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This is the new comic template that I'm thinking of using for my comics. I've noticed most people use dark mode and I figured the typical bright white comic border was harder than the eyes than necessary. Also, 3D renders are more visually similar photographs and I've found photographs usually look better against a dark or medium gray background. In addition, I made a little spot for my website info.

Ubuntu's font is open source and I love it as a title font, so I went with it and am happy with how it looks here. It seems fitting since Prof. Karvonen is a Computer Science professor and the other main characters are in her class.

For the title of this comic, since it involves oral, I put "Say Aah" in the title, but UBA suggested "Say Ahh" instead. Let me know if you like that better or whether I should put the small difference up for a vote.

I'd love to get some feedback about this comic template design or anything else about this cover.




I'm thinking I'll change it to "ahh" and I'm also hoping to get this fun first-person-view comic done sometime in the next couple weeks.

Arkona Kothe

I think "Ahh" is the better way to go. Idk why but "Aah" bugs me personally lol. But loving the concept!