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It had been just another boring day for Stacy Yamato until she got a call from her friend, Yolanda. According to Yolanda, her good friend from college just had a baby and, after a few months of being trapped in the house, the new mother was finally feeling secure enough to let someone else watch her new bundle of joy while she left the home for some well deserved "me time". At least, that was the way Yolanda had put it over the phone. So, with nothing better to do, the twenty five year old made her way over to the home of Yolanda's friend.

As she stood in front of the quaint one stpry ranch house, Stacy couldn't help but think about the odd and pervasive thoughts she'd been suppressing ever since most of her friends started having children. Like most women her age, she was feeling baby crazy. However, unlike most women who would've been thinking about having a child, Stacy's thoughts were quite different. She put those compulsive thoughts to the back if her mind as she walked up the sidewalk to the home where her friend was babysitting.

*Ding Dong*

A few moments later, a slender woman, approximately the same age as Stacy, opened the door, letting out the stuffy scents of the household. Stacy breathed in a faint but familiar scent:Talcum powder, which was wafting from the living room and out the front door.

"You changing diapers or something?" Stacy found herself asking without even thinking before she spoke.

"Actually, I just finished changing Becky. I guess I must've gotten some baby powder on my hands." Yolanda chuckled. She noticed an odd look in her friend's eye. If she didn't know any better, she could've sworn that it was the glint of envy.

The young woman mentally reigned herself in as best as she could, trying to control herself. Just the most subtle hint of baby powder had her all amped up and excited for seemingly no reason at all. She couldn't even believe that she asked her friend if she had been changing diapers, but at least it seemed like a reasonable thing to say. It was one thing to have thoughts randomly dancing around in her head, Stacy knew, but to have them being blurted out loud was another thing entirely.

"Let's see this little girl. How old did you say she was?" Stacy tried to keep things going forward.

"Yeah, she's barely two months old." Yolanda replied as she let Stacy walk into the modest home.

The front door led directly into the living room which had a few modern pieces of furniture. Nothing fancy, a few end tables, couch and a TV. Very minimalist white furniture which contrasted with the sparsely laid out baby toys that were all the colors of the rainbow. Stacy gazed longly at them. "How I'd love to- No, stop it!"

"Huh, what would you love?" Yolanda asked, from behind her dark haired friend, raising an eyebrow.

"A milkshake, but I really am packing on the pounds. I don't want to get a muffin top." Stacy giggled a bit too long at her own joke, but Yolanda didn't mind.

"I guess I could check and see if Natalie has any ice cream. Just watch Becky, sound good?

"Sure!" The dark haired girl stated with a bit too much enthusiasm.

Yolanda simply smiled and left the living room. She had noticed a change in her friend's behavior ever since their oldest friend, Jennifer, had a baby a year ago. At first it seemed like a new personality quirk, but as the months passed, Yolanda was positive that Stacy had caught the "Baby fever" that had been spreading through their circle of friends. It seemed like everyone of the former Sorority Sisters was either pregnant or had a kid during the last year. Yolanda couldn't help, but realize that Stacy and herself were pretty much the last women in their clique to not get knocked up yet.

Meanwhile, while Yolanda looked through the freezer, Stacy found herself alone in the living room. She purposely avoided looking at the toys on the floor, not wanting to trigger her urges to play with them. Instead, she opted to find the remote so she could turn on the thirty inch flat screen and see what was on the TV.

After a minute of fruitlessly searching the tops of the tables and couch, Stacy decided to get on her hands and knees to look under the couch for the remote. As she descended lower, getting down to all fours, she found the intoxicating scent of baby powder growing ever stronger to closer she got to the carpet. 'She must've changed Becky down here!'

Her mind raced as multiple conflicting thoughts raced through her mind, pulsating for Stacy's attention. 'I am crawling, babies crawl. So, I must finally be a baby!' Stacy shook her dark colored hair rapidly, trying to shake the idea away. Needless to say, now was not the time for her to think about such things. 'I need to get the baby powder! I don't want a rash on my butt!'

She stood there, on all fours, trying earnestly to fight off the commands that ricocheted around her mind.' 'I don't need baby powder.' She finally told herself. 'Why would I need baby powder if I don't have any diapees to wear?!'

Stacy sporadically gazed around, scanning the room for a diaper bag. She noticed none seemed to be laying around, but that didn't stop her quest. She started crawling around, in full on bloodhound mode, trying to sniff out the bag of Pampers, Huggies or Luvs. It mattered not what brand she ended up finding. After all, she was just a baby, brand loyalty, or diaper drama regarding which brand was superior, was something that only mommies had to worry about!

Beyond the newborn's bassinet came a rather ravishing scent which had laid dormant deep within her soul: the scent of Pampers! She literally followed her nose, drooling lightly as she neared ever closer to a set of cabinets that were set up underneath the large flat screen TV. Stacy flung the cabinet doors open and teared into the treasured bag of Pampers like a woman possessed. Bits and pieces of the pampers bag littered the inside of the cabinet where other bags of diapers sat. Still, Stacy didn't care, she now had that utmost desired item in her hands and surely her thoughts would calm down. At least, that's what she hoped as she held the tiny, white disposable in her clutches.

"Stacy?" Yolanda called out from the kitchen which startled Stacy something fierce, causing the twenty six year old woman to jerk her head up, like a child caught in the cookie jar, slamming it on top of the roof of the small bank of cabinets. Due to the force of the blow she almost blacked out.

"What?!" Stacy hollered out, sounding dazed and much like a spoiled brat.

"You want chocolate or coffee?!"

"Ummm, coffee!" Stacy giggled maniacally, wanting to get hyper in a diaper.

The dazed woman sat there on her knees as she stared at the object of her fascination. A blender came to life from the kitchen, but it was not loud enough to drown out thd thoughts which seemingly started to bombard her enmass, thanks to the blow to the top of her head. She was battling thoughts that she rarely had. Between the voices compelling her to "suck her toes" or the ones yelling at her to "piss herself" ,she felt like she was on the verge of losing it completely. So, with what little remained of her sanity, she stared down at the diaper in her hand as if it would help ward off her wicked compulsions.

"I hope you like Mocha because that's my specialty!" Yolanda happily announced as she entered the living room holding two glasses of mocha flavored milkshakes.

Stacy quickly stuck the diaper into the waistband of her relaxed fit jeans, hoping that the back of her shirt would hide the part of the pamper which poked above the jeans. However, that was the least of Yolanda's concerns, she noticed the pieces of plastic, which Stacy had torn in haste and mania were all around the woman.

"Why is there a bunch of shreds of plastic on the ground, Stacy?" Yolanda asked, genuinely curious as to why her friend had seemingly made confetti out of the Pampers bag.

"Umm..." Stacy giggled, drool slightly spilling from her mouth being agape. "I dunno, but I need to use the potty!"

Before Yolanda could question her friend's odd choice of words, the confused gal had gotten up and toddled away. What made the whole thing ever more bizarre to Yolanda was the fact that it seemed there was a strange, folded rectangular bit of colorful cloth sticking out from the top of Stacy's jeans. If the young woman didn't know any better, she could've sworn that her friend had stolen one of Becky's diapers.

Stacy somehow managed to find the bathroom in her delirious state, stumbling past the door and hurriedly slamming it shut. A mirror showed her a reflection she knew well, but hated for the last few weeks. She was so adult, so lean and fit. The complete opposite of what she desired. Babies had baby fat!

The dazed young lady struggled with her pants, ultimately yanking them off, leaving her fingers sore and throbbing. Once nude from the waist down, she found a new annoyance: the baby sized diaper. The damn thing barely fit her, tapping shut miraculously at last after five tries. However, it looked like a infantile thong!

Stacy couldn't help but stare at her reflection and get even more angry with how she looked. The disposable looked absolutely ridiculous! She wished that she had a cloth diaper or something that would be a lot more bigger on her petite body. Secondly, her hair didn't look juvenile enough for her. She wanted to wear it in pigtails to satisfy her demented mind.

'How can I look more like a baby?!'

A glimmer of metallic scissors caught her eye as the trimming tool laid on the counter top by the sink. Stacy grabbed it and gave not even another thought to what she was going to do to her long, beautiful black locks. She indiscriminately started cutting off huge sections of her hair on the back of her head. After about four or five cuts, her fingers started to seize up due to the pain of tugging off her jeans.

With no other options, the mentally unstable woman dropped the scissors to the floor and decided that she had to work woth what she had. She grabbed some ribbons and pulled the hair into place, tying the ribbons into bows so that, in her mind's eye, she looked like a baby. Like the six month old she wanted to be!

A few minutes later, her reflection wasn't quite as pretty as it was when she had first caught a glance of herself in the mirror. The deranged woman was basically at her wits end. Sure, the pigtails were cute, but other than her new hair do, and wearing a tiny disposable diaper meant for a newborn, she didn't feel or look, very babyish. Still, it was almost enough for Stacy who grinned a victorious smile only to notice her lovely smile. Instantly her world came crashing down around her. 'Babies do NOT have teeth!'

She fell to her knees, screaming at the ceiling, to whatever deity would answer her psychotic prayers. Somewhere, beyond space a time, an entity took pity on the young woman. For she was the deity of motherhood, but she was currently too busy to adopt this poor child. However, the Goddess knew of the perfect solution for both the poor girl and her friend, Yolanda.

With a snap of her fingers, the being had altered the very fabric of reality for Stacy Yamato and all who once saw her as an adult.

Stacy felt her world spin as her body was levitated above the tiled bathroom floor. The dazed and confused girl watched as her entire body was being transformed. The young woman felt her mind grow hazy. This was followed by her teeth literally falling out of her mouth and into the sink. Her eyes couldn't believe what they saw, every single one of her teeth fell out. A pacifier popped into her mouth magically, causing her cheeks to puff out as she sucked on the soother.

She felt an inner sensation of bliss overcome her as she worked the rubber bulb over her gums and swollen tongue. The more she sucked, the more the saliva was churned and the drool dripped down her chin. Stacy continued to breath through her nose as she chomped on her pacifier, mashing the false teat against her toothless gums.

Unbeknownst to the woman, her clit grew almost as wet as her chin. However, all Stacy knew was that her binky made her feel good and she kept on suckling it, licking the bulbous teat with her oversized tongue. After a few minutes of constant slurping, her **** exploded cum all over the interior of her rapidly expanding diaper.

While all of this was surely shocking to her, orgasming in a diaper, it was nothing compared to her legs becoming limp and weak while her diaper started to expand to ten times its normal size by absorbing her sexually released juices. This extreme bulk, coupled with her severely atrophied legs, pushed her thighs to the sides, giving her a cowboy's stance. She marveled at her new diaper. It's cloth cover was truly something to behold. It reminded her of watching her cousins back in Japan during the late nineties, when her aunts used the traditional omutsu fabric, made entirely out of cloth before most mothers made the switch to disposable diapers.

As quickly as the transformation had consumed Stacy, it ended.

The stunned woman found herself sitting on the floor in nothing but her Japanese style diaper. Needless to say, she didn't know what to do, but her first reaction was one of pure joy. She started babbling babying gibbering excitedly. Slapping her drool covered hands together as her mentally unstable mind was finally able to be a baby.

Here, Stacy Yamato sat, diapered, drooling and a darned cute twenty six month old baby woman. Somehow, some way, the young crazy gal had achieved her warped dream.

The End



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