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Rangiku laid stretched out on her couch, extending her arm towards a bottle of sake that stood on the small table in front of her. Picking up the bottle, she realized that it was empty and huffed a sigh. The empty bottle of sake was returned to its spot on the table and the well endowed Vice Captain rolled to her side and put her arm over the side of the couch, reaching behind the couch, searching for the hidden bottle of sake that she had stashed there.

Normally, she'd only need a bottle of sake to make her happy, but she was determined to get so intoxicated that she'd forget all about the rude things that her young captain, Toshiro Hitsugaya, said about her.

She vividly remembered being summoned to her superior's office and finding him at his desk, busy doing paperwork, as he always did when they weren't in the field.


"Rangiku." The white haired boy stated, without looking up from his documents.

"Yes, Captain?"

Toshiro raised an eyebrow, looking up from his paperwork. "I just thought I should inform you that I smell alcohol coming from you."

"Oh, that," Rangiku smiled, waving her hand in dismissal. "Y-yeah, so what?"

Toshiro narrowed his eyes and put his pen down.

"It's sad how I have a lush for a second in command." Toshiro stated, in annoyance. "You've made a habit out of shirking your responsibilities, ignoring your paperwork. Always leaving it to me to fill it out and, on top of all that, you're always drunk!"

"I-" Rangiku was cut off.

"No, excuses. I'm tired of nagging you about this, but it's gotten to the point where you feel comfortable drinking before you come into my office. That should never be acceptable!"


Rangiku quickly popped the top of her fresh bottle and took a swig from it, drinking the strong liquor greedily. After a few more gulps from the ambrosia of fermented rice, she found her thoughts shifting to the past. How, not too long ago, she was the Vice Captain for Captain Isshin Shiba. Then, it dawned on her that she was not only passed up for promotion, but that she had been playing second fiddle for more than twenty years. This sudden the epiphany really lit a fire within her. Why couldn't she be running things?

"That Toshiro is just a little boy." Rangiku Matsumoto paused, grinning. "No, he's just a little sissy pretending to be a responsible Captain!"

Rangiku sat up, breasts heaving beneath her black robe, as she left the couch and set out to formally issue a challenge to her Captain.

A sudden energy pushed through Toshiro Hitsugaya's door, causing the young Captain to look up from the forms he'd been filling out.

"Rangiku. You actually reek of liquor worse than before!"

"That's enough talking down to me!"

Rangiku Matsumoto felt her temper flare up as she stared at the white haired boy's face.

"I challenge you to a fight to determine who will be Captain of the 10th Division from now on!"

To Be Continued...




Finally baby toshiro is get what is really deserves! Pampers and baby clothes heheheh