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Almost done with... whew... last last week's Patreon winner lol, and I'm not happy that it's taken me this long to get around to it.

A few weeks ago, there was a death in the family and it messed me up a little more than I'd like to admit. That whole week left me feeling wrung out from all the activities, and when I returned, I thought I'd be ready to just hop into draws like usual. Not so much...

Hitting such a pursuit so hard is leaving me feeling a little drained and burnt out. That I still have commissions left and am behind on my Patreon projects feels awful, not to mention the fact that I haven't felt like I have the time or energy to pursue personal projects either.

That said, I'm gonna be changing things up a little. While I'll still be keeping up with weekly rewards and such, I'm not promising that I'm gonna move past a cleaner roughs stage. Maybe inks at most? I'll have to see. Maybe I'll avoid backgrounds? I don't know. I gotta change something up, though, at least until I can ease back into things. If this isn't to your satisfaction as a patron, I'll understand entirely if you feel like taking your pledge and going. It was a massive privilege having your support. If you're still sticking around, I'll appreciate it greatly as well. You guys have made this a fantastic experience, and I'm hoping that I can find a comfortable rhythm again soon.

I'll post the polls later tonight, along with the finished weekend piece. Maybe even a stream.


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