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Kevin tried to the best of his ability to wriggle, to resist and get away from the insane machine which held the infantile plastic garment mere inches away from his crotch. His attempts at rebellion proved fruitless as the robot grabbed his ankles with one of its robotic hands, hoisting his limp legs up off of the carpet. A liberal dusting of talcum powder came out of the robot's mouth, which both startled and repulsed the young man. He didn't want this crazed robot anywhere near his manhood.

The robot cooed nonsensical gibberish as it rubbed in the powder all over his balls and penis. Kevin cringed as his cock started to grow hard by the touch of the machine's fake hand. He was ashamed to mention it but it had been a month since he had gotten laid due to the fact that he had broken up with his ex girlfriend. Obviously, the feel of someone else's hand was a welcome sensation.

'At least Allyssa isn't here to see this...' Kevin thought as the robot continued to work.

Satisfied with the amount of powder that coated the young man's groin, the machine pulled the massive diaper over his stiff cock, sealing it underneath the thick disposable. A few tapes were pushed down, sealing the diaper shut and trapping the boy into his new plastic prision. However, the robot was not finished. It spat out a pair of translucent pink plastic pants with large, girlish frills from it's midsection. Kevin whined and pleaded, but the oversized tin can could care less and he found the see through plastic panties drawn up over his bulbous diapered butt.

After pulling the pink monstrosity into place, the robot leaned down, getting close to Kevin's face. The thoroughly embarrassed and freaked out boy clenched his shut when the metallic nanny's mouth slit opened. He didn’t have any idea what the robot had in store for him, but he chose to exercise the only liberty his body was left able to preform, closing his eyes and praying that this whole thing was just a bad dream.

A small cylindrical shaped object, possibly a mock tongue, poked out of the robot's "mouth" and started sprayed a very fine mist of make up. Kevin could hear a slight hiss and feel something being applied to his face by the house bot. The smell was faint, but familiar, smelling almost like something his female relatives would wear. 'Is this thing spraying me with perfume? Why would it spray my face with perfume?'

Finally, the metallic intruder finished air brushing the boy's face with a blend of make up and strategically placed blush beneath his eaye. The blush really allowed his cheek bones to stand out. Next, the robot leaned even closer as the tip of the spraying mechanism changed to a lipstick applicator. Kevin could feel the robot trace the contract of his lips, slowly and purposely, but had no clue as to what the robot was doing to him.

The robot studied the frightened diaper boy's face fora moment, scanning it. A notification popped up on its facial scanner that the boy it called Kasey wasn't wearing any eye shadow. Another, "low priority" notification told the house bot that this was not Kasey, but due to the glitch in the system, the robot quickly disregarded the newfound information that the scan had delivered it. Besides, the machine determined that it ultimately didn't matter who it was diapering and dressing up. It's primary mission statement was to ensure that the recipient, in this case "Baby Kasey", was to experience the most girly and frilliest adult babyhood ever.

Kevin could feel a new sensation as a brush was little ran over his closed eye lids. At this point the terrified young man knew that the machine was putting eye shadow onto him. When he was just a boy in high school, he recalled wearing eye shadow when he was going through his emo phase, but quit when he graduated. Sure, he still wore streaks of blue in his hair, but the make up was a bit much and limited the amount of action he could get from the opposite sex.

*Beautification Complete* The feminine voice declared.

Kevin opened his eyes and was surprised to see his own reflection thanks to a mirror which had been held up in front of his face by the robot. Again, the young man had messed around with eye shadow, but he never wore lipstick, certainly not the fire red lipstick that failed to match the bubble gum pink blush which adorned his cheeks. He honestly felt like a child's doll, dolled up and ready to be played with.

'Seriously?! What the hell is wrong with this piece of crap?!' Kevin couldn't help but feel like a massive sissy, thanks to the make up and giant pink diaper he wore.

While he wondered why the malfunctioning machine had diapered and painted his face, the machine forced his hands into fists, catching his attention. His numb, limp hands were pushed into huge mittens, almost the size of boxing gloves. The tight pink PVC mittens were meant deny him any movement of his hands. Sure, it was overkill since Kevin was already number from the neck down, but Kasey loved being helpless during her baby time and the machine always followed the protocol laid out by its mistress without fail. Next, Kevin saw his feet being tied into thick, matching pink baby booties.

All Kevin could do was groan angrily while the robot started snapping pictures of him in his new diaper and matching babyish articles of clothing. He couldn't help but worry about who the pictures were for. If they ended up on the Internet, he could pretty much kiss his social life goodbye.

'I hope Eric finds Kasey and turns this fucking machine off!'

To Be Continued...