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There's a new story up on BigClosetr.us for their 2024 New Year's contest. Per the rules of the contest, I can't post it here until the 14th. But, I'd like it if follow the link and read and, if you have an account there, comment there. Or comment here. I'll probably include the post here once I'm allowed by the rules.

I don't expect to win. There's already well over 100 entries. No idea how two judges are going to read them all in a reasonable time. There's no inanimate content in the story. Just a couple going to marriage counseling and a magic rock.

If I get my head together, I might have a second submission for the contest. A story with zero magic or science in it. Way outside my comfort zone.


Mike K

Loved the story idea. To be honest, I got confused midway through during the dinner scene. I am not sure who was having the affair.