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If you have family in Vegas, I hope they're alright and safe. An unrelated family death hit me today and there's just been this general sense of personal malaise since the weekend. It's not been a good while.

That said, I'll hop right into everything in a bit. Gonna do the warmup doodles soon and then head into a stream to start inking the $10 piece and coloring the commission. I also hope to maybe finish the entirety of a new weekly piece to celebrate October's spoops. We'll see how it goes.

Patreon still hasn't gotten back to me on the charge upfront feature, which means I'm gonna be a little slower to finish the $10 piece, mostly because that's where the vast majority of the frauds have taken place. I super don't feel like putting it up to have people sign up, see it, and then delete their pledges.

As I finish it, I'll just send it directly to those still tiered $10 and up as of October. Gonna update the poll too. Let's get the voting started.


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