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Chapter 4

The stench of her own mess was almost too much for Susan. It all felt so naughty but she hadn't been ready for the smell that wafted up from her poopy diaper.

She hadn't expected any of this and yet it was all starting to make sense. Bits and pieces of her conversation with Doctor Retzer had slowly returned to her. Susan had been clear: a return to Babyhood was what she wanted and she had made sure that her future-self wouldn't be able to get out of the deal.

"Alright Baby Susie, that about does it!" Announced Carla as she did up the final straps on the fresh diaper and began pulling up the pair of pastel purple plastic pants.

Susan just kept sucking on her pacifier, back and forth, back and forth, as she was slowly helped up by Carla. She was led over to a highchair, which she climbed into without complaint. The pacifier was quickly removed from her mouth, only to be replaced by the rubber nipple of a large, adult-sized baby bottle. Susan began to suck on it eagerly, the baby formula not tasting as bad as she thought it would.

"That's a good girl . . . you sure are hungry!" Carla cooed as she watched Susan drink from the bottle.

Susan found all of this relatively comforting and relaxing. The now familiar warmth began growing in her diaper as she uncontrollably flooded it with pee. She began to wonder how she was going to snap out of this and regain control of her body. She also felt a growing pleasure in her pussy, the warmth and sensation of the wet diaper touching her all the right places. She sucked more eagerly and pressed her diaper against the crotch bar of the highchair, trying to subtlety rub herself into it. A soft moan of pleasure came out of her as she drank,

"My my! Little Susie really likes her highchair and baba!" Carla said with a smile, "I think Nanny Carla is going to have to reward her little girl with a special surprise!"

Carla took Susan out of the high chair and laid her down on a playmat on the floor. From a nearby cabinet, she retrieved a vibrator and turned it on. It whirred to life and before Susan even knew what was happening , Carla began teasing at her diaper with the device.

Susan couldn't believe how good all this felt. Her clit began to quiver and she began to moan softly, stretching her hips up towards the vibrator. She felt her pussy throb even harder as the wet diaper began to work against her. "Nanny. . . pwease put that in my diaper. . ."

Carla pulled the plastic panties and diaper aside and slide the vibrator deep into Susan's pussy. Susan grabbed tightly unto the playmat, put her pacifier in and began sucking on it. She also began to move her hips in time to Carla's prodding, moaning as she did so.

"That's a good girl. You make cummies in your wet baby diapers for Nanny!" Carla encouraged.

"Nan. . .Nanny . . . Baby Susie . . . Baby. . . Sus" Susan mumbled as she got closer and closer to orgasm.

"Come on, make a big cummies in your baby diapers. Come on. There you go. Make a big cummies for Nanny in your wet baby diapers!" 

Susan couldn't take it anymore and gave into an intense orgasm at the hands of her 'nanny'. She wailed and moaned as waves of pleasure washed over her.

"Good girl! " Carla said as she clapped for her charge.

Susan relaxed onto the playmat, spent. She had just came in her wet diaper. She felt naughty, but had never felt such an intense orgasm. Her eyelids fluttered a bit, and then she fell asleep.


"Susie! . . . Suuusie!" A voice called.

"It's Aunty Gwen! You need to get up for lunch!"

Susan snapped awake. She found herself inside a large crib, with a mobile hanging above her, slowly rotating. Her mouth was occupied by the pacifier and her diapers were cold and wet.

"Let's get you changed so that we can have lunch! I made your favourite - macaroni and cheese!" Gwen said as she lowered the side rails of Susan's crib.

The over-sized baby yawned and climbed out of her pseudo prison. The diaper felt uncomfortably cold and she noticed that she had leaked into the crib. She climbed up onto the changing table for the familiar ritual of a diaper change. Gwen wasn't as quick as Carla but did her best to change Susan's soaked diaper. One change that Susan almost didn't notice was that Gwen put her into two diapers, instead of just one. When Susan looked up in surprise, Gwen told her that she would be going home after lunch and would need the extra protection so that she wouldn't leak on the bus.

Susan hadn't really contemplated what would happen when she left the clinic. Would she be able to get by without diapers? Would she be able to sleep again? How would she conceal all this bizarre baby business from the world around her?

Gwen finished up, dressed her in clothing that almost passed as that of an adult, fed her lunch and then rushed her out of the clinic, stating that another clinic would be arriving soon. Another client? Susan wondered as she left through the door onto the street.

She hailed a bus and climbed aboard. As she watched the clinic leave she wondered how many clients found themselves in similar situations. Did Carla have an entire practice based on returning patients to babyhood? Her thoughts were interrupted by the unwelcome arrival of a large mess inside her diapers. The mass quickly spread and grew and the smell soon followed. Luckily, there weren't any other passengers on the bus, Susan thought.

The bus pulled up in front of her home and she proceeded to get off the bus, avoiding the gaze of the bus driver whom Susan was certain could smell her accident.


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