could be but generally I'm thinking there needs to be some kind of village center, which could be any number of things. So this poll is just to see what people think I should do as a centerpiece. Bear in mind I might do more of the top results in the future if the poll is split! 

Oh and finally, just after posting this, there will be a few changes to the discord server. I will be adding a DM advice channel for anyone that wants help or advice regarding setting up or running encounters, either using my maps or in general! There is also a new role just for the discord server called the DM advisor role which you can join if you want to chip in get involved helping other people in the new channel. Just ask me on the discord for the new role! :) 



Town halls are surprisingly rare in maps, considering that most towns should have them. A market is cool, but there are lots of other market maps out there already, so I vote for town hall. The whole thing is looking great, I'm looking forward to seeing the color version.


I think it's a super tough choice, but I went with the bardic college. It's unusual, for one, and two... a lot of these can be 'made' with beds and tables and chair assets in a building. Though the observatory was super tempting, too.


Town Hall, Hunting Lodge, Observatory in that order.


Between this project and the already existing tilesets: there's going to be enough resources to map out an entire continent pretty soon!