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Anyone want to test some rando? Comment or PM me your email and I'll share it with you on Google Drive.



Loonie Lummox

I love a good rando :D I'll shoot you a DM


As always, your work is simply mindblowing, and also as always I have a couple suggestions because I can't help myself Would it be possible to have some more complex options such as: Starting Location Randomized (would require extra work to prevent early-game soft-locking since chance of being in an area that requires a mobility item/spell to even exit from) Palace Shuffling Amount of Palaces required to beat Start on Second Quest (maybe you have to beat the game once before this option is available to keep the *spoilers!!* extra content at the end secret?) Lock Life, Magic, And/Or Attack to max level x where x is 1 to 8. Boss Shufflling P-Bag frequences (from Never to Always on a slider maybe) P-Bag amounts No Candle but Dark Rooms are partially lit as if you have the candle but didn't light the room's torch Beefy Bosses (More HP, move faster) The fact you made a rando mode available for this project is already incredible so don't feel pressured into adding any of this nonsense, I am so happy to see you take this project to levels even beyond what you've already done, thanks again for making this!


Thanks for the suggestions! I do plan on adding more to the rando so future updates may have some of these options.