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First things first, I'd like to welcome all of my new patrons!

Thank you all for joining the crazy train!

Now, this year is going to be my most ambitious year of writing yet! I have multiple projects and stories that will be completed and started. You'll see the long awaited conclusion to an unexpected Diaper Dimension story: A True Nightmare. Not only will that be finished, but so will the stories entilted: Practice Makes Perfect, Baby Mommas, Power Outage and Too Good to Be True.

My stories mostly focus on what my clients want to see, but I do plan on writing a few independent stories as well as a tale about Chi Chi's wish being misinterpreted, causing the angry housewife to relive her infancy, right from the start. No AR. Also, I am commissioned to write quite a few stories, one with Misty and Nurse Joy!

Bare in mind, I do write diaper boy and sissy stories. If I post a sissy story or diaper boy story, please remember that there are clients paying for such things, but I am also writing a lot more content with a female focus. Ultimately, I hope you enjoy all my content, but I know that everyone has specific tastes and I trust that you'll stick around for the stories you want to see. A "like" goes a long way to show me what you all prefer to read. Comments are great too!

Thank you all for your time and I greatly appreciate your support!





Any ideas on who will be taking care of chi-chi in her infancy?