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Just a little update, everything has been affected by the current pandemic, and my life is not an exection obviously.

My parents are old people,( not too old, but old enough for being worry if they're get infected), many times i have to help them out to avoid them unnecessary exposure.

So dont worry if you see if i deliver pics, videos, and previews on a slower rate, it's just real life imposes himself sometimes XD



Dont you worry stunt! Take all the time you need! I hope you and your parents stay clean and safe! The virus is not fun my man.


Oh dude no worries. I know how you feel. Take as much time as you need. Family and your health always comes first. *healing protective yetihug* We all understand and support you my god emperor of awesomeness friend. Stay safe and healthy.


Take ur time we can wait.

Angelo B.

Take care of your parents, because they took care of you.


Just keep safe and healthy that's what matters.


I think everyone is aware of what concerns and problems this pandemic is causing. We are also worried about our elderly parents and other relatives. So you should not worry. Everybody understands your delays.


Thats a lot of us at the moment. Take your time. Jessica Rabbit need some more love ;)

Zenjuro Midou

Agreed with N, Take your time and stay safe out there. Life's getting real for all of us, so I wish you and your parents the best in this crazy pandemic world we now live in.