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Passion comes in many forms, and this night watching the stars is supposed to be one of loving passions. It will start with a different kind of passion, however. Sadness, pain, and anxiety can come from love as much as pleasure and happiness. Despite how healthy it is for Sarah and Elara to work on their relationship, the two herm nagas they're joining for this night of stargazing just want them to get them to make up already. Because this is nude stargazing and they want to enjoy what happens when four herms go bump in the night.

Starlight Passions
(Edited by Zmeydros)

Tonight was a night I had been looking forward to for weeks, weeks of rain and clouds that made me worried it might never come. The Naga Twins, Lucille and Daphne, had found a perfect spot for stargazing on some National Monument land, and Elara and I were invited to go with them. The best part was, the spot they had picked was rarely traveled at night, so it was a wonderful chance for some nude stargazing.

I was especially excited because I was a city girl and had rarely done any stargazing away from civilization. I was looking forward to seeing the arc of the Milky Way, something I'd never seen before. And on top of that, the clouds had cleared just in time for the Perseid meteor showers, adding another reason that tonight was the best time to go. But to do any of that, I needed warmer clothes and that's why I was digging through boxes.

My floofy vulpine tail flicked in annoyance. "Uuuugh, Elara, do you remember what box we packed my sweaters into?"

As she poked her head through the door, her foot-long white bunny ears with black tips made it into my room before her cute spotted face. "One of the ones that were in storage? I thought we were trying to keep them out of the way."

"Right, but WHICH box in storage?"

She sighed. “Did we pack and move the warm clothes to storage before I reminded you about labeling boxes?"

I looked up at her, some of my long black hair hitting my muzzle as I did so. "No... maybe. Okay, yes, I forgot to label it."

"Try looking through the unlabeled boxes first while I make tea for tonight. If you still haven't found some warm clothes when I'm done, I'll help. Do you want some tea before we go??"

I perked instantly, my ears pointing straight up. "Ooooh, yes please, I'll need the extra caffeine."

I went back to searching through boxes while Elara went to the kitchen. I finally found my sweatshirt after the second box, but by then I'd found another problem. Luckily, Elara came back with my mug full of tea.

"Ah, thanks hun. We have two sets of blankets now, which one should we use to sleep and which should we use for tonight?"

Elara looked at both and pointed. "Mine are newer, so how about we use yours?"

"Okay, I'll get them sorted while you get the rest of the stuff in the backpack." I started with a long drink of tea.

Once the blankets were sorted, I placed them on the foot of the bed and headed into the kitchen. Elara was spreading out stuff on the kitchen table. I walked up behind her to watch over her shoulder, still sipping my tea.

"Okay, we have trail mix, two bottles of water, bananas, and peanut bars. Can you think of anything else we might need?" she asked, looking up at me.

“Hmmm, I think we could probably use some headlamps. Probably not a bad idea if we’re going to be walking around in the dark, right?”

“Right, I found two in a box yesterday, but they don’t have enough batteries. Do we have any spares?”

“I think I remember some on the second-to-the-top shelf in the closet. What size do you need?” I asked.

“Triple A’s. I need at least three of them. I’ll get the rest of this stuff packed up while you use your tall powers.”

I nearly spit out some tea with laughter before setting down my mug and going to the closet, digging through the various things on the shelf. There was a ziplock bag full of batteries up there somewhere, but unfortunately this had become our put-stuff-that-doesn’t-have-a-better-place shelf and had become cluttered with a whole bunch of things quite quickly. Finally I found the bag of batteries. Instead of grabbing what I needed here, I decided to bring the whole thing. Might as well be prepared.

I headed straight back into the kitchen. Elara had most of the things packed up, just the bananas, the trail mix, and the headlamps were left on the table. “I got them hun!” I shouted in triumph, holding up the bag like I had hunted it down myself with a stick.

Unfortunately, I must have surprised her, because she jumped a bit and spun in place to look at me. And her tail, that gorgeous, thick, flexible, draconic tail that I loved so much, hit the table. Several things fell off the table, but the one that worried me the most was my mug.

It was my favorite mug, a souvenir I had gotten in Maui. It wasn’t unique, but I had used it for years and it was special to me. It was my go to coffee or tea mug because it was big, over thirty ounces, and I liked to joke I was twenty percent caffeine by volume. I loved that mug and every morning it was right there by my side and now it was plummeting toward the floor with some tea still in it. I cried out, already lunging forward, but I was on the other side of the room, there was no way I’d catch it in time.

Suddenly, it was like time had slowed down. I would've thought it was the adrenaline of the moment, but the other things that had fallen hit the ground, clattering and rolling or bouncing away. There was even a splatter as some tea hit the ground. But the mug itself hadn’t hit the ground yet. It was there, slowing to a stop in midair. A few drops of tea even hovered over it. And then, just before Elara snatched it out of the air, it moved gently toward her hand!

“Thank goodness, I didn't think I'd be fast enough that time.” She set it back on the table.

I was frozen in place, still staring at the floor where my mug SHOULD have met its demise. My fur had only just now started to lay flat against my body again after fluffing up in surprise. My brain was still trying to catch up to what I had seen. That shouldn’t have been possible, right? “Wait, did you see that?”

“See what?” asked Elara. “I mean, that was a pretty good catch, but you should have seen the time I knocked over a water bottle and caught it with my tail.”

Elara did have a point. She had amazingly good reflexes, and if it had been only that, it would've been fine. But I knew what I had seen. “No, that’s not it. I swear it had actually stopped. It was falling, then suddenly it just… slowed and stopped. It should have hit the floor.”

“I mean, you were freaking out. Adrenaline and shock can really mess with time perception.”

I was getting frustrated, Elara seemed to be missing the point on purpose. “No, that wasn’t it. Everything else hit the floor, only the mug, my favorite mug, didn’t. You can’t tell me you didn’t see that.”

I saw Elara hesitate for a moment, and that got my mind thinking as she said,“I mean, I don’t know what you saw, but the moment I felt the table teeter, I was ready to grab anything important that fell off. I'd say your favorite mug is plenty important..”

“Well I DO know what I saw. I’m telling you, the mug slowed down. I know I didn’t see it wrong. It literally slowed down.” I tried to think of anything to corroborate what I said. As I searched my memory, I realized that Elara must have seen it too. She had been moving to catch it, after all. “Wait, you were looking at it, how else could you have caught it? You MUST've seen it slow down.”

Elara’s eyes darted to the tabletop as she wrung her hands and I just knew it. She was lying. She knew something, she saw exactly what I saw , but she was denying it for some reason. I couldn’t believe it. Elara had always been so open about everything, I never had any reason to imagine she would be hiding something.

“You DID see something, didn’t you?!” I shouted. I was so shocked I could barely contain myself. “You saw it slow down and stop in midair too and you… you tried to make me think it didn’t happen. Why?”

Elara sighed, looking down at the ground. My heart sank and my ears drooped. I didn’t know why she was being this way. She had always been the one who spoke about clear communication and trust being essential for our relationship. Now there was something she wasn’t telling me, and I didn’t know what that meant.

“Can you just chalk it up to me being an amateur magician or something and just drop it? For me?” she asked, looking into my eyes pleadingly.

I wanted to drop it. I really did. But my mind was already filled with so many doubts. If she wouldn’t talk to me about something I had literally seen, what things hadn’t I seen that she was not telling me about? How many other things did I not know about her? My tail was curling between my legs with the anxiety I was feeling. “I… I don’t know if I can. You always say that if I’m worried about something between us, I should tell you about it so we can address it early on. Well this has me worried. I don’t understand why you won’t talk to me about it at all. Please, what are you not telling me?”

"If I could tell you, I would. You know that, don't you? All the time we've known each other, I've never hidden anything from you. But this time I have to force myself not to explain because you're too smart and I love you too much and I'm likely to give you just enough pieces to put it together. I can't let that happen." Elara's lips drew into a straight line as her face became blank, completely closing herself off to me. I actually felt more afraid after that.

I knew at that point I wouldn’t be able to get anything out of her. Whatever the issue was, she was dead set on not saying anything. I knew she had her reasons, or at least I hoped she did, but I still felt an ache in my chest that wouldn’t go away. I just nodded and turned to go get more stuff for the night.

I stumbled into our bedroom, supposedly going to grab the blankets. As soon as I saw the bed though, the bed where Elara and I had spent passionate nights and loving mornings together, I just broke. I collapsed into it and pressed my face into my silk pillowcase. Tears had already started collecting in my eyes and it was a minor miracle that I didn’t have any tear stains in my fur.

Why was this happening? I trusted Elara with my life, why was my mind in so much doubt now? I wanted to believe her, to take her at her word that she couldn’t tell me what was going on, but my paranoid brain just wouldn’t stop. It wasn’t even about what had actually happened in the kitchen anymore, it was about Elara’s unwillingness to talk about it. I started to think of all sorts of horrible things, each scenario more ridiculous than the last, where Elara would betray me, reveal her double life as a stage magician and ride off into the sunset looking for her next conquest.

When I felt a hand touch my shoulder, my body stiffened and my tail fluffed up out of instinct. I sniffled and rubbed my face against the pillow to try to get rid of any lingering tears. I looked over at Elara who was leaning over me, gently rubbing my back. She looked so sad, I wanted to hug her and say everything would be okay, but at that moment, I wasn’t sure I could say that in a convincing way.

“I understand if you don’t want to go tonight. Do you want me to call The Twins and tell them we can’t make it?”

I struggled to think, trying to decide what the best thing to do was. We'd been looking forward to this trip for weeks. The conditions were going to be ideal, with a meteor shower and the moon at just the right phase. And I knew the naga twins were looking forward to seeing us there. I sniffled again, trying to clear my nose before shaking my head. “No, it’s okay, I can still go. Just give me a sec to grab the blankets. Did you already pack the rest of the things?”

“I’ve got it all in my backpack. We just need to grab the blankets and our purses.” Part of me wanted to be angry that she was so calm, but another part knew that’s just how she was when she had a lot of emotions all at once.

I silently grabbed some blankets and carried them to the living room where my purse was hanging. “Okay, I’m ready to go. I’ll put the blankets in the trunk.”

I left the apartment without waiting for a response. I was starting to feel numb now, the previous burst of emotion draining out of me with nothing to replace it. No anger, no resentment, just emotional emptiness that left me unable to respond with more than a simple monotone. This was my usual way of coping when I was overwhelmed. I sat in the car, waiting for Elara to come out of the apartment complex, just staring out the front window.

The sun was going down, and it would be an hour drive before we got to where we were going to watch the stars. An hour in the car, with Elara, with all this hanging over my head. I wasn’t sure if I was going to make it without crying again. I took a deep breath and tried to calm down. Everything would be okay. We’d get there, we’d see the stars, we’d drive back, I could make an excuse to Elara and go to bed right away, then sleep. Some sleep would help, I was sure of it. Maybe tomorrow I’d have more perspective. I really hoped so.

I heard the passenger side door open and close. I didn’t bother to look, I just put the car in reverse and started to head out. I switched the car radio to some classical music and turned it up a bit. Elara seemed to take the hint and didn't try to talk. For nearly an hour, the only words in the car were the driving instructions from my navigation app.

Eventually, the site we were headed for came into view. El Malpais was not a kind place. Half the terrain was barren lava fields, broken and craggy. Trees rarely grew tall enough to offer shade for anyone who walked near them. The scenery was beautiful, but it was not a place to be out in the dark. The other half was sandstone bluffs; hills and cliffs that jutted from the earth and had tall, gnarled trees that were twisted by the harsh wind that blew during the day.

The top of those bluffs was where we were headed. The parking lot at the bottom of them was almost empty except for one small van. Even from the outside, it was easy to see the vehicle had been modified, no driver or passenger's seat were visible through the windows. That was the twins’ van, modified to be drivable by someone without legs. I’d never tried to drive it myself, mostly because there was nowhere to sit.

I was a bit calmer now than I had been. Driving had always been relaxing for me and this drive had been no exception. I hadn’t completely forgotten what had happened, but I was able to put aside the emotions that I felt, at least for the night. I really was looking forward to seeing the stars and the Perseids.

Elara and I hiked up the bluff, the trail so narrow in places that we couldn’t walk side by side. One particularly steep section had almost been carved by wind and rain into the side of the cliff, forming a natural stairway with steps twice as high as any normal stairs. Fortunately, the bluff wasn’t especially high in this area, and it was easy to make it to the top.

I spotted the twins a ways down the trail, backlit by the setting sun. I had met them before, of course. Elara had found a way to introduce me to them after our first encounter in the "Hall of Presented Butts" as it was cheekily known. The fact that the club it was in was simply named “The Dining Hall” made everyone in the know smile. After those two nagas had treated both Elara and I to the pounding of our lives, she made sure to arrange for it to happen without a wall between us.

The twins were gorgeous. Their naga forms were covered head to tail in beautiful scales. Lucille had light turquoise scales crossed with darker turquoise stripes running from the top ridge down to where the lighter blue scales took over on the underside of her body. Daphne had light lavender scales with similar darker stripes. Her underside scales were nearly white, which contrasted beautifully with the darker stripes that jutted out into them from her sides. In reality, they weren’t even related, but after they had met, they became so enamored with each other that they quickly became closer than any sisters. Their patterns were close enough that despite their different colors, they jokingly called themselves twins and most of their friends had followed suit.

When Daphne saw me, she waved, rising on her thick tail to make sure we saw her. I waved back, picking up the pace a bit so I could meet them. Elara was not far behind me.

“I’m so psyched you could make it,” said Lucille, laying out on her blanket with her top and skirt already discarded. Her slits were a barely visible indent in the scales against her otherwise vibrant, light blue underbelly.

I forced a smile on my face, determined to have fun tonight. “Yep, wouldn’t miss this. The meteor shower is supposed to be fantastic and I’ve wanted to see the arc of the Milky Way for years.”

Elara started to lay out our blanket while I chatted with Daphne about what we had been up to lately. After a few minutes of chatting, Daphne looked me up and down, saying “So, are you going to get naked or just be boring the rest of the night?”

I had honestly forgotten, with everything that had been going on. I smiled and started to strip, pulling off my shirt and bra first, then moving on to my skirt. I swished my long tail from side to side a few times once I got my skirt off. It always felt so nice to get the fabric off the base of it, even if the bows I tied around it were super cute.

Once I was fully naked, aside from my shoes, I went over to the blanket where Elara was already stripping as well. I held out my clothes, not saying anything. She took them, also in silence, and started to pack them into the backpack. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the twins staring at us, confused by the fact that we weren’t talking to each other, or even acting close. Daphne looked like she wanted to say something, but then Lucille put a hand on her shoulder and just shook her head.

I slowly walked over to the Twins’ blanket, sheepishly looking anywhere but directly at them. “Hey, Daphne, mind if I talk to you for a bit?”

Daphne glanced at Lucille and when the turquoise naga nodded, she slithered from her and wrapped her arms around mine. “Of course hun, here, there’s a trail that goes a bit further down the bluff, we can head that way for a bit while sharing my new flashlight.”

I walked off with her slithering along beside me. Once we were a few hundred feet from the others, she turned to me with a sympathetic look on her face. “What’s wrong hun?”

“It was that obvious, huh?”

She gave me a serious look. “You haven't spoken even one word to Elara since you arrived. It was hard to miss.”

I took a deep breath, the events of the evening playing again in my head. “Something happened and I don’t know why, but Elara is lying to me about it. Hell, she practically admitted she’s lying, but she won’t tell me the truth. I’m angry, I’m frustrated, I’m….” I started to tremble, wrapping my arms around my chest. “I’m scared. I don’t want to lose her, but I don’t know what to do if I can’t trust her.”

Daphne seemed to mull that over a bit, thinking about what I had said “She admitted she’s lying? So, she insists what she said was the truth, even though she also admits it’s a lie?”

“I mean… no, she isn’t insisting it’s the truth anymore, but she DID lie to me, and I caught her and she admitted she lied, but she refuses to tell the truth. She’s not telling me anything.”

Daphne nodded. “Ah, so she’s not lying anymore. Is she sorry for lying?”

I was quiet for a moment. “I don’t know? I didn’t really ask that part. She said she CAN’T tell me the truth, whatever that means.”

“I guess that means you need to figure out if you can live with Elara without knowing the truth.”

I stayed quiet after that. I didn’t know quite how to answer Daphne and she seemed to accept that. We headed back to the main site, Daphne going back to the blanket with Lucille and I headed over to the blanket where Elara was laying down, naked and watching the stars come out.

I didn’t lay down right away. I just gazed off into space, thinking. Was Elara still lying? From one way of thinking, she wasn’t lying anymore, but was not telling the truth and lying the same thing? I know she felt bad about the fact she couldn’t tell the truth, but did that change things? Maybe it did, but part of me didn’t want to accept it. So, was I going to be mad for the rest of my life? I looked down at Elara and I could see that she had been crying. There were small tear stains in her fur. Seeing her cry made me feel awful. I guess it really came down to if I could forgive her for lying. I could accept not knowing the truth, as long as I learned it eventually.

The cool air washed through my fur, making small waves through it. I was happy for the protection my fur gave me, but it hadn’t been doing quite enough. My nipples were hard and I had felt some goosebumps under my fur. I started to pace, trying to get my blood moving so I’d feel a bit warmer. It worked a little, but it didn’t keep my balls from pulling up tightly against my crotch.

I’d replayed the events over and over in my head since we left home, but I thought about them again now. This time, I didn’t focus on what I’d seen, but instead I focused on Elara’s words and actions. It was easy to see, in retrospect, how much it had pained her that she couldn’t tell me the truth. She was truly sorry for lying, I was sure about it. And I hadn’t forgiven her yet.

By the time I had stopped pacing and thinking, the sun had fully set. I sat down on the blanket to Elara’s right. I looked up at the sky, admiring the few stars that were burning through the late day sunlight. To my right, the twins were already cuddling, wrapping their tails around each other, and to my left, Elara was on her back next to me, watching the sky as well. She was completely naked as well, but her balls were somehow weathering the cold better than mine were.

I sighed and laid down, leaning on Elara, knowing she was strong enough to take the extra weight. “Hey Elara, I wanted to say I forgive you”

“For what?” she said, wrapping an arm around me.

I looked into her eyes. “For lying to me. I know you’re sorry, and you said you couldn’t tell me the truth. I trust you. And I know you trust me. If you said you couldn’t tell me something, then I believe that you’re telling the truth.”

I could see some tension easing from her expression. The fact that I could even tell that much said a lot about how she had been feeling this whole time. “Thanks hun. I promise I'll tell you everything someday. I just need to figure some stuff out before I do.”

I leaned into her arm, snuggling up against her side, happy with how things had worked out. I still had lots of questions, but for now, they could wait.

“Awwww, I’m glad you both have finally made up.” said Lucille.

I rolled over onto my side to see they had been watching the whole time. I rolled my eyes, but I couldn’t keep the smile off my face. “Yeah, sorry about that. I think we’re good now.”

“Good, because, personally, I didn’t come out here and get naked JUST to watch the stars.” Lucille said, caressing Daphne’s breast from behind. Her tail was already squirming a bit, and while I couldn’t see it directly, I knew that her slit was opening up to allow her cocks to slip out.

I yelped as Elara’s paw-padded hand suddenly caressed my breasts and her breasts pressed into my back. I should've been expecting it, I really should have, but I'd been distracted and she'd caught me by surprise. She pinched my nipple and tugged on it, making me moan and arch my back, pressing my butt against her crotch.

I got up slowly along with Elara, keeping her breasts pressed against my back, and knelt on the blanket. On the blanket across from us, Lucille was doing the same to Daphne, gently pushing her forward toward the both of us, slithering silently onto our blanket.

"Mmmm, you two are gorgeous, I'm so happy you made up and we can have fun now," said Daphne, gently playing with my belly fur and leaning in to kiss me, her long, thin tongue flicking against mine. I moaned as she reached down and cupped my balls and sheath, curling her fingers underneath to stroke them across my pussy lips.

"The fox is mine," Lucille said before pushing Daphne toward Elara and spinning me around so her scaly breasts were pressed into my back. She gasped as her twin pricks slid out, pressing into the soft fur on either side of my tail as her tail wrapped around one of my legs and squeezed possessively.

While Daphne slithered behind Elara, I looked up at Lucille, my ears pressing into the top of her breasts, and smirked softly. "Oh? I'm yours now? Pretty bold saying that in front of my girlfriend."

Lucille smirked back and pulled me tighter against her chest, her tail massaging my leg up and down. She reached around and gripped my breasts, much like Elara had been doing, making me coo and arch my back, grinding my butt into her twin pricks. Her desire was radiating off her like a warm stone and it was relaxing to feel her gently dominate me.

"Oh, I know that Elara won't mind if I borrow you for a bit," said Lucille. "And maybe dog-ear some of your pages like a well loved book." She bit down on my ear, thrusting her hips to slide those cocks between my ass cheeks.

Meanwhile, Daphne had gotten right into the swing of things, slithering toward Elara and wrapping around her legs, pinning my bouncy bunny against herself. She wound her fingers into Elara’s short head fur and led her to a breast. Elara sucked on Daphne's nipple like she was expecting to find milk. At the same time, she started pinching and tugging on the other nipple while wiggling the tip of her furred dragon tail against Daphne's snatch.

The bite on my ear made me squeal in bliss. Lucille wasn't gentle, but she also knew how to hold back from being too overwhelming. Her twin cocks seemed to plump up even more at my cry, spreading my ass cheeks even wider.

Daphne squealed along with me, squirming due to the constant teasing that Elara was giving her. She pulled away from Elara's front, turning Elara toward me before pressing her own hips up against Elara's rear. "Mmmmm, come on Elara, I want to see your huge, equine cock." She thrust her hips against Elara's rear, and from Elara's moan, I guessed that Daphne's twin cocks were sliding out of their slit.

Daphne's thrusts pushed Elara against me, our belly fur touching as our breasts were assaulted by our respective partners. I could feel Elara's cock start to emerge from her sheath, pressing into the space between my thighs.

"Fuck, I love the way your cocks feel back there," said Elara.

Lucille let go of my ear and gently flicked her tongue across it before leaning in and speaking in a low, sultry voice that reverberated in her chest. "Speaking of cocks, tell me Sarah. Just how much of a slut are you? Can you really fit Elara's monster inside you?"

A jolt went down my spine at being called a slut. I was only just starting to accept how slutty I really was, but at the same time, it still felt taboo and erotic to actually enjoy it.

"E-every inch." I said, blushing through my fur.

Daphne lit up when I admitted that, reaching around to stroke along Elara's cock. "Come on Elara, I want to watch you sink all of it into her pussy."

Elara tipped her hips, making more room between the two of us for her cock to grow. "She gets incredibly wet and was already a size queen with toys before she even met me. I actually fit into her the first time we met, though it took her a while to get the whole thing in. She even let me do it to her in semi-public, at the women's locker room of our local YMCA."

I growled as I started to become overwhelmed with lust. "Mmmmmmrrr, yes, fuuuuck yes I love her thick horse cock, I love when she fucks me nice and deep then fills me with pints of cum!"

I felt Lucille's tail shift on my leg and suddenly the tip was pressing against my slit. "We'd better make sure you're very wet then. Shouldn't be a problem for a slut that took a laquine's cock for the first time out in the open. Hell, no wonder my dicks fit in you so well when I first found your beautiful ass sticking out of that glory hole." Just remembering it made her gasp and pre from her dicks, soaking the fur between my legs further.

Daphne was squirming behind Elara, I could tell all the dirty talk was getting to her as much as it was getting to me. She suddenly gasped, and from the look on her face, I knew that she was pressing into Elara. Elara's matching gasp and slight moan helped confirm my suspicion.

"Mmmm, did you fill her up tight with lots of cum?" asked Daphne as she started to slowly move up and down.

"I always have plenty to spare," Elara said. "She oozed all over the shower floor and the drain nearly got backed up from it all."

From behind me, I could hear Lucille chuckle. She shifted around and grabbed Elara's balls, hefting them with her scaly hands. "Ooooh Elara, your balls are fucking heavy."

Elara grinned and pushed her hips forward, grinding her emerging shaft against my clit and balls while Lucille shoved more of her tail in my pussy. "Just wait until I get around to stuffing you two. I feel like I could go until the sun comes up."

"I can't wait," said Daphne, teasing one of Elara's nipples.

I was moaning, my head spinning from the double assault. "Fuuuck... I love big toys... they always fill me up so nicely, but.... Mmmm, Elara is so much better."

Lucile shoved even more of her tail in my cunt, really stretching it out. She ground her cocks against my rear and pinched one of my nipples. "Mmmm, I'm starting to get a little jealous of Elara. When I fucked you, it was amazing because it felt like you could take everything I could give."

Elara smirked and then started to rock herself back and forth, pressing her ass into Daphne's front, then shoving her cock up against my clit, balls, and sheath. Both of us moaned and squirmed, but she wasn't done yet. She reached both arms around me and wrapped around Lucille's cocks, using the pre in my fur to lube her double hand job.

Soon, Elara had everyone else moaning and squirming. She was such a show off sometimes, but I loved it. Her cock was nice and hard, the flattened head pressing against the underside of my breasts each time she thrust forward.

Noticing that Elara was ready, Lucille started to slide her tail out of me. She then wrapped it around me, scales still shimmering with my juices, and tipped me so I was at the perfect angle. "Alright Daphne, shove Elara forward. I want to see that whole dick slide into my newest slut."

Daphne hilted herself into Elara, pushing her forward just when she had gotten Elara's flared head lined up, burying her in me with one smooth motion. I gasped and rocked my hips, but I was held firmly by Lucille's strong tail and I wasn't going anywhere. She squeezed me just enough that the bulge formed by Elara's flare was obvious as it slid further in.

"Mmmmm, Elara, you feel just as good as when we fucked in the hallway. What sort of fitness routine does your cunt do to stay so amazing?" Daphne was starting to lose herself, thrusting and slapping her hips against Elara's butt, putting more of her weight into her efforts.

"My fitness routine: riding as many dicks as I can find as roughly as possible," said Elara as she started to thrust back and forth between Daphne and me. She was fucking me harder and harder, her cock reaching it's full, gigantic size as it went even deeper inside me.

Lucille felt my stomach as it was being deformed from being fucked, a spurt of pre splattering against my back. "FFFUUCK! That's hot! Daphne, you've got to feel this."

Daphne reached forward and slipped her hand between my belly and Lucille's tail, feeling the bulge of Elara's flare as it moved back and forth. "Mmmmm, that's amazing. Elara, you found a really good one here."

I was practically melting as the pressure of Lucille's tail was making Elara's cock feel even bigger than normal. Not quite sure what to do with my hands, I eventually reached up and grabbed Elara's bouncing breasts, squeezing them and rubbing her plump nipples against my palms.

Elara's thoroughly toned bunny buttocks and thighs were showing their worth as she forced us to increase the pace. She moaned when Daphne's cocks reached their full size, making a bulge in Elara's belly that let me feel each one of the naga's thrusts. My pussy was making wet squelching noises as Elara worked to get every inch buried in me.

While all this was going on, Elara's nipples were getting even more plump and warm and I suddenly felt a bit of wetness against my palms. It took a lot of work to get Elara this worked up, and she rarely moaned that loudly. She leaned forward, pressing her lips against mine and making out with me hungrily. She shoved her tongue into my muzzle and even tilted her head so we could kiss even deeper, all without breaking her pace. I could feel her hunger and need through the intensity of that kiss.

Lucille pulled away from my back, holding me in place with her tail as she moved to my left, laying on her side while facing us. "Mmmm, you two can make out any time, how about you use those mouths for something else?" She grabbed Elara's head and shoved her muzzle against her big, wet, puffy naga pussy, while pressing both her throbbing, pre-soaked dicks into my muzzle.

Elara's cock surged inside me as she started licking Lucille out, pressing her muzzle in hard enough to push the lips apart. Meanwhile, I didn't quite know what to do, between the kiss and the pounding I was getting, I was completely lost in the intense pleasure. I moved on instinct, licking at the double shafts that had been thrust into my mouth. They drooled precum onto my tongue as Lucille bucked her hips.

"Oooh, Lucille, now I'm just jealous. Getting licked by two beautiful ladies. Though this amazing pussy makes up for it. She's a fucking goddess," said Daphne as she continued to pump into Elara. Wrapping her tail around Elara and I, she held us together firmly, keeping my hands pinned against Elara's breasts as milk dribbled out into my fur and paw pads.

"Oh, goddess! Elara, just how many times has Sarah given you head? Her tongue is incredible!" Lucille was holding my head with both hands as she tested how much of her dicks she could fit into my muzzle.

Elara didn't answer her, instead pressing her muzzle in further and licking deeper, nuzzling her cute bunny nose against Lucille's clit. Lucille squealed, spraying pre down my throat with blasts almost as strong as an orgasm. Elara ground on Daphne's dicks, being so unabashedly slutty that I blushed on her behalf. Meanwhile, her dick was at full mast and stuffing me so thoroughly I was getting tingles in places only Elara could reach.

I continued to moan around Lucille's shaft, my tongue going crazy, licking and pressing on all the surfaces she presented; the tips of her pointed cocks, the shafts, and the slit they came out of. I even rolled her cocks around with my tongue, which made Lucille squeal yet again. I sucked at them both, trying to draw them even further into my muzzle, my tail flicking back and forth feverishly. My moans were starting to become more high pitched as Elara's flare dug into the walls of my depths in ways only her cock ever could. Only a few thrusts later, those moans joined together in a scream around Lucille's cock; my pussy clenched and rippled around Elara's shaft.

Daphne was having almost as much trouble keeping it together as I was. Elara was thrusting back hard, smacking that rabbit ass against Daphne to force those dual shafts as deep as they'd go. Daphne gripped Elara's hips, trying to match the mad thrusts. "She's a machine, Lucille, she's trying to force the cum out of me!"

Lucille started fucking my maw harder just as I had figured out how to handle her twin pricks. She was gasping and hissing in pleasure, deep into the rutting. She was no longer teasing me, she was trying to get off. Then Elara mashed her muzzle against Lucille's cunt, growling to vibrate her oral treatment and brought Lucille even closer to the edge.

While I was cumming, Elara thrust faster, bouncing me against her. She started to squeal as I felt the bulge Daphne was making in her belly pulse from how hard her pussy muscles were milking Daphne's pricks. As her pussy was going off, her knot swelled, popping in and out of me while her whole body, every muscle, became devoted to carnal pleasure.

Daphne was hissing with each breath, the tip of her tail wiggling like a rattler's as she got closer to the edge. Elara's cumming was making it impossible for her to hold back, and soon she unwrapped us to make sure her tensing muscles didn't accidentally squeeze us too hard.

"Fuck, you horny bunny, I'm gonna.... goddess, you wanted this, didn't you? Well TAKE IT!" Daphne cried out, shoving harder to meet Elara's gyrations, pulling on Elara's hips so hard she had barely any room to bounce against her. I felt the twin dicks explode inside Elara's equine pussy, making Elara's belly swell larger from the sheer volume of her seed.

I'd grown surprisingly comfortable with Lucille's cocks in my mouth by that point. While the two combined were a bit thicker than Elara, they weren't nearly as long and I'd managed to fit both in my muzzle relatively well, though I still felt the tips hit the back of my throat when she pressed hard.

Meanwhile, Elara's huge knot popping in and out was driving my clenching muff crazy. She was pushing me toward another orgasm before the first was even over.

As it turned out, Lucille's pussy was the first dam to burst. She mashed it against Elara's muzzle as she cried out in bliss and got her wetness all over my love's face. Elara wiggled and went to town on Lucille's mound as Lucille came, making her squirm even more. While this was happening, Lucille's cocks pulsed in my maw, firing her hot load right down my throat. She just held my head there, emptying her massive cum reservoir into my stomach.

Speaking of massive cum reservoirs, Elara grunted as she popped her knot in one last time. As it expanded, stretching me to the max along with her flare, the whole shaft lurched inside me. Then she gushed in there, yelping as her pussy suddenly went off too, allowing me to feel her tummy twitch as her passage milked Daphne's dicks again, pulling Daphne's cum deeper into her depths.

While I was swallowing Lucille's cum, I was silent, save for a steady gulping sound that managed to escape my throat. My body was less silent, my pussy clenching even harder than before as Elara's knot pressed every button I had. I was shuddering, twisting, thrashing, both because of Elara's writhing and because of my own pleasure. My cock, which had been trapped between us, throbbed hard, my knot having gotten full from rubbing against Elara's abdomen, but not quite having gotten off, just leaking precum into our fur.

Daphne tried to hold Elara still, but Elara's frantic motions were too much for her and she couldn't keep hold of those hips. She had completely lost control of the situation, moaning and hissing as her coils thrashed and twisted around us as she gripped her breasts and tugged on her nipples.

We all held our places for one glorious moment, wracked by bliss, before finally, our bodies all crashed, giving in to exhaustion and afterglow. We collapsed into a blissful pile of bodies, Elara on top of me, Daphne next to Elara, and Lucille collapsing next to me. I was moaning, Daphne and Lucille were hissing softly, and I couldn’t even tell what Elara was doing; her face was still pressed into Lucille’s pussy. I was surrounded by warm, soft flesh and it was wonderful.

The minutes slowly drifted by in the haze of my afterglow. I felt Elara slowly soften, slipping out of me with a soft squelch followed by gentle plops as her cum dripped out of me and onto the blanket below us. We began to untangle ourselves from each other, though in Daphne and Lucille’s case, it took a bit of time for them to get all their coils out from under and around us. As I was freed from the bundle of flesh, I rolled over, gazing up at the sky. It was awash with stars, absolutely gorgeous points of light on a dark blue tapestry. Exactly as promised, I could see the arc of the milky way, stretching across the sky to the south. Shooting stars were streaking across the sky every ten seconds or so, adding to the beautiful vista spread before us.

I sighed happily, and lay back, simply watching in awe. A warm body pressed against my side, and the brush of short fur against mine told me it was Elara. I wrapped an arm around her, holding her gently against me, murring happily.

“Hey, Sarah.” She wrapped an arm around me and pulled herself close. “I love you and I know I've said this before, but: I’m in this for the long haul. We can have disagreements and test each other's patience, but as long as we both work on our relationship, I'm good. What happened earlier today broke my heart because I wanted to tell you everything. Just give me time to work some stuff out and I'll make sure you aren't left in the dark without stars. Okay?”

I sighed again, tears starting to form in my eyes again, though this time from happiness. Despite everything I felt earlier, despite the questions I still had, I believed her. “I love you too hun. I’m staying with you as long as you want me.”

She kissed my cheek. I nuzzled against her and went back to watching the sky. I felt a thump as Daphne laid down next to me and I could hear that Lucille had done the same on the other side of Elara.

“Mmmm, this is lovely. I can’t wait for the next round.” said Lucille, gazing up at the sky along with us.

“I’m looking forward to being filled up by that big horsecock. Then maybe feel that thrilling taper on Sarah’s foxcock.” Daphne giggled as she stroked my stomach.

I grin, my erection never quite having gone down, my cock still aching to release its load. The thought of putting it in one of those soft, scaly slits is enough to make it throb in anticipation.

“I don’t know, I'll call dibs on you first, Daphne.” I said, giving her a toothy grin. It would be a long, gorgeous night.


I’d like to acknowledge my $20+ patrons, Arkona Kothe, Navajo Demar, Tiliquain, Warialinth, and Xaziana Tenebris for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!


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