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The sun had barely begun to rise over Xander’s house. He stirred, carefully stretching his muscular arms above his friends. Xander was an early riser, always the first to greet the morning with a smile. This morning was no different, despite the late night of superhero movies and playful banter with his friends, Paul and Justin. The house was still quiet, with the soft hum of the air conditioning the only sound that accompanied the early hour.

Xander blinked his eyes open, the remnants of sleep fading away as he stretched. He slowly and carefully rose from the couch, observing his still-sleeping friends. Justin and Paul were almost piled one on top of the other, not noticing Xander had escaped the pile. He softly chuckled and tiptoed past his friends, not wanting to disturb their sleep. They’d had a good night, so Xander preferred to let them rest a little longer.

His faux hawk was slightly tousled from sleep, giving him a rugged, just-out-of-bed look that only added to his charm. He stretched his arms above his head, yawning and feeling the pleasant pull of his muscles as he moved. The waistband of his pajama pants sat low on his hips, the pattern of Thor’s hammer subtly displayed along the fabric. As he walked to the bathroom, his pajama pants hugged his hips and thighs, the fabric shifting slightly with each step. His bare torso was on full display, his large pecs looking magnificent even in a relaxed state.

In the bathroom, Xander closed the door softly behind him, the cool tile floor soothing against his bare feet. He walked over to the toilet, carefully taking his dick out of his pants, a sigh of relief escaping his mouth as he emptied his bladder, the result of too much soda the night before. Xander waited for the stream to stop, shaking his dick and carefully placing it back into his pajama pants.

After flushing, Xander moved to the sink, where he caught his reflection in the mirror. Even after a night of junk food and movies, he couldn’t help but admire his appearance. His face, still slightly puffy from sleep, was strikingly handsome. His blue eyes, framed by thick eyelashes, were clear and bright, and he had the kind of smile that could melt the coldest hearts. He leaned closer to the mirror, grinning before splashing cold water on his face to fully wake up. The water droplets clung to his skin for a moment before trickling down, leaving him looking refreshed and ready to face the day.

He straightened up, his eyes drifting down to his chest, where his pecs seemed to invite his attention. With a playful grin, Xander ran his hands over his chest, feeling the firm muscle beneath his fingers. He gave his thick pecs a light massage, carefully kneading the flesh, then flicked his nipples with his thumbs, a trick he’d learned to make his whole body shiver. It was the best way to activate his muscles every morning. The sensation was familiar—a morning ritual that made him feel powerful and ready for anything. He gave his pecs a final, affectionate pat, the muscles twitching slightly under his touch. Smiling at his reflection one last time, Xander turned to leave the bathroom.

Barefoot and only wearing his Thor-themed pajama pants, Xander headed to the backyard to stretch light every morning. He absentmindedly patted his chest as he walked, a habit from his workouts, feeling the lingering warmth from his earlier massage.

The backyard was peaceful, bathed in the soft light of the early morning. The air was cool, a slight breeze rustling the leaves of the trees, and everything was quiet; only birds chirped in the distance, greeting the dawn. Xander took a deep breath, savoring the tranquility of the moment. He loved these early mornings when the world was still waking up, and he could have a few moments of solitude before the day truly began.

As he looked around, his eyes focused on the pool. The water would usually be a serene blue, reflecting the sky above, but today, something was different. A strange, red hue seemed to glow from beneath the surface, casting an eerie light across the water. Xander frowned, his curiosity piqued and slowly approached the pool to investigate.

“What the...” he muttered to himself, taking a step closer to the pool. The red glow pulsed slightly, almost as if it were alive, and Xander felt a sudden chill run down his spine.

He approached slowly, his bare feet making no sound on the cool tiles. The light grew brighter as he neared, the color deepening to a vibrant red. Xander’s heart beat faster, curiosity and fear building in his chest.

“What is this?” He wondered aloud, his voice low, afraid of disturbing whatever was causing the light.

When he was about three feet from the edge of the pool, he stopped. The red hue was more intense now, the light reflecting off his skin. He squinted, trying to see through the water to find out what was causing the glow. Suddenly, the light flared. Before Xander could react, a red jolt of electricity shot out of the pool, streaking through the air like a lightning bolt. It struck him directly in the chest, right over his heart. The impact was so sudden and powerful that it left him immediately breathless.

“Aaaargh!” He screamed, the sound raw and filled with agony.

Xander’s eyes widened in shock as the electricity surged through his body, a burning pain that made him cry out. The jolt wasn’t just a mild shock; it felt like a high-voltage charge pumped directly into his veins. His muscles seized up, every nerve on his body on fire as the electricity coursed through him, crackling along his skin. His scream echoed in the stillness of the morning as he fell to the ground, landing hard on his hands and knees. His body convulsed as the electricity continued to surge, his muscles twitching uncontrollably.

The pain was unbearable, unlike anything he had ever experienced. It was an intense pain that seemed to last an eternity. His chest felt like it was going to explode, the jolt striking at his heart with relentless force. His hands clawed at the ground, his breath coming in short, ragged gasps as he fought to stay conscious. His body trembled, and his mind was overwhelmed by painful sensations. The muscles in his arms and legs were rigid, locked in place by the current running through him, and he could do nothing but endure the torture.

Then, as suddenly as it had begun, the pain stopped. The electricity ceased, leaving Xander gasping for air, his body still trembling. He was on his knees, his head hanging low as he struggled to regain control. His chest heaved with each breath, his heart pounding hard. However, he was unharmed. The only sign of what had just happened was the vapor rising from his skin, his body still hot from the electric jolt.

Xander slowly looked down at his chest, where the bolt had struck. There was no burn, no mark, just some discomfort that didn’t compare with the recent pain. He reached up with a shaky hand, touching his chest, like trying to reassure himself that he was still in one piece. His muscles were sore, aching from the violent contraction, but there was no lasting damage. He glanced back at the pool, which still had the red hue over its surface but not as intense as a few minutes ago. The scene looked surreal, but Xander had other things to worry about.

“What the hell was that?” Xander whispered, his voice filled with confusion. He remained kneeling for a few moments longer, his mind racing to comprehend what had just happened. But no answers came, only the eerie silence of the morning.

Xander’s chest heaved as he tried to catch his breath. The sharp pain had subsided, but the memory of it lingered. He could barely believe he was still alive. He looked down at his chest again, looking for proof that it hadn’t been his imagination. There were no burns, no visible wounds—just the overwhelming sense that something else was happening. Xander couldn’t shake the thought it wasn’t the end.

Xander suddenly felt a strange, unsettling sensation spreading through his body as he panted heavily. It began as a tightness in his chest, a pressure that slowly grew more intense, spreading to his limbs. His muscles, still tense after the electric jolt, seemed to tighten almost to the point of discomfort. His whole body was slowly heating up, making Xander groan. He knew his body was preparing for something.

“Ugh… What’s happening?” Xander groaned, his voice strained as he felt the pressure intensity. His hands closed into fists, knuckles white as he fought to deal with the discomfort.

The tightness quickly evolved into a burning sensation, as he felt like his blood had turned into lava, surging through his veins and igniting every muscle fiber it touched. His entire body felt like it was on fire, not just from the outside but from within. The head was increasing to an unbearable level.

He gritted his teeth as the burning surpassed a fever level. Then, Xander felt something strange—his muscles were expanding, growing larger and more powerful with each passing second. The growth felt like the electricity had triggered an explosive growth within his body, forcing his muscles to swell and stretch far beyond their normal limits like air balloons attached to a pump.

Xander’s traps were the first to grow, rising like mountains on either side of his neck, thickening until they almost touched his ears. His deltoids ballooned outwards, creating broad, rounded shoulders that would put even the biggest world-class bodybuilders to shame. His biceps and triceps expanded next, the skin stretching tight over the rapidly growing muscles, with veins bulging like ropes beneath the surface. He could feel the raw power coursing through his arms, the muscle fibers tearing and instantly rebuilding thicker. Xander felt his body getting heavier and broader with each passing second, forcing him to adjust his position to give space for his new bulk.

Xander gasped in awe as he watched his arms thicken before his eyes. His biceps swelled to the size of cannonballs, his triceps jutting out like horseshoes, each muscle group perfectly defined and incredibly thick. He flexed instinctively, the sheer size of his muscle making him shudder with primal satisfaction.

Then Xander’s chest, already impressive, began to push outward. His pecs surged forward, expanding rapidly, the muscle fibers thickening and tightening until his pecs were like two massive slabs of stone protruding several inches from his rib cage. The growth was so intense that his chest began to obstruct part of his view. The bulging pecs thickened, each breath he took making them swell even more.

His nipples, now sitting atop the great masses of muscle, pointed slightly downward due to the sheer weight and size of his chest. The sensation was overwhelming. His pecs felt heavy and so powerful that Xander couldn’t help but move one of his hands to his chest, fingers trembling as it made contact with the impossible dense pectoral muscles.

“Holy crap,” Xander muttered, his voice barely audible over the sound of his own pounding heart. He could feel every striation, every ripple of power beneath the skin. The sensation of his hands moving over his own flesh, feeling the solid, unyielding muscle, sent a shiver down his spine. He massaged his pecs, feeling the heat and strength radiating from them, his fingers barely able to press into the muscle due to its density.

As he enjoyed the sensation of his massive pecs still getting thicker, his lats flared out, spreading wide and thickening to create a broad, V-shaped back. His lats fought for space with his arms, forcing him to spread the stance of his hands on the floor. Then, his abs hardened into a rock-solid eight-pack, each muscle standing out in sharp relief. His obliques thickened as well, framing his abs with layers of solid muscles, creating a core strong enough to support the weight of his upper body.

Xander groaned again as his lower body began to catch up with his upper body’s growth. His quads expanded like tree trunks, each muscle group swelling and thickening. His pajama pants, already snug, began to strain against the growing bulk of his thighs. The fabric creaked, unable to contain the sheer mass packed onto his frame. His hamstrings thickened as well, balancing out the growth in his quads and butt, which was already prominent but grew rounder and firmer. His glutes pushed outwards until they were straining against the waistband of his pants, forcing it down.

With a sudden, sharp ripping sound, the fabric of his Thor-themed pajama pants finally gave way, unable to withstand the pressure any longer. The seams along his thighs and butt split open, the material tearing in multiple places to reveal the thick, powerful muscles underneath. Xander barely registered the loss of his pants, too focused on the incredible sensation of his legs expanding, growing stronger and thicker with every passing second. His calves grew next, bulging outward until they were nearly as big as his upper arms, the definition so sharp it looked as though they had been carved from marble.

With his pants gone, Xander felt his briefs straining against his expanding ass, and the overwhelming sensation made his dick stir to life. His dick slowly grew harder as the growth continued, stretching the briefs even further and making Xander fear that he would end up fully naked in the middle of his backyard. However, the stretchy material managed to survive the expansion of his glutes and hips and the erect state of his dick, at least temporarily.

As Xander’s entire body continued swelling with muscles, the most dramatic change was still in his chest. His pectorals continued to grow, expanding to a size that looked almost comical in its sheer massiveness. The muscles were so large that they completely obstructed his view of his lower body, protruding like two massive walls of muscle in front of him. Each pec was so dense and thick that it jutted out far beyond his stomach, casting a shadow over his abs. The skin stretched taut over the muscle, every vein and striation visible as his chest pulsed with power. The heat in his chest was intense, the muscles vibrating with energy as they swelled even bigger, reaching a size that defied reason.

The growth finally began to slow, the intense burning sensation easing into a deep, throbbing heat that pulsed through Xander’s entire body. He was left panting, his massive chest heaving with each breath, his muscles still twitching slightly from the aftereffects of the transformation. The once snug pajama pants now hung in tatters around his waist, barely clinging to his expanded hips and thighs, the fabric shredded beyond repair. His underwear stretched to the limit, almost to the bursting point.

Slowly, clumsily, Xander struggled to his feet. The weight of his new bulk was almost too much for him to handle, his legs slightly wobbling as he adjusted to his new center of gravity. Xander swayed for a moment, using a nearby table to help himself up, his massive chest brushing against it. His breathing was heavy, each breath a struggle as he fought to balance the sheer mass of his body.

Once he was finally upright, Xander inspected his new body, his hands running over the impossibly thick muscles that now adorned his frame. His fingers traced the deep grooves between his abs, the thick cords of muscle in his obliques, and the massive quads that now supported his weight. He reached up to feel his chest, his hands massaging the dense muscle, his pecs so large and firm that it felt like he was touching a wall of steel.

Xander was no longer the lean, muscular young man he had been minutes ago. He was now a towering behemoth of muscle, every inch of his 6’2” frame packed with raw, unbridled power. His weight had skyrocketed to an astonishing 600 pounds of pure, dense muscle mass. Each muscle group was so overdeveloped that he looked like a living sculpture. His traps nearly touched his ears, his shoulders were impossibly broad, and his arms were so thick that they seemed almost out of proportion to the rest of his body. His chest, however, was the most dominant feature, his pecs so massive that they jutted out far in front of him, obstructing his view and casting a shadow over his entire torso.

“What the fuck happened?” Xander whispered as he continued to explore his transformed body.

The power he felt was intoxicating, every movement sending ripples of strength through his massive muscles. He flexed his arms, watching as his biceps swelled to even greater proportions, the muscle bulging with such intensity that it looked as though his skin might split. He admired his body, but his eyes then focused on the pool, the red hue still vibrant and mysterious. Xander didn’t know what to do. He didn’t want to move, fearing he would receive another electric jolt. But as he heard footsteps approaching behind him, his eyes widened when the pool started glowing brighter. Something was coming again.



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