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My condition is in mess.. I visit a psychotherapist, and I already changed my pills, but I don’t get any progress. So what I feel for now? I work. But I don’t like my arts. I don’t even want to post them, but I have to. I chat with people, but I don’t want to chat often, can’t explain why, mostly I want to be alone. I went through apathy and hatred to myself, and still have problems. I’m very nervous, but nobody sees it, cuz my pills hide it very well.




I hope one day you will find your mind in a good and calm mental state. And your art will always be amazing to me. Your brain is just misleading you.


Schmozy said it perfectly. Seeing the notifications that you made a post always fill me with excitement. It's always an honor to see whatever you create, no matter how big or small, or what the content is. But more than anything, I hope that things get better for you in your head. Just know that we're here to support you.