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Shepard stared back at the black and dark silver clad figure, unsure of what Admiral Xen had just asked her. It sounded so absurd. So ludicrously silly. They wanted her to- She couldn't even think of anything that would justify such an odd request as she searched for the right thing to say.

"Say that again."

"We want you to be our baby chick, diaper and all, to help us understand the festivities of your human holiday: Easter. What's so hard to understand?"

The womanly figure held her gloved hands behind her back as she repeated herself.

Shepard tried to look for any indication of this request being a joke, but the dark bluish visor of glass hid the Admiral's eyes well, allowing Daro'Xen to mask her true motive for such a bizarre request.

"I can't. Why would I degrade myself like that when I can explain the holiday and how we celebrate it in simple words?"

"But it is much more fun to have you be a part of the festivities!"

Shepard turned her attention to her stunning Quarian lover. It was one thing to refuse Admiral Xen, but Tali was a different story. The redhead simply gazed at her lovely girlfriend who stood before her, clad in her usual Enviro-suit of snug black fabric, textured with hexagonal patterns. Her silver eyes staring back at her, shining brightly from behind the purple mask within the lopsided hood.

It wasn't going to be so simple to just say "no" to Tali, Shepard realized as she found herself avoiding eye contact. Instead she turned her gaze south, staring longingly at the purple wraps that coiled around her tight waist and wide hips. How the material trickled its way down her thighs, hugging around the Quarian's taught legs. She quickly brought her gaze back to Tali's sparkling eyes.

"I don't want to be made a fool, Tali."

Shepard stated before apologizing.

"I'm sorry, but I don't want to dress up in a diaper and act like a chicken."

Xen's lip snarled as she heard Shepard's reply. 'Made a fool, she says.' The Admiral had been forced to give up her aspirations in securing the secrets of Geth technology, losing most everything she had worked for since the Geth had become their allies. Needless to say, Admiral Xen was still pissed off. ' This forced truce. This pathetic peace! They were supposed to be our slaves, not our allies! I had to swallow my pride and she is the one worried about looking like fool?!'

"It's just for one day, Shepard. Do it for me, please."

Tali pleaded, earnestly trying to convince her lover to join in on the fun. Unlike Daro'Xen, Tali was genuinely curious about the many different kinds of human festivities. Her curiosity was fueled thanks to what Xen had told her about human women dressing up as chicks, to lay huge eggs, while delicious candy was given out to anyone who wanted the rich chocolate during the Holiday. It seemed so fascinating.

Shepard stood there, thinking about all she had put herself through to help the Quarian people. Throughout it all, she couldn't forget that Tali had been there with her the entire time. No matter what the threat, be it rogue Spectres, monstrous Collectors or genocidal Reapers, she was always at her side. If Shepard had to pick between this unflattering request and going back into battle, she would've chosen to suit up any day of the week, but such a luxury wasn't an option. Still, she had risked her life on numerous occasions and she was not about to make a spectacle of herself for anyone, including Tali.

"I'm not going to do it!"

Daro'Xen looked on, grinning underneath her visor. 'This is going to be so much more enjoyable this way.'

"Very good." Admiral Xen beamed and zapped Shepard with an electronic pulse which instantly dropped the red headed soldier to the ground.

Tali turned to face Daro'Xen.

"She's going to be okay, right?"

"You need not worry about that." Admiral Xen answered. "Just let me take care of everything."

---Several Hours Later---

Shepard slowly regained consciousness. Her body felt tense and strange to her as she opened her eyes. Despite the constricted feeling that plagued her body, it was what she saw dangling in front of her startled her emanciously!

A long, clear tube stretched out, reaching up to a large suspended vat of rainbow color sludge. If that wasn't shocking enough, Shepard realized her arms and legs were bound in place. She wiggled her mitten encased hands that were basically grabbing her shoulders, but no matter how hard she tried to move them, they didn't budge. The best she could do was get them to rub the latex wing of her arm against her latex covered breasts. She simply had no hope of getting rid of the terrible tube that was lodged in her mouth.

"Now, Tali. Humans don't naturally lay eggs." Admiral Xen explained. "So, I thought up an ingenious solution to get our little Shepard to produce us some lovely, giant eggs."

"How is she supposed to lay anything when she's wearing that diaper?"

"See that little hole in the back?" Daro'Xen pointed at Shepard's bottom, where an opening was lined with a colourful Easter pattern that seemingly poked out from the rigid, latex covered diaper.


Tali stared at the small hole which housed a colorful protrusion on the back of Shepard's diapered ass.

"What is it?"

"That's going to be where our eggs come from." Admiral Xen smiled. "Think of it like a box of tissues, only the box holding the tissues is a diaper and the tissues are replaced by diapers that inflate like balloons until they're heavy enough to drop from her butt like an egg."

"There's no chance that she'll produce enough waste to fill up even one egg."

"That's where you're wrong. I've given her enough injections to make her shit her brains out!"

Shepard couldn't believe her ears. They expected her to shit herself until the diaper sticking out of her ass was heavy enough to drop like an egg!

"What the fuck is wrong with you two?!"

Instead of hearing her anger filled words, a series of chick tweets greeted her ears.

Both Tali and Xen chuckled, happy to see that their little chick was awake at long last.

"Activate the feeding tube."

With a simple voice command from the Admiral, the vat came to life. Shepard watched helplessly as the multicolored slime slowly traversed down the confines of the feeding tube and eventually found its way into her mouth.

The poor soldier could merely squirm in place, her mouth filling with the Quarian laxative as her hands were useless to do anything to stop her forced feeding. She tried to stand up, but the inflatable chick booties that she wore prevented her feet from moving. To make matters worse, the latex suit forced her legs into a squat position, keeping them from stretching beyond their current bent pose. All she could do was keep up with the pace of the rainbow coloured sludge that continually entered her mouth.

After a good five minutes of non stop eating, her cheeks and belly were beginning to puff out thanks to the amount she had been swallowing. However, she knew that the worst was yet to come when an ominous gurgle rocked her body.

Tali and Xen grinned behind their visors as a series of loud, volatile gurgling sounds came from Shepard's stomach. The two shared knowing smiles as Shepard shuddered in front of them, bottom sounding off rudely as fart after fart blasted the interior of her diaper. Admiral Xen knew all to well what was coming. While Shepard was knocked out, she had injected the soldier with enough mega lax to ensure that their little Easter Chick would pack quite a few pampers. Leaving nothing to chance, she had also mixed in a few dozen laxative tablets into the rainbow coloured feeding solution that Shepard was unhappily sucking down against her will.

Shepard moaned from behind her feeding gag, but all anyone could her were chirps and tweets coming from her latex collar. She tried to shake her head, but her feeding tube secured into her mouth by something that was shaped like a beak. Suddenly, and without warning, she felt a large pressure building within her stomach that was starting to rapidly expand thanks to the Quarian laxatives second effect.

"Remember when you said that there was no chance of Shepard producing enough poop to fill an egg?"

"I do, but you didn't do what I think you did, did you?"

"I did. Those tablets I added into the feeding solution act as a fast acting laxative." Admiral Xen beamed. "The pills also increase the size and weight of the poop, making it the perfect size for all the eggs that our little Shepard Chick has to produce for our Easter celebration."

Shepard strained and grunted as her stomach gained inches, inflating at a tremendous pace while simultaneously filling with shit. She was doing her best to rid her gut of the growing, beach ball shaped mass in her stomach. She continued to push, but nothing was coming out.

‘This can't be happening!’ Shepard mentally screamed. ‘I saved the fucking galaxy and you're going to make me shit myself forever!?’

While Shepard struggled, the two women kept a keen eye on the back of Shepard's latex Chick suit. Admiral Xen was pretty sure it would all go according to plan and, once this test run was completed, she would publicly parade Shepard around like this though every settlement on the Quarian homeworld. Meanwhile, Tali had her doubts mostly due to the outfit. She could see that the layer of padding across Shepard's bottom took up a lot of space and, how any of the poop was going to be forced through the hole was beyond her comprehension. She had originally assumed that the hole existed mostly for aesthetic purposes, but after Daro'Xen's explanation, she was eager to see how this would work.

Although Tali wanted Shepard to be their Easter Mascot of curiosity, it was Admiral Xen who was finally getting her revenge. She had gone to great lengths, using a team of her best and brightest to surgically implant a rather small, but invasive machine inside of Shepard's spincter. Once the bond and bloated woman started pushing her loads down her colon, a signal would be sent to the newly installed device that would expand the poor woman's asshole and guide her big logs into an awaiting "egg" diaper. One thing she neglected to tell Tali was that once the device started to expand Shepard's anus, it would simultaneously interact with the veins around Shepard's asshole, injecting them with an aphrodisiac and regressing agent. If Daro'Xen's calculations were correct, only an orgasm or two would render Shepard a drooling, retarded woman.

Shepard contined to chirp and tweet away as she grunted like an animal in heat. Her body grew tense as her latex suit began to get humid and clammy. Beads of sweat ran down her toned ass checks as her first bowel movement started to move down her colon. Without warning, Shepard felt her tight asshole open without her body's approval, growing wider and wider as she felt a tingling in her loins. A large blush grew across the trapped woman's face as she realized that she was growing sexually excited by the fact that she was going to shit herself.

Meanwhile, as Shepard shuddered and pushed her load out of her ass, Tali and Xen watched the small colorful bulge, that stuck out of the hole of the suit, begin to push outwards and inflate from Shepard's rounded bottom. With every chirp and tweet converted moan, the colorful diaper grew larger, protruding beyond Shepard's pampered ass.

At first it was the size of a basketball, but it rapidly grew in size with every load Shepard pushed into it. As the diaper grew heavier and larger in size, it started to distend towards the ground. After a few more fart filled minutes, the egg shaped beach ball of a diaper eventually plopped down into a makeshift nest that Tali and Xen had made to complete the theme.

Admiral Xen leaned foward and poked at the plastic coated egg. The older woman made sure that the stinky egg was sealed tightly, inspecting the tapes and even going so far as to rub the enclosed bag of crap. While the Admiral made sure that her project would not literally blow up in her face, Tali studied Shepard's face. It was obvious to her that Shepard had experienced quite a mind numbing orgasm. Twin trails of drool slowly escaped from the soldier's mouth as her eyes looked to be regaining their focus.

Shepard tried to communicate with Tali, but the damn collar kept her words from being heard. She suddenly remembered that her speach was being turned into chicken tweets. Why had she forgotten that? The more she thought about it, the more she could feel her mind becoming engulfed by a mental fog as she stared at Tali. Shepard knew that her and Tali had a connection, but she couldn't think of the exact word. It had something to do with the bedroom or maybe what people do in the bed. She used to be able to picture her and Tali together, legs intwined as they spent the evening scissoring, but even those fond memories were quickly fading from her thoughts as she tried to speak to her lover.

Unfortunately, another wave of cramps rocked Shepard's body as she steeled herself for round two. Each contraction of her abdominal muscles, every single painful gurgle, told her that this growing mass was going to be even bigger than her last movement! Her knees bent once more as she unknowingly perched herself above her nest, pushing with every fiber of her being. Her efforts were rewarded as a steady stream of semi solid poop escaped from her buzzing asshole. Shepard knew something wasn't right, her asshole shouldn't be behaving like it was, but when she tried to focus her mind, her body overwhelmed her thoughts. The sensation coming from her anus was just too powerful and was caused her entire body to become incredibly aroused. Each push only increased her pleasure as the signals from the hidden device raced down her nerves in her ass and crossed with the nerves heading to her labia, causing her pussy to pulsate wildly.

For a brief moment, Shepard lost consciousness. One second, she was crapping her brains out as her pussy practically poured precum into her pampers, but then; darkness. When she regained her barrings, she noticed that her stomach was feeling a bit better and that her friends: Tali and Xen, were extremely happy to see her. Something deep inside Shepard's mind told her that this was all wrong, that these women were doing something bad to her, but those thoughts died instantly once her stomach rumbled, signalling to her that it was time to make another poopy for mommy Tali and Xen.

Tali continued to stare at Shepard's face in amazement. It seemed that every time she produced an "egg" she would literally blackout from the force of her orgasm. 'No wonder why humans like doing this. I bet it feels incredible!' Tali thought as she watched her lover's face contort again. The Quarian watched as Shepard's jaw hung down, allowing a small stream of drool to flow down her chin and onto the floor. As Tali studied Shepard, Admiral Xen was shaking her head. She was not satisfied with the size of the eggs since they seemed to be much smaller than she had expected. Considering the dosage of Mega Lax she had injected into Shepard, the eggs should be at least double the size! Not only that, but given the fact that she had added Quarian stool enhancers to her force feeding tube, Shepard should have unloaded a lot more by now!

Obviously, Daro'Xen was more than a bit disappointed by how things were going. She was about to grab another syringe full of Mega Lax, when Tali gasped. Admiral Xen quickly turned her attention to Shepard's rapidly swelling gut. For whatever reason, her stomach had inflated to seven times its normal size! Xen couldn't believe her eyes, Shepard looked to be about nine months pregnant with triplets! Needless to say, Xen knew that something very big was about to happen.

Shepard was practically gagging on the feeding solution as she pushed even harder then she ever had before. Her face was turning red as she strained with all her might while Xen shut down the feeding tube. Her gurgles of agony now became clear shrieks of horrified pain. Despite the symphony of startling cries and tweets there didn’t appear to be much happening at her backdoor. Both Tali and Xen watched, seemingly unsure of what they were about to witness.

Then, out of nowhere, the diaper peeking out from the hole simultaneously ballooned out until it was the shape of a medicine ball. Both Quarians were definitely caught off guard by this unexpected development, but they couldn't take their eyes off of the rapidly expanding diaper ball, even as Shepard was screaming like an animal. Slowly, Shepard's shouts of agony turned into moans of ecstasy, but the collar prevented such lustful sounds from being heard due to it transmitting them as chirps. Regardless of the noises coming from Shepard. Tali and Xen were simply too entranced by the growing diaper dangling in between Shepard's legs to realize that Shepard was almost finished.

The Soldier could feel her entire body literally screaming out in a bizarre mixture of pain and bliss. She had struggled for what seemed like hours, but what was only seconds, to expel that giant never ending turd from her body. Worst of all, words had lost all meaning to her during this ordeal. She couldn't articulate her feelings or thoughts. Everything was merely colors and sensations. Gone was rational or cohesive thought. Lost was the majority of her knowledge. All she could do was literally shit her brains into her diaper.

Finally, Shepard felt the last bit of sludge sputter out of her asshole as she slumped her head down, drooling like the retard she had become. Instantaneously, the back of her latex suit, which had felt so heavy and had overburdened her, ceased to be so cumbersome. The sickening bulging mass sank down into her nest with a loud plop, the sounds of the diaper rustling as it settled next to the other two diaper eggs could be heard in the quiet lab. Unlike the other “eggs”, this one was twice their size, towering above them like a dome shaped skyscraper.

Shepard let out another long fart and giggled. The stinky woman was completely exhausted from her egg laying and, without thinking, she fell back and landed onto her squishy eggs. Both Tali and Xen felt their breath simultaneously leave them as time literally stood still. Neither one had expected Shepard to actually sit on the eggs like a Chicken! Luckily, the space age diapers held up, containing the disgusting smelling poop while not popping or puncturing. An added bonus, to Daro'Xen, was that they somehow had maintained their egg like shape while Shepard sat on them like they were a beanbag.

The two Quarians breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Shepard, for involuntarily agreeing to help us understand the human holiday of Easter, by being our lovely baby chick."

Tali and Xen both smiled down at the mentally drained and drooling Shepard.

"A few more months and you can help us celebrate the holiday of Christmas!"

The End!



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