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A struggling Kallen was carried back to the Stadtfeld manor, her will to fight, ever apparent, due to how she flailed her arms and kicked her legs, screaming all the while. She didn't want to even contemplate what sick and twisted punishment her step mother had in store for her. So, she did the only thing she knew how to do: fight. Sadly, to the average onlooker, she looked just like any other baby sized woman that threw a tantrum because they did not get their way. Her tremendously sagging diaper merely punctuated this fact as she was carried over the threshold of the estate.

"Now, I want you to cease this temper tantrum."

Mrs. Stadtfeld sternly stated.

"If you refuse, I'll just punish baby Kōzuki here."

The blond giantess gestured towards the pram, where Kallen's mother laid, her worried little face framed by a big white bonnet.

Like the flipping of a switch, Kallen ceased her shouting and stopped throwing punches at her giant stepmother. The young woman looked from her vantage point, held up high by her giant step mother, down into the pram at her biological mother. Kallen didn't want any type of torture to befall her mother. Even if it wasn't actually her mother from her home realm, it was still a version of her mother and despite all that she had been through, she still would defend the woman.

"That's much better."

Mrs. Stadtfeld cooed and laid her troublesome bundle of joy next to her diapered mother in the pram.

Kallen's first response was to grunt as her overburdened pamper squelched against the soft surface of the pram's mattress. A terrible scent was pushed up from the confines of her disposable and wafted around the inside of the hood of the basket style stroller. Obviously, the giant wanted to punish her by making both baby women bask in the putrid odor of her own mother's waste which packed the pamper Kallen wore. That was the only conceivable reason why the hood had been immediately drawn up over the babified women after Kallen had been deposited within the pram.

The young woman turned to face her mother and wanted to apologize, but baby Kōzuki, as she was so affectionately called by the giant noble woman, wasn't bothered by the stench. A knowing look was shared between the mother and daughter. Somehow, the older baby woman had been able to tolerate the smell, probably thanks to the fact that she herself had spent many years in pampers that full. Ms. Kōzuki pulled her topless daughter in for a heart felt hug.

The two shared an awkward, but long embrace. At first, Kallen didn't feel comfortable hugging her diaper clad mother, but realized that the older woman most likely lacked any modesty. Ultimately, Kallen ignored the programming society bestowed upon her and let her mother hold her close, skin to skin. They both knew that this was possibly the only time that they could hug since they didn't share the crib. Plus, Kallen had no idea how long this "walk" would last and didn't want to ruin any time she got to spend with her mother, even if it was rather uncomfortable.

Once Kallen felt her mother's arms withdraw, she decided to question her since they had a modicum of privacy thanks to the pram's hood being sealed.

"I have to know, what's the doctor like?"

The magenta haired woman asked before realizing that she had said anything at all. Her fear of the unknown had compelled her to pose the question despite the fact that she knew it would not only upset her mother, but any reply would only serve to increase her anxiety.

The diaper clad Ms. Kōzuki paused, searching for the right words. After about a minute of silence she finally spoke.

"Sweetheart, I cannot say for certain what mommy will do to you. I just hope that she doesn't take that beautiful voice that I, and your father, gave you."

Kallen felt her anger renew when her biological mother referred to that giant bitch as "mommy". Had she been conditioned that much?

"Please, mom. Just don't call her that."

"I'm sorry." Ms. Kōzuki frowned. "It's a force of habit I'm afraid."

"I understand. It just kills me on the inside to hear you say that word. It's bad enough that she stole my father from you, but..."

"Father?" Ms. Kōzuki looked confused for a brief moment before realizing what her daughter meant. "That-"

A lump developed in the bonnet wearing woman's throat as tears threatened to spill from her eyes.

"That was long ago. You and I-"

An odd look appeared on the woman's face.

"I mean, the Kallen from this existance and I, we were shrunk to this size. Mrs. Stadtfeld, she did unspeakable things to us."

"Wait a minute, she did this to you!?" Ms. Kōzuki could only nod, causing the cute little frills of her bonnet to gently flutter.

"Umm, what was I like?" Kallen felt odd, asking her mother about what her alternate version of herself was like.

"Before the babification and birthing?" The diapered mother looked thoughtful. "You-I mean she- she was a smart girl who gave me a hard time, but deep down, I knew she loved me."

The niceties of her mother's praise were practically ignored due to one key word that caught the young soldier off guard. 'Birthing?! The fuck does that mean?'

"Can you repeat that first part?"

Before Kallen's mother could reply, a familiar voice pierced the veil of sanctity that was the cover of the pram. It sounded an awful lot like Milly. The young woman didn't know if her friend from the Academy would be able to help, especially considering the fact that the pram's hood was hiding her away from the world. Still, did she really want to be seen in just her bloated, nearly blown out diaper?

Ultimately, she had no choice in the matter as Mrs. Stadtfeld pulled back the cover of the pram, causing the sun to illuminate her pale, naked flesh. Instinctively, Kallen pulled her arms over her chest, trying to shield her breasts from view while her mother slipped back into her time tested baby persona. The soldier had to look away from her mother, seeing her start to drool and giggle was just too much for her. So, with no where else to look, she gazed up and saw a new face looking down upon her diaper clad body. Kallen's suspicions were realized, it was none other than Milly Ashford.

"I can't believe she's so shy today!" The blond student council president gushed.

"She's a whole new girl today." Mrs. Stadtfeld stated, a smirk in her tone.

"Really?" Milly asked in an airhead tone. "Whadya do to her?"

Her smile as white as alabaster and as cheshire as a cat's grin. If Kallen was capable of murder, she would've wrapped her hands around Milly's neck and snapped it like a twig. Sadly, thanks to her current position, she could barely wrap both her hands around a baby bottle. All the young soldier could do was glare up at her former friend in angst.

"I can't say I did anything to her. It's more like she pulled herself from the fog."

The noble woman explained, leaving out the very key detail that Kallen was actually a different Kallen from another reality.

"Then she's gotta have a little playdate with Shirley!" Milly beamed, looking down to someone Kallen couldn't see.

"I don't know, she's been a very naughty girl. I was going to take her in for a check up." Mrs. Stadtfeld replied.

"Really?" Millie returned her gaze to Kallen."She just looks a little constipated. I can take care of that."

'That fucking bitch.' Kallen clenched her teeth tightly. It was bad enough that she was sitting in a shit filled diaper, but there was no way that she was going to actually void her bowels into a diaper. Mrs. Stadtfeld chuckled.

"She might be a little constipated. I'm honestly surprised that she hasn't had a movement. I breastfed her before we went out on this walk."

"Then she's been fed and you're in need of a break. Let me take the brats and you can have lunch before you take Kallen to the doctor. Sound good?"

Kallen's mind raced. 'Would this be an improvement? Maybe she will let her guard down and I can escape!'

"I suppose I should. I mean, I have to call up Doctor Asplund anyway. May as well get some quiet time before the procedure."

"Great!" Millie beamed. "You rest up and I'll handle everything. Kallen will be all tuckered out when you come to pick up the babies."

"You sure do have a way with my girls."

Mrs. Stadtfeld smiled and pulled a few Britannia notes from her purse to pay Milly.

"Now, I'll be round to pick them up in two hours."

To Be Continued...



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