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This week I really worked on my world map game with a map for a patron! This has been a tough one to get right, undergoing a series of revisions and changes to arrive at this final version. This was one of the first things I was told about the map:

“Instead of continents and oceans, the land masses are made up of Spires. Topographically, they'd look like islands. From a side perspective, they are large mushroom-like platforms. Instead of oceans between them, there is a raging storm and torrential winds.”

While I’ve drawn more than a few world maps before I normally focus on battlemaps and always feel a little rusty when drawing things on such a large scale. And this map was so unique I had to try drawing it top down a few times before settling on this side on perspective. I also spent a large amount of time on the inking stage and the results work pretty well! 

In the end though I’m more than happy with it, and the colours really pop as well, I’ve included a plain ink version in the downloads so you guys can check it out and see the difference between the inked blank map and the coloured one. :)



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