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Edit 1: You can pause the app and advance frames one at a time. Hold Left_Trigger+Right_Trigger+Right_Bumper and press Left_Bumper to pause the app. From there, pressing Right_Bumper will advance the frame. Holding Right_Bumper will run game normally but will pause app when released. Pressing Left_Bumper will unpause app(go back to normal).

For bugs, glitches, thoughts, criticism, etc.. please email me HoverBat@gmail.com. Please do not be afraid to tell me what you DO NOT like. :)

In regards to streaming the game, I'd prefer you did NOT stream until the game is complete. I worry that if the rest of the public sees that multiple people have a copy, they may get edgy because they don't have it. Also, I worry big papa N will bring the DMC hammer down when they see multiple people with copies. However, I'm really looking forward to watching people play it and I can't stop you. So if you do stream, I won't be mad, I will still be happy! Just tell me when you're going to stream so I don't miss it!

Xbox Controller:
Attack: X button (NES B button)
Jump: A button (NES A button)
Cast Spell: BACK button

Keyboard Controls:
UP: 'W' or 'ARROW UP'

NES button 'A' (Jump): 'SPACE BAR'
NES button 'B' (Attack): 'Ctrl'
NES button 'START' (Pause Menu): 'Enter'
NES button 'SELECT' (Cast Spell): 'T'

'O': Fine adjust music and sound levels in options menu.
'M': Toggle music.
'N': Toggle sounds.

Toggle Fullscreen: 'F'
Windowed - Scale Up: hold 'Ctrl', press 'G'
Windowed - Scale Down: hold 'Ctrl' + 'Shift', press 'G'

Quit App:
'Escape' (twice if in fullscreen) or hold Xbox Right Trigger + Xbox Left Trigger + Xbox Back(Select) + Xbox Start

The 'R' key will toggle body, shield, and sword hitboxes.

The 'H' key will toggle the solid tile collision points.

The 'I' key will sequence through invulnerability. 0: None, 1: Collisions with no damage, 2: No collisions, no damage

The 'K' key toggles and outline of the sprite_index for the characters.

The 'J' key toggles character's xy points. (the top left xy, and the center xy)

The 'Z' key will toggle highlighting solid tiles.

The 'V' key will toggle the HP values for characters.

The 'L' key toggles an outline of the 4:3 camera area (can't see why you'd need it)


This would kinda ruin the fun of the game if you could just warp anywhere. But here it is just in case you need it. Open the pause/spell menu, hold BACK button and press Xbox 'Y'. This will bring up 3 columns; The area, the room number of the area, the exit number of that room. Exit numbers 00-0F are doorways. Exit numbers 10-1F are right side exits. Exit numbers 20-2F are left side exits. Exit numbers 40-4F are bottom side exits. Exit numbers 80-8F are top side exits.


Hold Xbox Left Trigger and press BACK button.

You can also mess around with the palette (which I have a pretty good time with).

Note that any changes to the palette will not be saved, you can just refresh the room to go back to the default.


  • Hold Xbox Right Trigger and press Xbox 'BACK' button. This will bring up the palette editor.
  • Xbox 'X' button will randomize the color that the cursor is on. Hold Xbox 'Left Trigger' and press 'X' button to randomize the whole palette index the cursor is on. Hold Xbox 'Right Trigger' and press 'X' button to randomize the WHOLE PALETTE.
  • Holding Xbox 'Y' button will show you the color before you edited it. Holding Left Trigger + Y will show you the colors of the palette index the cursor is on before the edit. Holding Right Trigger + Y will show you the colors of the WHOLE PALETTE before any edits.

RANDOMIZING THE PALETTE: (you don't need to open the palette editor for this)

  • Hold Right Trigger + Xbox 'B' button and press Xbox 'Y' button.



Loonie Lummox

Thank you for all of this! I will provide feedback as I play through the game.


Had found the trigger commands by accident, hahah! Thank you, Hover!