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DOWNLOAD Merged: https://we.tl/t-lIwCTAAVkV

DOWNLOAD Unmerged: https://we.tl/t-oXqI6CsHfN

The Lost Egyptian Walls, ( I finally found them in my archives, they are not perfect but I will share them anyways:): https://we.tl/t-G2OE4lTuvi

This month I decided to work in a 'slightly' different style. I was watching lots of Assassins Creed Origins gameplay and was hooked by the environment. It plays in ancient Egypt and it really inspired me to start an egyptian set that I would love to extemd over time.

So far I created two column with different stages of decay, Walls with hieroglyphics, a statue of Ptolemaius III, a firepit and planter with Horus details and a set of curtains and drapes. I hope you like the objects.

Thank you for your amazing support, have a lovely evening!!!




So excited!


These are completely fabulous!!


Dude!! these are awesome!


I am so excited!! These look great, thank you!!


Omg finally someone makes more Egyptian stuff ❤❤

Gabriel Moura

beauty but i lovet roccoco's style


Ooo this is awesome, i can't wait for them ♥️


Loved playing AC Origins and love the new content, was not expecting something so different! What a surprise, will there be sphinxes? I loved using them in the Sims 3.

Dalal Rose

Cant wait to have this in my gamee!!


I’m absolutely speechless 😶 You’re a treasure Felix! This is next level amazing!


Played ACO myself. Totaly stunning! Love your work as always <3


I love it!!!!




ahhhh im in heaven


Hello Felixandre, firstly..I love your work, but.. I have pay 20 $ on begin from october and I have become nothing


Hey:), Thank you. You will be charged the 1st of November, and i normally send the links on the second of the month.


There will be rococo again:), but from time to time I'd like to explore other styles


ACO - that was what i taugth at the first second when i saw this ;-))))))))))))


where can i get the cc link i already paid


Hi! I got billed the $20, but I haven't received any email with content yet :)


Links have just been sent:)


Hi I just became a Patreon, I love your CC, but I don't want to wait till december 1st. Is there any other way to have access to the content? Thank you


O Gosh I just play AC Origins and this is perfect, want it in my Sims History challenge. So my question is: Is this last month patreon objects? I was your patron before and have a lot of your CCs but I want these :D, also do you plan to make more objects from this era?


Hi!! Love your creations and just became a patron, these are absolutely stunning! Would you let me know here I can donwload?

tommy berry

I just became a Corinthian Package member and I got your message about possibly doing the direct pay to get the DL links earlier. I would definitely like to see if we can do the paypal direct pay thing, as I am very excited to get your wonderful creations! Please email me at your convenience to see if we can do that. There are a few things I am interested in and I'm wondering how I let you know what those are in the way that you prefer. Thank you for your talent and for doing the things you do so well :).


Hey there, I recently pledged and would like to get an early start, by sending the donation via PayPal. Thanks!


Hello! Just pledged and was hoping to make the donation via PayPal. Thank you!!


I Love all CC that you creation, and I just became your patreon, Where can I get the link to download? Thank you


Hi Felixandre, how does it work getting your cc? I pay and mail you? It looks lovely.


If I pay 5 dollars you send me the download link? I'm from Brazil, so it's more expensive for me.

tommy berry

Love all of your stuff!!! So talented.

tommy berry

wondering when the walls for this set will be available? Love how they look and did not get them in the DL for Oct. I realize it takes time to create great content tho. :)

Gabriel Moura

really you are the best all objects are perfect you got a talent incredible perfect

Juan Wells

You, my friend, are a true artist. splendid work!


do you think you could make sarcophagi using the vampire game pack's coffins?

tommy berry

Hi there, I’m sure I’m missing something, but I am having a hard time getting my sims to light the torch - they always indicate there is no path to it. Wondering if anyone could share with me the trick to actually having lit torches for my ancient Egypt decor? Thanks :)


They are basically fireplaces and need to be fully accessible, I always light them on a plain wall and then move them to wherever I want them to be

tommy berry

I’m also guessing I need to light them exactly where they originally place on the wall? I tried moving them to an outside wall and sim still could not light.


Can you send me the link please? :)


i went to egypt just this feb and it's really great to see these columns, colors in sims.


can i get the link ?


This is amazing! How can I get the link?


hi! I didn't get the hieroglyphic wall in the link =( can you maybe send it?


can I have the link to this please? thank you




Felix, could I have the link to this? This is absolutely beautiful! I have a Ph.D. in Egyptology so this is a MUST for me!


Hello Felix. I'm also not seeing the hieroglyphic walls in game either.


Hello! Felix - I don't seem to have this set in my list. I looked through the downloads for Patrons.. and don't see it either. Is this available?


link please?


link please?


Hello, is this available for download if patreon ? Thank you


link plz


link please

Kendall Caminiti-Hess

As an amateur Egyptologist, this is very accurate! I can "see" Cleopatra lounging with her handmaidens all around her...Keep up the *GREAT* work!