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Carmen waddled back through the school to homeroom. Her diapers were getting quite saggy and she needed a changed badly. Entering into the classroom, she saw that Juanita was just getting off her cell phone with someone.

"Great. Okay I'll send her over right away, she just walked in." Juanita hung up and turned towards Carmen. "That was fun huh? You got to have your picture taken and show off your wet baby diapers? What more could a little girl want?"

Carmen didn't answer her questions, and simply asked for a diaper change.

"Oh right! You did wet your baby diapers already. Well I have a surprise for you! You're going to go over to the Home-Eq room for your diaper change. The girls there are working on learning how to take care of babies so this seemed like a wonderful opportunity for them. You can stay there until schools done for the day."

"Ywes nnanny" Carmen mumbled through the pacifier.

It took a bit of time for her to find the classroom, but eventually she found a classroom with a large commercial kitchen in it. A teacher waved her over and she waddled into the classroom.

"Welcome baby Carmen! I hear you've had a big pee pee in your diapee?" The teacher said.

"Ywes. . . I had an accidwent at the phwoto swoot." Carmen tried to say through the pacifier.

"Awww!" Carmen heard a bunch of the girls coo.

"Why don't you come over here in front of the class and I'll show everyone how to change you."

Carmen did as instructed and walked over to the large work area used for demonstrations. With the help of the teacher, she climbed up onto the table where a large changing pad had been laid down. She instinctively laid down on it and put her knees up, waiting for her diaper to be changed.

"Alright everyone, here we have a very very wet widdle baby. As you can see," The teacher scrunched the crotch of Carmen's soggy diaper, "It's quite saturated. Babies can't control themselves and most of what they put into their mouths ends up in their diapers. Isn't that right Baby Carmen?"

"Ywes nanny..."

"Now, the trick to a good diaper change is to be efficient and to have distractions for your baby so that she doesn't make this harder than it needs to be. I happen to have a potty training book that my little one can flip through, even though she won't be ready for that for quite some time!" The teacher said, and handed a potty training book to Carmen. Carmen's face got even redder than it had been, she tried to hide behind the book she just received. It was full of instructions for little girls about how to use the toilet, something that Carmen seemed to be getting further and further away from needing.

The teacher continued working on Carmen's diaper, pausing here and there to mention things like how to wipe babies properly and where to apply powder. The whole process took a lot longer than any other diaper change that Carmen had been subjected to, and she must have flipped through the potty book a dozen times by time it was all over.

"Alright, Good Girl! Isn't that better being in a nice and fresh diaper?" The teacher asked and Carmen nodded. "So did you learn anything in your book? Are you ready to try the potty yet like a big girl?"

Carmen's eyes lighted up with the possibility of proving that she didn't need diapers. She pulled her pacifier out of her mouth and exclaimed, "Yes! Baby Carmen is ready! I want to use the potty like a big girl!"

"Great! It's right down there." The teacher said and pointed at a pink baby potty that was off in the corner of the room. Carmen quickly jumped down and ran over to it, undid her diapers, and sat on it. Everyone looked at her expectantly. Nothing came out. I had to pee a minute ago,  she thought. She tried to push pee out but the mixture of girls staring at her, and the embarrassment of the situation caused her to be unable to make any pee into the potty. 

A few minutes passed before the teacher walked up to her and helped her back into her diapers. "That's alright, you probably aren't ready yet." The last thing the teacher did was pop her pacifier back in her mouth before smacking her on her butt and sending her back to her homeroom.


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