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Toshiro came to with a start. The last thing he remembered was fighting his Vice Captain, Rangiku, in a match to determine who would lead Division Ten. He could only wonder if that had been a terrible dream. After all, it must've been since he wasn't waking up outside, in front of thousands of spectators. However, as he reached up to his face to wipe his  eyes, he noticed that he no longer wore his typical garb.

The former Captain shuddered as he looked down at the frilly, ribbon covered dress that covered his chest like a blanket. His tasteful white robe had been replaced by a hideous pink dress. The poly satin material certainly felt nice against his skin, but just the sight of it, covering his body, caused him to reconsider his previous notion that his bad dream was actually not a dream at all! Staring down at the white lace and bow covered dress, Toshiro  saw a square shaped bulge pushing out against the dress. Just from the bulk between his legs, Toshiro knew it wasn't his normal underwear, but something far more deeming and degrading. He tried to sit up, but the sudden movement caused a hard wet lump to shift in his stiff, starch like, underwear.

"Uggh." The white haired boy groaned. "Why am I in a dirty diaper?!"

Momo, who had been in the kitchen preparing a bottle for our sissified hero, heard Toshiro's outburst and rushed over to the struggling boy decked out in his pink princess dress.

"Toshiro! What are you doing?!"

Needless to say, Momo was quite startled to see the former Captain of Division Ten struggling to get on his feet. After the last few weeks of taking care of him, tending to his diapers and everything else an oversized baby would require, she had long accepted his new position as the baby of the squad.

"Trying to get out of this ugly dress!"

The white haired boy tried to pull off his frilly skirt that was covered in lace ruffles, but his uncoordinated attempt merely made him fall on his diapered covered ass.

"Get me out of this disgusting thing!" Toshiro whined.

"The dress or the diaper?" Momo asked, trying to hide her smile.


"But then you'll be naked." Momo replied, in a matter of fact tone.

"Ughh. Why am I even in either of these and what are you doing here? Aren't you in Division Five?"

"For starters, you've been placed into the custody of Rangiku after you lost your fight with her. Soul Society was rather kind and spared you the punishment of being cast into the Maggot's Nest for your decades of service. Since you were incompetent and unable to care for yourself,  Rangiku brought me aboard as her Vice Captain to care for you."

"You're kidding me?!" Toshiro stares up from the spot he's sitting, face filled with annoyance. "If that's all true...." Toshiro paused, thinking of what he should say next. "Your services will no longer be needed. As you can see, I'm completely fine now."

"That's up to Rangiku. She is in charge and she made me her Vice Captain after you lost your mind and became her baby."

"I'm not her baby and my mind is very much intact!"

"Your diaper says otherwise." Momo smiled and bent over the dress wearing boy. She easily pushed him onto his back from his seated position and happily hoisted up his skirt to survey the damage. "For someone who isn't a baby, you sure fudged your huggies!"

Toshiro was about to argue that he had been knocked out when Momo pressed her open palm into his diapered backside. She eagerly continued pushing her hand against the slick material of the diaper. The new Vice Captain intentionally rubbed it around, doing so in an effort to debase Toshiro and show him his new place within the squad was that of a lowly baby. Not the powerful leader and man he once was.

"Stop!" Toshiro cried out, upset with how Momo was treating him.

"So, you don't want me to change your diaper? Because Rangiku typically forgets to do it, what with her heavy drinking schedule lately…"

The white haired ice fighter cringed. Just the thought of Rangiku seeing his privates, especially coated in his own waste, was about as unbearable as spending eternity in the Maggot's Nest.

A loud tearing of plastic broke Toshiro from his thoughts. The cool air of the room penetrated his once humid diaper's interior and allowed the stench to waft around the room. While Toshiro visibly cringed from the putrid smell of his packed pamper, Momo went about her work, seemingly unphased by the unpleasant aroma as she eagerly wiped away the muck that coated Toshiro's nether region.

This was the last straw! Toshiro slammed down both his feet and banged his clenched fists against the wooden floor. While he flailed his limbs, he yelled at Momo, using every naughty word in the book to disparage her!

"I'm the Captain of Division Ten and I refuse to be treated this way any longer!

Momo sighs, looking down on the tantrum throwing sissy in disdain. 'How does he expect anyone to think of him as an adult when he behaves like this? Well, I better put a stop to this nonsense and show him who's in charge!'

Wasting no time, Momo promptly deals out a sharp smack to Toshiro's bare bottom, which instantly caught his attention.

"Now that you're paying attention I have something to tell you." Momo looked directly in the petite boy's eyes. "If you ever do that again, I'll flip you over and spank your little butt until you're crying for your mommy!"

Not waiting for a response, Momo leaned forward and grabbed Toshiro by his ankles. She yanked his legs up forcibly with her left hand, and proceeded to pull the dirty diaper out from underneath his butt. Next she placed a fresh new diaper beneath Toshiro before she lowered him down onto the pamper with a crinkle. A dash of powder followed and the Soul Reaper found himself expertly taped into a new diaper.

As if being diapered and dressed like a two year old going to a wedding wasn't bad enough, Toshiro saw a newcomer enter the room. He couldn't believe his eyes! Even from across the room he had no problem recognizing that pint sized, pink haired girl from the Gotei thirteen.

"Oh, hello there, Yachiru. You're just in time to take the baby to the park. I just changed him."

"Little Histu-Goo-Goo looks so fussy today." Yachiru replied as she looked down at Toshiro.

"That's because he has regained his mind."

Momo explained, handing her teammate, and fellow babysitter, a large pink diaper bag with the name "Hitsugoogoo" monogrammed on it.

"Oh goodie!" Yachiru giggled. "Now I can actually play with Hitsu-Goo-Goo at the park!"

"Just be sure to keep an eye on him. As Rangiku has told you, don't let go of this leash for anything!" Momo explained as she clipped a long, pink strand of nylon based rope to the front of Toshiro's dress.

Toshiro sighed as Momo said her goodbyes and left. How had he not noticed the shoulder straps and the pink material of a toddler's harness wrapped tightly around his chest before? In all honesty, he hadn't thought much of it since he assumed it was just another feature of his big pink dress.

"Alright my little baby! It's time to go play at the park!"

"I'm not going out in public like this!" The white haired boy whined!

"Oh yes you are!" Yachiru retorted and tugged the dress wearing diaper boy towards her.

Toshiro was tired of this nonsense! Without any thought, he shoved Yachiru, causing her to stagger. This turn of events caused the Soul Reaper turned diaper sissy to have an epiphany! With Momo gone, he had a chance to overpower his pint sized captor and escape!

Needless to say, Yachiru hadn't expected things to get physical and was surprised when her Histugoogoo, as she called him, pushed her the first time. But she braced herself for the waddling baby's next "attack", if you could call it that.

Toshiro was suddenly caught off guard when his slow paced charge was easily countered by the tiny, pink haired woman. She wrapped her arms around his slender torso and proceeded to body slam him to the ground.


In one quick motion, Toshiro found himself thrown to the ground and pinned beneath a girl who was smaller than him! With seemingly no effort, Yachiru kept Hitsugaya in place as she pulled his dress up, exposing his bulky diaper, but more importantly; his pale stomach and proceeded to blow kisses all over his tiny tummy!

What started out as a legitimate attack, or at least he thought it was, had turned into an impromptu belly kissing session! Toshiro squirmed and laughed as loud as his lungs would permit while Yachiru blew sloppy wet kisses all over his midsection. However, Yachiru's counter attack didn't just stop with raspberries, she resorted to tickle torture as well! Her tiny fingers danced underneath his armpits and across his sides.

"Please! I'll be- good!" Toshiro cried out in between laughs.

Yachiru showed no quarter, simultaneously using her hands to tickle her baby's sides while she kept giving his stomach kisses. Hitsugya's pained laughter was music to her ears! It was only when a faint hissing noise came from his diaper did Yachiru finally cease her assault, happy that she made her Hitsugoogo pee pee in his diapee.

After shamefully wetting his diaper, Toshiro closed his eyes and allowed Yachiru to drag him outside. It was only when he realized that he was being paraded around the open streets did the former Captain open his eyes.

The three foot, eleven inches tall Yachiru, seemed to Lord over the sissified former Captain as she dragged him along by his toddler leash. Even though Toshiro had been mentally "knocked out" for the last few weeks, he had a feeling that Rangiku had chosen the tiny, childlike woman due to her stature. That, coupled with the fact that she was the youngest of the Gotei, was more than enough to justify his suspicions that the girl was his babysitter only to rub salt in his ego based wounds. Still, it was quite obvious that the high energy woman took to her new job like a duck to water. She happily pulled him along the street, eager to get to the park to show him off to the children. And show him off she did.

As Yachiru entered the park grounds, dragging the unwilling Toshiro behind her, she noticed that most everyone was in the park. Most people were busy watching their rambunctious children dart across the playground, but a few people on the sidewalk leading to the recreational area took notice of Yachiru and Toshiro. The guys looked away, trying to spare the former Captain of their gaze, but unluckily for Toshiro, the women weren't so courteous. The few women gathered around the dress wearing boy, visibly fawning over him. Most cooed at him, some ruffled his hair and a lady or two actually lifted up his dress to check and see if he was diapered.

"Are you wet, little princess?" One of the young ladies ask.

"We just changed him before heading out." Yachiru replied and yanked on the leash, pulling Hitsugaya forward.

The assembled mass of women took the hint and returned to their various activities. Some left the park, but most remained, intrigued by the sight of Hitsugaya in a dress and bulging diaper. More than a few were familiar with Yachiru, since she used to lead the Women's Association, and expected quite a show.

Ignoring the gaggling women, Yachiru physically dragged Toshiro across the wood chips until they came upon a set of see saws. She pointed to  the seat that was closest to the diapered and daintily dressed boy before she took her own seat on the part of the seesaw that was on the ground.

It didn't take a rocket scientist to realize what the pint sized, pink haired girl wanted him to do. Toshiro may have been far weaker than he'd ever been in his life, but he still had his dignity and refused to comply with his newly appointed babysitter.   

"I'm not going to play on that thing!" Hitsugaya crossed his arms and frowned.

"You have to or else I'll spank you." Yachiru warned.

"I don't care!" Toshiro shouted. "You have no authority over me!"

A woman roughly about Rangiku's age was watching Toshiro's defiant display and smiled. She snuck across the tattered tiny chunks of wood and reached underneath Toshiro's arms, grabbing him from just above the waist.


The woman ignored the fussy sissy and lowered him onto the seat opposite Yachiru.

"That's much better, isn't it?" The lady with the  bright blue hair smiled.

Embarrassed beyond belief at being manhandled yet again by another woman, this one a stranger no less, Toshiro bit his tongue and remained silent.

"Yes it is!" Yachiru beamed. "Thank you very much for helping me with my fussy baby!"

"You're quite welcome."

The blue haired woman took a few steps back and joined the growing crowd that had been drawn to the shouting that Toshiro had done during his tantrum throwing. Everyone present couldn't help but gawk at the oversized baby girl, as Toshiro was dressed like, bounce up and down on the see saw as a woman, who was half his size, rode opposite him. Each downward push by Yachiru caused Toshiro to go catapulting skyward, giving the ladies in the audience a generous view of Toshiro's pampers as his dress flipped up. Everytime they got an up-skirt view, the woman would laugh and praise him for keeping his pampers dry.

After roughly ten minutes of rhythmic play, Yachiru started to grow bored of the see saws and told Toshiro to stop, an order which he was more than happy to comply with. However, his relief was short lived as Yachiru tugged on his leash, forcing the sissy to follow her over to the swings. 'Why does everything she wants me to do designed to show off my diaper?'

Yachiru couldn't help but grin at him as she looked around at the various children running around in the distance. Sure, they were occupying most of the play equipment nestled amongst the wood chips, but the pink haired babysitter was confident that she could get their attention, just as she had gotten the group of older women's attention. After a brief moment Yachiru walked over to the swings, with Toshiro in tow, and sat down.

"I want you to push me on the swings!" She said as she gently began to swing back and forth.

"You've got to be kidding me…"

"Awww, is the baby impatient?" Yachiru cooed. "Obviously, little Hitsugoogoo wants to go first!"

Toshiro frowned, annoyed by how she had such power over him. Even if he refused to play along, one of the random women could just march over and scoop him up. That or Yachiru could make good on her threats and spank him in front of all the ladies standing here. With no other obvious options available to him, Toshiro silently complied, taking a seat on the swung with an audible crinkle coming from under his dress.

Yachiru grinned and stood behind her sissy baby boy. She grabbed onto the chains of the swing and brought the boy backwards before pushing him forward. Push after push sent Toshiro into the sky.

After a while the assembled crowd of women dispersed, most had grown bored watching Toshiro behave. More than a few had their own kids to attend to which they had momentarily forgotten about while watching the spectacle that was the degraded former Captain of Division Ten struggling to obey his tiny toddler sized sitter.

Once the swing had come to a stop, Toshiro noticed that they were now alone. While swinging, he had thought of a way to escape from the pint sized terror who was now in charge of him. Toshiro hopped off the swing and turned around to face Yachiru.

"How about a game of tag?" Toshiro offered.

Before Yachiru could reply, Toshiro reached out, tagged the girl and proceeded to run away. However, he only got about five feet away when a sharp tug on the leash sent him flying backwards until he landed on his padded ass.

"Hey!" Toshiro shouted. "What gives?!"

"I can't let go of the leash so we can't play tag." Yachiru replied as she walked over to where Toshiro was sat on the wood chips.

"Ahh, come on!" Toshiro pouted and pointed over to a group of kids. "What about them? They're having fun. Why can't we have fun like that?"

Yachiru couldn't help but think that Toshiro was onto something. As she watched the kids running around the equipment, she realized that they did indeed look like they were having a blast. She was about to give in when she remembered how firm both Momo and Rangiku were about letting go of the leash. They specifically told her not to do it no matter what the circumstances were.

"I can't let go of your leash, Hitsugoogoo."

"Damn it, Yachiru! Let's play tag!" Toshiro cried out as he stood up from the ground.


"I just want to run around a little bit!" The former Captain turned sissy practically shouted at Yachiru, mere inches from her face.

Yachiru sighed and quickly brought her hand behind Toshiro's head, harshly pulling him towards her. Toshiro was caught off guard by the tiny, pink haired girl's sudden move and fell forward. Yachiru side stepped as she pushed the former Captain towards the ground.

"Hey!!!!" Toshiro yelled right before he smacked the wood chip covered ground.

"I warned you, but you wouldn't listen."

Yachiru leapt atop the white haired boy's back and turned to face his bottom. Quickly, she pulled down his thick diaper, exposing his pale butt cheeks. Before Toshiro could blink, Yachiru started delivering a flurry of hard slaps to his ass. Poor Toshiro squirmed as spank after spank was administered to his quivering flesh. It didn't take more than ten spanks to cause his eyes to water. Around twenty spanks he was outright crying, tears flowing down his lithe cheeks as he started bawling.

The tiny pink haired girl ceased her spanking and asked a simple question. "Are you going to be a good sissy baby for me?"

"Yes!" Toshiro answered in a pitiful voice.

"From now on?"

"Yes!" Needless to say, the once powerful Captain was a defeated man, as evidenced by his shrill, pitiful tone. Not only did he sound like a sissy, but he knew he was totally at the mercy of the tiny, child like woman who currently sat on his back.

"Good." Yachiru perked up and helped Toshiro off of the ground. "I think you threw that tantrum because you were fussy. And I know you were fussy because you haven't had your baba of Rangiku's milk yet. You must be thirsty, huh?"

Toshiro knew not to tempt Yachiru and merely nodded. He watched the now happy girl prance over to his diaper bag and pull an absurdly large baby bottle out of the bag.

'That thing is huge! I can't drink all of that!'

Despite his sense of pride, Toshiro found himself being lifted up and carried by the tiny girl over to the nearest park bench. Yachiru grinned as she displayed her newfound strength, or maybe the former Captain was just that weak now? Regardless, Toshiro's head was laid on Yachiru's lap and the pint sized girl shoved the oversized nipple of the baby bottle into Toshiro's mouth.

"Now I expect that entire bottle to be finished or Auntie Yachiru spank!"

The sissified boy knew better than to fight back or even argue against this madness. Yachiru had already followed through with her earlier threat. At this point, it was no longer a threat; it was a guarantee! So the white haired boy started chugging the baba vigorously, his lips wrapped tightly around the large plastic nipple doing there best to drain the bottle of its frothy contents. Speaking of frothy, Toshiro noticed that the milk was indeed quite creamy and warm. It was unlike any other milk he had ever tasted.

About a third of the way through his "lunch", he recalled that Yachiru had said something about Rangiku's milk. Could this truly be milk from her straining, bountiful bosoms?! But that could not be possible! Could it?

Yachiru noticed the sudden change of expression on Toshiro's face. It had went from peaceful to troubled.

"Does my little sissy need burpies?"

The pint sized girl didn't wait for a response, she adjusted Toshiro until his big diapered bottom straddled her petite hips and his head was hung just over her shoulder. A quick succession of pats gently landed on the disgusted boy's back. He was so stunned by how swiftly Yachiru had moved him that he didn't even realize he was being burped until a loud belch escaped his lips.


"Such a good sissy!" Yachiru praised.

Toshiro couldn't believe that this was happening to him. He had gone from one of the strongest fighters in Soul Society, a tough Squad leader, to a pitiful oversized baby. He wasn't even a baby boy either! He was in a dress for crying out loud!

If that wasn't bad enough, his crotch grew warm with his urine as it pooled up against his diaper. He didn't even feel his bladder twinge for release! 'How long had I been mentally knocked out for?'

This perverse, hour long treatment had slowly taken its toll on Toshiro, but the dam holding back his emotions finally burst when Yachiru commented on the state of his plastic undergarment.

"I think a certain sissy wet his diaper."

Toshiro started bawling once more as Yachiru bounced his drenched, diaper covered butt cheeks against her knee. Wanting to make sure he was wet, Yuchiru reached down and gave his crotch a squeeze. A muted crinkle answered her, destroying any doubts she may of had on the state of Toshiro's diaper.

"Just as I thought." Yachiru smiled and maneuvered Toshiro until he laid out on the bench.

Toshiro was quietly weeping as he looked up at Yachiru. Even though he was only lying on the bench, she seemed to tower over him. Still, that didn’t change the fact that he was about to get a very public diaper change. Seemingly out of nowhere, the crowd of bored mother's returned, excited by the opportunity to watch Yuchiru tend to Toshiro's pissy pamper.

Toshir tried to look away, but once he saw the crowd, he had no choice but to stare at Yachiru, his eyes did all the talking for him as he looked pleadingly into her eyes. He knew that couldn't resist or say anything to stop this insane scene from continuing. He could only hope that Yachiru would not put him through such a humiliating public diaper change.

"Don't worry, my little Hitsugoogoo. Auntie yachiru has plenty of wipes for you!"

That response shattered all remaining hope he had. Not only would he be changed, but he would have an audience to watch every second of it and undoubtedly tell every citizen of Soul Society of what they witnessed.

"Pwease, I wanna go home!"

Yachiru giggled and stated that they would go home to mommy Rangiku after she fixed his wet diaper. She hiked up his frilly pink princess dress over his knees, revealing his bulging diaper. A moment later she ripped open the soggy, yellow stained diaper and revealed a very cute organ to all the women present. They all chuckled and awed, giggling while taking photos. Toshiro could only whine and close his eyes, telling himself that this would all pass soon.

Despite trying to zone out from his predicament, Yachiru refused to let him have any peace. She repeatedly brought a baby wipe firmly across his crotch, front to back while coin down at him in such a babyish voice. If that wasn't bad enough, when she went to lift the petite boy up by his legs, all the women joined in, cooing at his cute butt. Toshiro silently cursed Yachiru as he felt his butt get dusted in baby powder before it was lowered onto the awaiting new diaper.

After he was taped into his fresh pamper, Yachiru helped him to his feet and led him towards the exit of the park. The few dozen spectators returned to their children, filled with juicy gossip to tell their friends later on.

To Be Continued...



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