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(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Ebook)

Going Viral at Tomorrowland - Chapter 6

by Zmeydros

(edited by Tiliquain and Journeymanic)

 The food arrived just after we dropped our clothes off and picked up my equipment. Knowing the fries would not be as good if we waited, we ate them with some of our stew as we waited for our Lyft to Tomorrowland. They were so damn good. The birthplace of fries certainly knew how to cook them.

The Lyft ride was torture because every turn and every bump made my mare cunt shower me with delight. By the time we got there, Athena and I were just as excited as we'd been in the dressing room. While walking across the field to the Rose Garden stage, I hid behind Athena thanking the universe for the fact that it was pretty quiet during the week.

"Oooh, you're at the stage I got last year! Zeds Dead is playing here next weekend."

"I'm sure they have a better time slot than me," I said as we walked toward the rose-covered faux corroded Victorian-looking copper stage with an eighty-foot-tall animatronic steampunk dragon guarding it. Its scales were made of red and silver metal, it had a five-lobed crest behind its head, and wings that stretched eighty feet out from either side of the stage. The wings were attached to arms that were helixes of brass and copper-green metal. I was in awe once again, almost missing what Athena was saying.

"Only bad time slots are around dinnertime or lunchtime when people are too full to dance and such."

"My set's at nine," I said.

"Most people eat at least an hour before then, but you're right, it's not the most prime time. It's actually about the same time I played here, I think." She led me up to the stage and then helped me get my wheeled gear bag up there. 

A guy in a black shirt and a baseball cap checked that I was indeed there and then continued his rounds. We dug into the rest of our stew, which was now the perfect temperature for eating. It had a lot of onions in it, almost too much, but that was balanced out by the strong flavors of the beef and the dark Belgian ale that formed part of the soup base. The sourness from the ale was countered by some added sweetness which Athena informed me was brown sugar. Now that I wasn't nervous and could fully appreciate Belgium's most famous dish, I was falling for it.

As we tested my equipment, we kept finding excuses to grope each other. This drove my excitement was through the roof. The sock between my legs was sopping wet, I was panting, and I felt like I had a fever. I'd never been horny enough to feel sick. As I was listening to the track I wanted to debut at Tomorrowland through the sound system, the bass line made me gasp. My clit was getting hit just enough to make my pussy wink over and over. This song was going to kill me when I played it for the crowd. 

Athena watched me while biting her lip, her cock making a damp spot above her knee.

I was relieved when I'd finished mixing that track specially for Tomorrowland's system. I wanted it to sound the absolute best possible and I'd finally done it!

As we were testing my last piece of equipment, I bent the wrong way and whinnied as my muff tried to orgasm. My pussy felt different somehow. It felt empty, it felt like it had been empty my whole life and I'd refused to give it what it needed thousands of times. I was going to have to check it when we got back. Or let Athena use her cock to examine it. 

Standing back up very carefully, I said, "I wish all this wasn't hanging only on my shoulders. Like, having the Tail Virus makes me wish my act was a duo like Modestep or Delta Heavy. Right now, I'm not sure I can make it back to my room. It's an effort just to stand."

"Want me to play backup on your set? I'm sure my manager and label would see it as a chance to promote my brand. Plus, it's good PR," she said as she packed up my Novation Circuit. "See? I've already figured out how to sell it to my higher ups."

I thought about it for a moment and my nervousness melted away. "That would be a great help."

"You can contact Tomorrowland and your people and I'll contact my people and we'll make it happen."

"Awesome!" I finished packing my gear bag as I said, "Do you think we can get some paper towels so we're sure I'm not going to leave a wet spot in the Lyft we take home?"

"You smell like a mare in heat." She looked around like she was planning a heist, then she gasped and shivered.

Just knowing every time she did that, her pussy was winking was going to drive me mad. 

Idly rubbing at her hardening prick through her jeans, she said, "You know, it's pretty dead today...We could sneak off to the green room backstage for a quickie. The restroom would be all ours for washing up, too."

Any other day of my life, I would have said "no" because it was too public and not the intended use of those spaces. Instead, I said, "Let's do it, I don't want a repeat of the elevator incident."

Walking very stiffly, she led me through the backstage area to the green room. Its walls were made of the same reinforced tent material as the rest of the stage and, possibly as some sort of joke, they'd been painted green. Shadows from the thick metal support structure that held up the animatronic dragon made intricate angular patterns on the ceiling. It was a space where producers could eat in peace, use the makeup counter, or just relax before their show. Against the wall opposite the makeup counter was a nice leather sitting chair, and a few folding chairs surrounding a wooden folding table.

Athena grabbed a towel off a wire shelf in the corner and laid it down on the leather chair before pulling off her clothes and sitting in it. "Have a seat," she said, patting her lap while her tower of stallion flesh throbbed visibly.

Tearing off my clothes, I approached the throne Athena had made. "I'm not sure I'll be able to sit all the way down," I said. "But I love this idea."

"I'm hoping your pussy's tantrum today means you've got more capacity."

Pulling off my sports bra, I said, "If you're right, I'm going to have the best seat in the house."

She stroked her cock and whinnied as pre dribbled down her shaft.

Seeing that, I spun around and leaned forward while bending my legs. We both panted and sniffed the air as she brought her prick into contact with my mare parts. Then I bent my legs more and whinnied as I took her inside me. She nipped at my ass playfully and I came right then, with only two inches of her inside me. I lost my balance and yelped between whinnies as I fell toward her lap. She tried to catch me and slow my descent, but my legs weren't helping at all and she was in no position to stop me.

Time slowed as her medial ring popped in. Inch after inch of her spire disappeared into me until my buttocks were parked atop her thighs. I came again from my clit hitting her balls, and the sensation of being completely full of cock. I writhed atop her so much that she grabbed my breasts and pulled me back against her to make sure I didn't fall to the side. My prick was pulsing in time with the bliss reverberating through me, but I kept my hands away thinking, "No! Big Tony, once a day is all you get!"

Her pert nipples poked into my back as a deluge of unbelievable pleasure-laced satisfaction poured over every inch of me. My mare cunt rolled its muscles across that shaft, milking it for all it was worth. In that moment, it felt like her penetration reached even further into me. There was pleasure and bizarre tugging sensations above the head of her phallus. My human pussy had been so inadequate. I was so stretched, so tight, and I could feel every bump and ridge on her shaft. It was like seeing the world in 3D for the first time.

The pulsing of my dick became a deep, violent throbbing and I kept my gaze straight ahead because I thought looking at it would cause too much temptation. In a last ditch effort to keep my hands from going to my prick, I put them to work squeezing and teasing my breasts.

When she grabbed my waist and started bouncing me on her lap, I cried out in joy. In that moment of joy, I remembered being able to wink on purpose and tried it with her inside me. She sputtered and moaned as I shrieked at the sensation of my walls contracting along her cock almost the same way they did when I’d orgasmed with her inside me.

She gasped out, “Please keep doing that!” 

There was no way I was gonna stop, this insane intimacy was worth the hours of feeling so horny I had flu symptoms.

As she worked herself to her second peak of the day, something terrible happened. The dissatisfied pangs in my prick became waves of pure desperation. Burning through every ounce of restraint I'd tried to foster in myself, I wrapped my hand around my dick and started stroking. My prick flared larger than ever and, though my chest was tightening in anxiety from seeing this, I couldn't stop stroking. The tugging sensation inside me became a heated pulling as something moved down the front of my vaginal wall. Watching my shaft thicken as I gained another inch of length, I bit my lip and worked it even harder. I had no control and now I was going to pay the price.

The shifting inside me accelerated, feeling both achey and good. "Gah! Something's moving inside me!" I said between pants.

"That's gotta be your balls!" she cheered.

"NO! OH NO!" I said as my cock got as thick as my index and middle fingers combined. It was five inches long and still growing. Under it, a mottled pink and dark brown sac was forming, all wrinkly because it didn't have anything in it yet.

"Sorry, hon," she said, pulling me more firmly against her to console me as she fucked me nice and hard.

As much as I hated what was happening, I couldn't deny the ecstasy, and, as my prick reached six inches of length, my balls popped into their sac. I bellowed as an overpowering urge to cum consumed me. There was pressure inside me, hot viscous fluid spreading open my brand new plumbing as my cock contracted along its length and my flare got as big as a silver dollar. I whinnied as my cum shot out so hard that it hit the legs of one of the folding chairs. A slight sting from my cum hole added a sharp edge to the pleasure. As that first volley slid down the chair leg, a second one got a table leg. The orgasm was like someone had tossed me onto a bed and I was in the middle of bouncing, pure exhilaration and joy. The intensity was exhausting and perfect at the same time.

Seeing me shoot my load, Athena cried, “Holy fuck that’s hot!” Her prick flared inside me and she pulled me down as hard as she could, getting as deep as possible, before her member thundered in my depths and delivered its bounty. 

My snatch milked it for every last drop as Athena whinnied and fidgeted underneath me. The feeling of her voluptuous sac under me making everything even better.

When all was said and done, I felt like I'd been destroyed, put back together, and destroyed again. Giving in had felt too good and now I had an even bigger prick to contend with. A prick that could give me more pleasure than ever before.

After she pulled out of me, she got on all fours and offered her pussy to me, crying out in lust as her pussy winked. “Please, I need something in me so bad.” She was looking back at me, her eyes begging me to shove inside her.

I didn't dare use my prick because I didn’t want to chance it growing even a half inch longer and it was sore from cumming so hard. Instead, I opted to eat her out, something I'd done so many times in the last couple days that it seemed completely normal for chicks to have horse pussies. That didn't make it any less fun, however. I took my time, teasing her until she was begging me to pay attention to her clit so that she could cum.

When I finally did touch her clit, she whinnied and wailed so loud I was worried people would come to check on us. I fisted her while she was still cumming and got a surprised, but appreciative, shriek out of her that made me laugh.

While she recovered from her orgasm, I cleaned my jizz off the chair and table legs. The high from the sex started to wear off, I became a bundle of raw nerves. My arms and neck ached and I felt like coughing because my throat was so tense.  

Was I going to be able to do my set? Would my now six-and-a-half-inch-long dick and the balls under it distract me too much? What about bigger? At this rate, I'd have a cannon like Athena's between my legs before the week was out. It felt inevitable that I was going to be "The Girl That Got a Dick at Tomorrowland."

All it would take is one image of my crotch when I had a tent. If I went through a lot of effort to hide it and wore really baggy pants or something, rumors would start anyway. Likewise if I found a skirt that actually worked and suddenly started wearing it. I liked to ride my bike to get around Boston and almost never wore skirts. Plus, even if I got special underwear that would hold my dick against me, it might find its way out my leg hole when it was getting erect and push my panties up making a tent in whatever I wore. It was something that had happened to Neon Kelp on more than one occasion.

When we'd been together on Sunday, I saw several people trying to discreetly snap pictures of the stiff pole running down Athena's pant leg. She’d taken it in stride, but it had made me nervous. Fame was like being in a pressure cooker and I was starting to feel like I... 

"Hey, Athena, maybe you should just do my set, I don't think I'm cut out for this."


I’d like to acknowledge my $20 patrons, Navajo Demar and Warialinth for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!

(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Ebook)


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