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If you were marked down under a Fraud or Declined payment status, get in touch with your bank or Patreon to get the status cleared up to continue seeing content on my Patreon.

I have no idea when the pay upfront beta is going to be live, but I'd prefer to be a part of it. During my first month of Patreon, I took pride in keeping up with my pledge promises. I've created weekly polls, updated several times a week with new work in progress art, and developed follow-up pictures on those polls. This month is just one of what I hope will be many to come. It is still my first time using Patreon, but I promise to continue to develop new content and find new ways to engage the community.

That said, as a smaller, newer content provider, it's pretty frustrating to see pledges appear and disappear within the same minute. It feels pretty damn bad to get optimistic about your artistic and professional progress, only to find just shy of half of your patrons had their payments marked down under fraudulent information.

I'm hoping it's an issue that does get resolved immediately, if there is something wrong here. As I said before, I hope to continue creating new content as often as I can, and I thank all of you for sticking with me on my journey. Gonna try to fight through this gentle depression and keep at it. 



How do we know if we were marked for fraud?


That I'm not sure, I think you can check under your pledges or you may have gotten a message or something. You weren't marked down, though.