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'Little Lisa' cried all the way back to her dorm after messing and wetting her diaper. Tricia led her by the hand and kept saying things like "It's okay, babies mess their diapers all the time." and "One day you'll be a big girl and won't make big messes in your diapers!". Of course, these sorts of comments only caused Lisa to cry and sob louder.

When they arrived at the dorm, Lisa saw that some of the other girls were putting the finishing touches on a large banner that said "Lisa's nursery". Seeing Lisa getting even sadder, Tricia grabbed her pacifier from the changing table and popped it into her mouth. Lisa sucked on it and did her best to calm down. She instinctively climbed up onto the changing table waited for her 'nanny' to chance her filthy, messy diapers.

"Pee-You!" Exclaimed Tricia as she mockingly covered her nose, "You sure are a stinky baby!"

Lisa just closed her eyes and sucked on the pacifier. I can't believe this is all happening. What the hell am I going to do?? I mean I can't leave now because of all the footage they've recorded. I guess I just need to do my best to get out of these damn diapers. Lisa reasoned.

Tricia applied a liberal amount of baby powder once she was done wiping away all the mess and rolling up the used diaper. She placed a new diaper under Lisa's ass and quickly fastened the tapes. She then pulled up pink plastic pants to encase the fresh diaper. Finally, she pulled up a very short skirt that only covered up about half of the diaper.

"Alright Little Lisa, all done your bum change!" Tricia announced.

As the rest of the staff prepped for the camp that would be starting later that day, Lisa was summoned to Marcy's office. As Lisa entered the director's office, she took a seat and felt the soft fabric of the diaper press against her skin. She tried to cross her legs and sit in a more lady-like position but found it to be impossible in her current attire. Marcy smirked as she watched the young women embarrass herself.

"Little Lisa. My baby girl. I think it's time for your first duty as Camp Baby. I want you to be the sign girl today. How does that sound honey?"

"It sounds great mommy. . "Lisa replied. The 'sign girl' was the worst job on registration day, and that's when you're not wearing a diaper. Basically, the sign girl holds a welcome sign at the front of the camp grounds and waves at the parents and kids as they drive onto the property. 

"Now, I see that Nanny Tricia has you in a really nice outfit, and I want to make sure that you suck on your pacifier while you're out there too. I'll have the girls make a cute, new sign for you to hold."


Entering along the roadway into camp, the visitors were treated with a very adorable site. Lisa, dressed in her pink plastic pants, sucking on her pacifier, and sporting a VERY saggy diaper, stood waving and holding a sign. The sign, in very large babyish font, said "Baby Lisa is soooo excited to see YOU that she WET herself!". Lisa was doing her best to stay strong through-out the experience, but as her diaper got more and more soaked, and as her performance got more and more honks from passing visitors, she felt her resolve deflate. Tears started running down her cheek as one of the cars stopped and someone snapped a photo of her. "This'll make a great 'wet baby meme' online!"

Eventually, her shift as sign girl was over and she reported back to her nursery for a diaper change. Tricia was waiting for her at the changing table. "Wow! You must have gotten REALLY excited baby Lisa! Your diapees are really sagging this time!"

Lisa didn't say anything, climbed up onto the changing table, popped her pacifier in her mouth and waited to be changed. Nothing happened. She sighed. "Nanny Tricia. Can you please change Little Lisa's pee pee diapees?" She said and frowned.

"Of course I can!"

After the quick change, Tricia announced that they needed to update the potty chart. She took Lisa by the hand and led her over to the wall. "Does baby Lisa remember how many diapers she wet and messed today?" Tricia asked.

Lisa lowered her head. She hadn't even been in diapers for 24 hours. "Baby Lisa wet two diapers last night. Baby Lisa three diapers today. Baby Lisa messed her diapers once after breakfast." She said soberly.

"Very good counting Baby Lisa! Did you use the potty like a big girl today? Or did you just make pee pees and poopies in your baby diapers all day?"

"I just make pee pees and poopies in my diapers. . ."

"Alright, so we need five yellow sad face stickers and one sad brown face sticker. You put two of the yellow stickers on the picture of the bed for today and I'll put the rest beside the bed, okay?"

Lisa did as she was told. Looking at the chart, she knew this wouldn't be the last time that she added stickers to it.


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