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I forgot how jam-packed these episodes were, holy shit

Jim Nasium

Oda hit everyone with the 1-2 Combo with both Sabo and Koala. I think I was more happy at the time seeing Koala more than Sabo because we kinda knew he was alive but didn't know anything about what happened to Koala so seeing her made me equally cry as much as seeing Sabo. I'd like to think that Koala found out what her mom and village did and decided to say "Fuck this place" and joined the Revolutionary army and learn Fishman Karate as a result to pay back Fisher Tiger for all that he did for her. That to me is pretty powerful


I'd like to think that as well, in fact anything other than that would be odd. In that regard she would be just like Sabo, both seeing how messed up view people from their places have. :)