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You're just trying to get home in peace. You didn't even THINK to check the forecast. You're pretty sure that your train should have been here by now. And now a mysterious stranger is offering an umbrella...and whispering a warning.

Script: WhispurrAudio (Available here)

Art: Standing style boy maker (Picrew)




this is very threatening it should not make me this sleepy


if this was irl, charles woulda been on the train track rn. don't come to my no no square! 🙅 anws this audio is surprisingly nice, you almost got me to sleep ngl

grey roses

Dozens of umbrellas, you say? Before you go, can I have a pamphlet about your fledgling cult, Charles? 😅 🌂 I'd like to hear how others fill this script, but I don't think anyone's going to quite hit that fight-or-flight v/s hypnosis-via-elliptical-speech (that had my eyes drooping and neck prickling) benchmark that you just set, Whispurr! Holy crow. Like allll the red flags were waving and yet a part of me wanted to follow him...just to see...but on the other hand, would I shake my head a moment later and find myself alone on the platform, no rain in sight, gripping an umbrella that was never there? Is Charles a much more feral imaginary childhood friend come back to roost, and whisper warnings? Also, thanks for putting the YT thumbnails at the bottom of your posts here recently, I appreciate seeing the whole thing. 👍


Either this is just some encounter with a man named Charles OR some purgatory vibes ORRRR I’m just wrong 💁🏽‍♀️. Vibes were creepy but I was intrigued 👀👀 especially with the 4th wall break :D , also 🤺(me with the umbrella)

Kehaulani Kreitler

This gave me such Magnus Archives vibes and I loved it - the perfect mix of fascinating, eerie, and social commentary that by the end of it I kinda wanted to see what would happen if I followed him. When he said I’d have to give up waiting on the train sometime, I wanted to ask where I could find him again if he was willing to offer me shelter when I did. It was like… the vibes were off but in a way that a spooky old house at night by yourself is off; you can tell nothing’s hunting you, and you know your probably safe, but it still feels wrong-dangerous-not_right-don’t_trust-run-hide-not_of_you_or_your_reality. He’s got some mild uncanny valley vibes but he’s not so uncanny as to feel truly predatory or threatening; more like a rattlesnake that hasn’t moved toward you or shaken it’s tail yet. Anyway I love it!!! It’s exactly my kind of vibe, my favorite brand of spooky.

Sarina Kyhn

The night you posted this it literally rained in my location


I…. Am… so sleepy but also fear for my safety.