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Raven was feeling burnt out from the havok filled morning she had just endured. It had all started just after dawn when a daring prison revolt turned into a full blown prison break. The prisoners would've never been able to break out if not for Cinderblock who had destroyed a wall inside the prison complex, freeing himself and hundreds of inmates. The rampaging criminals made their presence known throughout the city by looting, setting fires and causing all manner of destruction to both civic and private property.

Thus the two Titans capable of flight were pulling double duty as they helped put out fires across Jump City and subdued any prisoners they came across. While the girls handled things from the air, Robin, Cyborg and Beastboy were cleaning up the mobs of desperate looters and criminals. Even though the Titans had made decent progress, Robin decided that they would be more effective if they split up. So, Raven flew off towards the eastern part of downtown while Starfire went to the docks.

It was a good thing that Robin had split up the group because Raven had come across more than just mobs of escaped convicts running wild while she assisted the Fire Department. The Gothic Titan had stumbled across Jinx and her group of ragtag villians entering the front of a thoroughly destroyed Bank Building. Raven had to give the members of H.I.V.E. credit. They were smart enough to use the chaos of the prison break to their advantage. Of course, they didn't get away with robbing the bank thanks to Raven keeping them in place until Starfire and the rest of the Titans showed up minutes later.

Upon returning how to the tower, Raven wanted nothing more than to relax after her long morning of fighting the forces of unorganized villainy. She had declined watching a movie with Beastboy. Sure, he was nice to her, but today had put her through a lot of stress and the last thing she wanted to do was fight off his advances. While the green Titan watched the latest action flick, Starfire was cooking up some of her famous Tammerian cuisine. Of course, Raven and the boys had refused to partake. Speaking of the boys, Robin was helping Cyborg fix the T-car which had sustained much damage from the excaped legions of thugs who threw broken bottles, rocks and a few even chucked molotov cocktails! This left Raven to enjoy the privacy of her room; her dark sanctuary.

The Gothic teen sat in her typical pose, sitting with her legs crossed while she hovered in place. As she tried to meditate, she continued to chant, her focus on her inner being was waning. Try as she might, she couldn't seem to shake away the events of the day from her mind. It seemed that the more she tried, the more her thoughts would overwhelm her attempts at attaining peace and clarity. Luckily, her powers weren't going wild, but she definitely couldn't focus her mind like she normally could.

After roughly twenty minutes of trying and failing to capture her Zen, Raven opened her eyes and stared at the wall in front her as frustrtion slowly built up within her being. Whatever was keeping her from meditating was also starting to wreak havoc with her powers. A sudden shattering sound, from behind her, caught her attention as a vase hit the ground.

"Ugh, you've got to be kidding me." Raven said aloud to her empty room.

The ceramic remains of the vase littered the floor beneath her floating form. If that wasn't enough evidence that her powers were starting to overwhelm her, the shadows dancing across the walls from her candles told the tale; tendrils of black energy were waving around like tall grass in the breeze. It took the destruction of one of her favorite artifacts for the pale girl to realize that maybe she should try something a bit different.

When meditation failed, she would do the opposite of meditation. After all, meditation served the purpose of granting her clarity and dominion over her powers; it helped keep her mind sharp. However, there was something the Gothic girl did when meditation wouldn't work and she needed to unwind and relax. It was both a last resort and a secret pleasure she did to keep her powers in check when all else failed. It was something that would leave her more mindless than a pot smoking, pill popping, college kid during Spring Break. If the other Titans found out, she knew she would be shunned since it was so bizarre which was why she kept it a secret from her teammates.

Raven stretched out her legs, leaving her cross-legged pose and stepped foot on her carpeted floor. She then started to undress, slipping out of her black leotard. Being naked made things so much easier for her to achieve the end result. The pale skinned teen recalled how awkward it had been the very first time she had altered her mind and body with the leotard still on. She couldn't even get her diaper on and had soaked the crotch of her outfit. However, now she had a routine; a method that worked.

The first thing she did was use her intricate knowledge of the occult to change her only chair into something more suitable for her future self. A string of foreign words flew from her lips and proceeded to alter the fairly average chair. Her black energy swirled around the chair, changing it until it became a ground based, plastic shaped baby bouncer. To the average eye it looked like a typical baby's carseat, but it was so much more. It could bounce and hold the baby in place, although it was much too large for any normal sized baby and Raven had done that on purpose by enlarging the bouncer to accommodate her body.

Raven then proceeded to change a few other everyday objects into things that would be useful to her. She changed a still lit candle into a pacifier and quickly followed that up by  making herself a rattle out of lamp However, she still needed something to wear, least sge piss all over her floor so she finished things up turning a stack of paper into a diaper. With the aid of her magic she grabbed the newly created diaper with a black tendril and flew the diaper through the air until it hovered right between her legs. With a gesture of her hand, the black energy instantly lifted the diaper up into place. The thick garment cradled her pussy and bottom before the wings shot out and tightly wrapped themselves around the young woman's hips, covering her crotch, sealing her privates in the plastic embrace of an oversized pair of Huggies.

'Halfway there.'

The Gothic Titan pulled out a vail of liquid, and was about to consume it when she stopped herself.

"I'm getting ahead of myself. It would be much more enjoyable if I actually looked like a baby. I should go a lot further with it this time." Raven spoke aloud to herself in that monotone voice of hers.

Raven floated infront of her mirror, admiring her reflection. Despite how weird it is to see herself wearing a thick disposable diaper, she had to admit that her slender body and well toned ass made the infantile garment look good. Still, she looked far too mature for her liking. This time, she wouldn't just be dressed like a baby, nor would she simply regress her mind to be that of a mere infant. No. What she wanted was to actually look like an overgrown baby!

Raven uttered a longer string of arcaic syllables and suddenly the magic took effect, her petite form was transforming, gradually taking on the soft appearance of a baby. Her skin glowed as her tightly toned midsection puffed outwards, her stomach gained just a tiny bit of baby fat. Her rather unimpressive chest actually became more flat while her arms and thighs were simultaneously losing muscle tone, becoming more rounded and baby like. The cheeks on the pale girl's face were turning a nice perpetual shade of crimson.

It was quite the transformation and even Raven was surprised to see what was staring back at her in the mirror. However, it was one thing to look like a baby. She wanted her body to behave like a baby too before she reduced her intelligence to that of a single digit having infant.

Her coordination,now gone, caused her to stand in a most peculiar manner. She looked at herself in the mirror and stared at her reflection; she stood slumped over and pigeon toed. It looked like she was barely able to hold herself up, let alone stand. Her head felt heavy and her face was a slack looking copy of her own, coated in snot and drool, the latter running down her chin.

Raven grinned at herself in the mirror, proud of her transformation from beautiful young woman into an oversized newborn. However, she suddenly took notice of her pearly whites and frowned. To think, she had almost forgotten about those pesky teeth. The last time she did this, she couldn't quite enjoy her soother because of her teeth and something within her told her that the rubber teat would feel so much better on her bare gums.

A black tendril shot up to her mouth and started the bizarre ritual of pushing her teeth back into her gums. One by one, each tooth slowly returned to its ancestral home where the baby teeth before them had been born. It was quite a strange sight to see and Raven couldn't help but keep her mouth open, watching her perfect smile become misaligned and staggered with morbid fascination. Some teeth were swallowed by her gums faster than others and this created gaps and left a few teeth sitting proudly in a jaw that was quickly losing all its teeth. With only so few teeth left, it gave the appearance that Raven going through teething. A few rounded nubs breached the surface of her gums before they too vanished, leaving Raven with a toothless, saliva filled mouth.

Raven withdrew her magic from her mouth and smiled once more. However, this time she had no teeth and this allowed a bit of drool to escape from her mouth, joining the rest of the spittle that had landed on her flat chest and tummy. One thing that Raven didn't like was the feeling of air on her sore gums. It felt weird. So, the Gothic girl decided to try breathing through her nose, but the excess mucus in her nose caught her exhaling breath, much like a child bubble blowing wand, and created a snot bubble. The mucus based bubble grew rapidly until it burst,

"Hehehe, perfect."

Raven happily sat back in her giant baby bouncer, reclining until she felt relaxed. Now there was just one last thing to do.

She summoned her mental manipulation potion, a concoction which would literally turn off her brain for a few hours, rendering her an overgrown newborn for the rest of the day. Before she took a sip, she took one last glance at herself in the mirror and felt at ease. Her pacifier rested on her tummy as she lifted her hand up to take a sip of her mind altering beverage. Everytime she did this, it was like letting the weight of the world leave her shoulders. That is until she had to return to being an adult.

Her gaze swiftly starts to lose focus as the potion works its way through her stomach, entering her bloodstream and then affecting her cerebral cortex. She can feel her mind, her adult mentally receding from the rational realm, retreating deep within the confines if her brain as a more simple and innocent vestige of her younger years was allowed to take over. With the few remaining IQ points she had left, she picked up her pacifier and plunked it into her mouth before she forgot how to control her arms.

*Minutes Later*

Mentally speaking, she was now practically minutes old and her mannerisms showed it. She flapped her spittle coated hands while her nose leaked snot, blowing spit bubbles and drooling as she stared off into the abyss.

Unbeknownst to Raven, her limbs were no longer under her control as her legs twitched and kicked randomly. With each random, spastic movement, her diaper crinkled until it something caused the plastic of the diaper to be slightly more muffled. From the mirror, she could see the front of her big white pampers discolor and turn to a shade of yellow.

Despite having the mental IQ of a newborn, she could still feel the warming of her crotch as the pamper wrapped tightly around her crotch ballooned outwards, rapidly expanding as she filled it with her piss. Of course, she had no clue what she was doing, only knowing that the sensations coming from her privates made her spine tingle. That's all she really "knew". There were no words left inside her head to describe things, sensations or feelings. She just happily enjoyed the warmth pooling around her pussy, slapping at her crotch like a silly adult baby.

She then slowly became aware that there was something in her mouth. It felt very slick and smooth. She began to suck on it, her tongue pinning it to the roof of her mouth as she slurped on it like a simpleton. With each suck, she began to feel a slight sense of security. No words could describe why she enjoyed it, but on a primitive level, she liked what was in her mouth and continued sucking on it. It didn't take long for the soother to slip out of her toothless maw and fall to the ground, way out of reach of her arms.



"Oh my!" A familiar voice announced. "Is that the cry of a baby I hear?"

Raven could see an orange skin girl slowly peeking around the edge of her door. But, unlike the dimwitted, newborn minded teen, Starfire couldn't believe her eyes. The Tammerian quickly threw the door open and ran over to her friend.

"Friend Raven!" Starfire cried out, hugging her diaper wearing teammate. "What has happened? Who did this to you?!"

All Raven could do was merely whine and point towards the ground. Why she was pointing towards the floor, she did not know, but her arm had been outstretched in that direction since before the nice lady arrived.

Starfire looked down and noticed the lavender colored soother.

"Is it this that you want?"

The orange skinned girl pushed the bulb of the binky into Raven toothless mouth. The Gothic girl replied with a gurgle, happily spouting off gibberish. The nonsense flowing around her pacifier merely created more spittle that leaked from the oversized newborn's mouth, landing on Star's shoulder.

"That's much better, huh?" Starfire smiled before she noticed the huge yellow patch on the front of her friends only piece of clothing. "Oh my, that is quite the soggy diaper! I better preform the changing of the diaper."

The End



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