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WOW! Sugoi! Sexy Cat 😽😽😽


Really, really sorry for my this late comment!!🙇🙏 Firstly… NP1-san, thank you so much for making very nice and so cute Serika (She may be a cat from Abydos who has “weaker estrus” than “Kazusa Kyouyama”or “Kikyou Kiryuu”… but Cho~Kawaii!), this set is like a bonus commission for me!!💗 *I wondered which face the “Tsun-Dere” cat girl shows us in this set… but it’s “Dere” (Sweet) face, not “Tsun” (Cool) face!!🤣 *I’m also very happy to see the set “as recommender of her to the character poll” and “also as one of Blue Archive fans”!!😆 (She’s the 2nd character poll winner from Blue Archive subsequently to “Iori Shiromi”!!) Next… [1 - One of 2 things I’d like to share!] (But this was sudden and completely unexpected for me, too!😅) This is an amazing coincidence... but it seems that “Implementation of Serika (Swimsuit) in the actual Blue Archive game” was officially announced (her introduction was posted on Blue Archive’s Official X... probably it has the same meaning) at just the same time with the set’s post!!!😭😂🤣 Congratulations!!🎉🎉🎉 *The followings are reference URLs… the post in Blue Archive’s Official X! (Although they are written in Japanese…😅 There are mainly “Tsun” (Cool) face patterns!🤣) https://x.com/Blue_ArchiveJP/status/1796467033254859099?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1796467033254859099%7Ctwgr%5Ebbd2a691be3649ef8a51626ad56f7394329e1d03%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fblue-archive.doorblog.jp%2Farchives%2F25782264.html https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GO5VPxsbYAEp9Vg?format=jpg&name=large … NP1-san, on second thoughts, you’re GOD!!😂🙏 or do you have precognitive ability…?😨 [2 - And this is another thing… MAIN SUBJECT I’d like to share!!] In a way, this Serika set may be memorial one for us… Yes, this is just “a little, but big something” I wrote in Shenhe set thread yesterday… …NP1-san!! Did you already count/check “number of posts” in your Pixiv page…? CONGRATULATIONS for your reaching “1,000 posts” finally in the Pixiv page!!!🎉🎉🎉 *Everyone who has Pixiv account can confirm the total number of posts in the page below… yes, 2nd Serika samples’ post was just 1,000th!! I was waiting the memorial post until posting my this comment!!😆 https://www.pixiv.net/users/27500391 I know that NP1-san had started Pixiv page ahead of Pixiv Fanbox/Patreon (from February last year), and I think that this is amazing, this is the result of day by day NP1-san’s incredible and hard work!! NP1-san, again and again, we really do appreciate your super job for entertaining us every time!!🙏🙇💕 (Even during very busy time/under severe situations…😭) Today (Friday) is character polls posting day, so please have a good rest as possible!!💕 (Although the polls preparation is also hard for choosing candidates😅) P.S. … If possible… I’d like to see all of previous works (posted exclusively in NP1-san’s Pixiv page) as “uncensored” version!!😂🤤😍


Thank you so much! I did not even realize that i was close to the 1000 milestone! Thanks everyone for the amazing support!