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A prickling sensation ran up Faye's legs, causing her to wake with a start. She rapidly looked from side to side, noticing that her arms and legs had been restrained to the mattress she was laying on. Gazing out from beyond the crib bars she was surrounded by was a nursery that looked oddly familiar. It took her a few moments to realize where she was as she tried to calm herself down.

Suddenly, it all came back to her: the diapering in that crazy media mogul's office, the long awkward drive out to the country in the middle of the night and, of course, the bizarre nursery that the fat cow of a woman expected her to live in. There was no that she could be back in that room! This had to be some kind of nightmare!


Faye yelled out, hoping that someone would come in and release her from the adult sized crib.

“Let me out of here!”

Her voice sounded strange to her, like it was echoing or something. She figured that she was probably still under the effect of the drugs that were used to knock her out. It would definitely explain the strange pins and needles sensation that ran down her shapely legs.

An overhead vent turned on and Faye felt a warm surge of air pour into the room. It was at that moment that she realized that she was naked! This discovery forced Faye to pull at her binds once more out of shock. Even though the bounty hunter was used to wearing next to nothing at all, due to her skimpy choice of clothing, she still had a sense of modesty! As she tried to cover her breasts, she heard an odd sound, not unlike the ruffling of a plastic trash bag, coming from her waist. It was upon hearing that noise that she wiggled her hips and felt an odd and bulky material caressing her crotch.

"You can't be serious.".

The bounty hunter sighed after making eye contact with the large white diaper that she had been dressed in. Faye had a sneaking suspicion that it was probably Mrs. Reinhardt who had stripped her once she had been delivered, but that didn't make her feel any better. All she wanted, at that moment, was to be released from the damned crib and be allowed to put on something a bit more mature.

"Could've put me in a shirt at least!"

Faye clumsily kicked the rail of her crib and instantly regretted it as a small trickle of urine escaped into her diaper. Startled by the hot gush of pee, The young woman looked down past her breasts and tried to see if there was any evidence of her "accident".All she could see were the cartoon characters which framed the top of her diaper. ‘The diaper!’ She mentally corrected herself. After all, it wasn't like she had gone shopping and picked this gaudy bloated plastic nightmare out for herself to wear.

The diaper in question was an enlarged version of a baby's diaper. It was mostly white all over with blue trim and leg guards. Faye couldn't see how many tapes held her captive in the thing, but she could tell that they were large tapes by how much of the waistband they covered.

The door creaking open caught her attention as someone was slowly opening it. Faye could hear the woman talking, but to who, remained a mystery.

“I'll have the footage compiled and ready in a week or so.”

The door stood still, hallway ajar, which allowed a mammoth shadow to fall over the crib bound Faye. As the woman continued with her conversation, Faye could hear exactly what was being said. It took only a sentence being said for Faye to recognize who  the voice belonged to. She hoped that she was wrong, but deep down she knew only one person who would want to do this to her.

“Mmm, I guess I should have enough footage to send you by the end of the day for a commercial, but I'll have to call you back. Thanks!”

Mrs. Reinhardt entered the nursery in a rather triumphant manner as she put her cell phone away.

"I thought I heard you in here. Finally up, huh?"

The stocky woman asked as she stood over Faye, gazing down at her naked body.

"What the fuck, lady?"

“You had mommy so worried. Racking up that huge bounty on your head!” Mrs. Reinhardt continued to talk, ignoring Faye's outburst.

Faye shot the fat woman a dirty look, but before she could even think of a thing to say, she felt two fingers enter her diaper, probing her padding for moisture. The large fingers lurked just inches away from her womanly folds. Instinctively, Faye tried to pull away from Mrs. Reinhardt, but quickly felt her binds dig into her skin. She remembered that she was strapped to the mattress and, even if she could move, her legs were numb from the waist down. Sighing in defeat, Faye asked:

“Why are you doing this to me?”

“Simple, my little girl. A mother's job is to protect her baby and that's what I'm going to do. If mommy hadn't gotten to you first. Why, I shudder to think about the prison you would've ended up in due to all the trouble you've been causing.”

Faye felt her face grow crimson. It was one thing if she had been kidnapped to continue that bizarre sex game that she thought Mrs. Reinhardt wanted her for, but this type of roleplay was just too much for her to bare. This crazy woman wanted to force her to be her literal baby!

“That bounty was bullshit!”

Mrs. Reinhardt frowned.

“I let your first outburst slide, but continued use of language like that is going to earn your butt a trip over my knee.”

Faye decided to  keep her mouth shut. She already felt odd, her legs were still numb and the last thing she wanted was to be paddled by this crazy woman. Knowing her luck, the bitch probably had one of those large wooden paddles.

Suddenly, Faye felt a pressure in her crotch as Mrs. Reinhardt pressed her hand into the front of the Faye's diaper. Faye felt overwhelmed conflicted by what was happening. On the one hand, the feeling of Mrs. Reinhardt pushing the squishy padding against her womanly slit was very arousing for Faye. However, one the other hand, she was literally getting her piss soaked diaper rubbed into her sick. Just the thought of it made her sick to her stomach.

A muted crinkle told Mrs. Reinhardt everything she needed to know as she moved her hand across Faye’s oversized disposable diaper, patting it all the while. Despite the fact that the obese businesses woman knew Faye was wet, she still reinserted her meaty fingers into the leg gatherers of the diaper to further tease her captive.

Faye instinctively flinched as Mrs. Reinhardt’s sausage like fingers brushed against her bald slit. The business woman took perverse pleasure in exploring her adult baby's folds.

The bitch was toying with her! Being violated like this was definitely the lowest moment  in Faye's life. Regardless of whatever punishment the cow could dish out, Faye knew she had to stop this.

“Hey you fat bitch! Stop touching me like that or  I'll make you pay!”

The response wasn't exactly one Faye was hoping for.

“That's funny, Big Baby Faye.”

“Don't call me that! I'm a grown woman, damn it!”

“You're so fussy today, I think it's time for your medicine.”

Mrs. Reinhardt announced behind a sadistic smile. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a syringe.

“Fuck! Keep that shit away from me!”

Faye started thrashing against her bonds, desperate to break free from the ropes which held her tied down to the mattress. It was a futile struggle since no matter how hard she tried to wriggle lose, she couldn't get free. All it did was get her worked up and covered in sweat.

“That's a good girl. Get that heart rate up. It'll help get the medicine kick in faster.”

Mrs. Reinhardt cooed as she injected the needle right into Faye's numb thigh. She pushed down the plunger and sent the chemical concoction flowing into Faye's veins.

After about a minute, the drug had reached her brain. Faye could feel her mind growing slower as the chemical trickled through synapsis, invading every crevice of her frontal lobe. The young woman was beginning to have trouble understanding her own thoughts, let alone what was going on around her, but that didn't seem to bother Faye. After all, she felt warm all over.

While she was enjoying the tingling feeling across her body, her central cortex, home to her speech center, was being assaulted by the chemical cocktail. A fleeting series of words streamed through her mind like code to a computer, but such information was incomprehensible to the young woman as her speech center went dormant.

Faye was instantly reduced to a retard who couldn't even speak, all of her thoughts were literally reduced to images and, without words, the images had no meaning at all. She stared at the woman leaning over the crib bars above her and struggled to make sense of the things she saw. Suddenly, Faye had a horrifying revelation; she could no longer understand what anything was!

Luckily, Faye's anxiety was short lived as the young woman grew more relaxed, allowing all of her confusion to vanish. Her mind had returned to its sluggish state, silencing all thoughts and concerns. Her body continued to feel warm and fuzzy as her brain gradually simplified itself.

Like the lights of Las Vegas at dawn, millions of brain cells were being turned off, leaving Faye with the mental faculties of a twelve month old baby. The brain dead bounty hunter gazed up at the person facing her and wondered who she was. Warm drool trickled down her chin, but she ignored it as she stared at this fat woman.

"I think all those big girl thoughts went bye bye, huh?" Mrs. Reinhardt asked rhetorically as she looked into Faye's big, unthinking eyes.

Faye was unsure of what to make of this strange lady talking to her. With her drool covered lips, Faye tried to make big girl words, but only succeeded in blowing a spit bubble.

"I'll take that as a yes. Now, it's time for my little TV star to get her diaper changed, oh yes it is!”

To Be Continued...



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